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Old 09-15-2003, 07:53 PM   #1  
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Unhappy Confession Time

When we went to the State Fair on Saturday, I did great and didn't eat anything at all. Then on Sunday and Monday, all I've done is eat all day. I mean EVERYTHING!!! If it's not nailed down, I've eaten it.

I'm completely stressed out. We've been told that we have to get rid of our dog or move. I have until October 1st to find a house that will take 5 kids and a 70 pound dog. Then I have to find a way to come up with the deposit and first month's rent.

Why can't I find a better way to deal with my stress than eating? I know that it only makes me feel worse, but I do it anyway. I know better, so why do I do it? I'm sure that I must have put on 5 pounds in the last two days. If not more. I've been like a continuous garbage disposal.

We've been in this house for over 4 years. Since my youngest was a newborn. I've got all of their heights on a wall in the laundry room, and they've made so many memories here and now we have to leave and I have to find a new place. I"m much more stressed about trying to find a new place then I am about leaving this one.

I'll never be able to maintain if I don't find another way to deal with my stress. Not to mention taking off this last 38 pounds.

So now I've confessed and they say that confession is good for the soul, but I don't feel any better. Thanks for listening anyway.
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Old 09-15-2003, 10:17 PM   #2  
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Oh dear, you poor thing...I'm so sorry you're faced with the upheaval and disruption of having to move. I'm sure you'll find another house soon that'll bring you and your family a whole new set of happy memories, but I know hearing that doesn't help you right NOW!

You've asked the million dollar question...WHY do we respond to stress by over-eating? I truly believe it's some kind of chemical imbalance or something to do with our genes, because the thin people I know say the last thing they think about when they're stressed out is food. It's beyond me. It's not even that the food provides comfort and distraction from the stress seeing as it brings guilt rather than comfort and just creates added stress!

Once the uncertainty of your living arrangements is over and you get a handle on the current situation, I'm sure you'll get back on track foodwise (and think how all that packing will burn calories). Now is not the time to fret about maintaining or losing that last 38lbs. (wow, only 38 to go - doesn't that still amaze you whenever you think about it??). Just worry about one thing at a time - you've got enough on your plate right now (hmm, poor choice of words? )

Seriously...we all get stressed out and we all have to handle it somehow or we'd explode, it's not a weakness, it's a defense mechanism. Once this current stress is over and life is on a more even keel your "weight life" will follow in like manner, I'm sure of it
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Old 09-16-2003, 01:17 AM   #3  
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Oh, no, I'm so sorry! Sometimes the local animal shelters keep lists of places or management companies that work with landlords who allow pets. I imagine the kid part isn't as difficult as the dog part, but I don't know.

I think that stress eating is a habit, and one that's so darn hard to break. You're used to doing it so it's the first thing you do when that horrible stress hits. It's hard to replace the behavior with something positive, but I think that's what we who stress eat need to learn to do. In a post below, I mentioned some strategies that someone else posted that I thought were really good ones.

That old adage, one day at a time works here, I think. Try to think of what you'll do for one day that won't involve stress eating, and don't worry about the day after that or about maintaining your weight loss. That just adds more stress to a stressful situation.

I'm glad you were able to share what's been happening with you. Even though you don't feel better, at least remember that while you were typing you weren't eating! So the next time you feel like eating, get on the computer and write an essay!
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Old 09-16-2003, 11:24 AM   #4  
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Mother Goose! I'm so sorry - that IS a very stressful circumstance. . . Man, We've got so much junk I can't imagine a last minute move.

You're a very dedicated dog owner! We would do the same thing - our doggie is our furry child.

It's good that your recognizing your reasons for eating. You've been doing this so long and have had such amazing success! Now that you've 'fessed up to the last couple of days, you can get right back on track without too much damage. I'll bet it's not 5 pounds - but if it is, I know you're going to chalk it up to experience and get right back on plan.

You can do it! Prayers for your living situation and the stress that goes with any move. . .
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Old 09-16-2003, 12:25 PM   #5  
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Coming here IS the first step. Maybe it didn't make you feel better, but now that it is out in the open, maybe we can help.

When life becomes out of the ordinary is when our routines go down the drain. You eat because that's what you know.

I am going to be the unpopular vote here. Don't wait until tomorrow, don't wait until this passes. You need to get this under control NOW!!! We all need to learn how to follow our programs when stress hits or when life is not normal. It's crunch time, you need something in your life that is routine (since the rest of it isn't). make it your food and exercise.

Please know that I feel so bad about your puppy situation. We once had to give our cat away due to the situation, only they would not let us out of our lease. I pray that you find a resolution soon!!
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Old 09-16-2003, 01:03 PM   #6  
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I guess my big question is why, after 4 years, do you have to move because of your dog?

Ok, yeah, eating due to stress is a rotten thing. I'm in the middle of doing it now because I'm about to take a trip up to Alaska to see my father who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, has suffered three strokes, and drank enough in the last 6 months to complicate things with alcohol induced dementia. It's bloody scary to face seeing him like this when the last time I saw him he was his usual cantankerous old self.

An interesting news article on stress eating...

What I'm taking away from this article is what so many of us seem to have a hard time with. Anything done short term or non-habitually is generally not going to hurt us. I think what I'm learning about myself though, is that once I start the stress eating, I can't seem to stop. So grabbing that one chocolate bar when I'm tearing my hair out and it calms me down is not the problem. It's that the one chocolate bar turns into fast food for lunch, then pasta for dinner, and ice cream for dessert, and ... on and on. And when I'm in the middle of major stress, my focus is NOT what's going into my mouth, it's all about not having a nervous breakdown.
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Old 09-16-2003, 11:29 PM   #7  
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Thanks for the support everyone!! I have had a couple of really BAD eating days, but at least I did exercise today. I am meeting with a guy tomorrow afternoon about a house, so hopefully everything will work out.

I never realized how much stress drove me to eat. It used to be that I just ate all of the time, so I didn't realize it when I was stress eating. Now that I'm so careful about what I eat, I really can feel it when the stress is what's causing me to want to overeat.

Jillegal, we do have a toast to make in a couple of months, and that is definitely one of my goals, so I'm back on track first thing in the morning. I don't want this to get any more out of control and I definitely want to be ready for that toast of ours!!

RavenToy, I'm really sorry that you're having to go through that with your dad. I went through 2 years of Alzheimers with my grandma and it was really terrible. I've been through it if you want to talk.

I really appreciate the support from all of you and you're right that coming here was a good first step. 'Fessing up was the first step, and the support from all of you will help get me back on track. Thank you!!
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