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Old 01-21-2007, 12:35 PM   #1  
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Default Hot & Healthy Challenge Chicks 01/21/07

What is Hot & Healthy Challenge Chicks?
A bunch of us were all part of different challenges together, and when the challenges ended, we decided not to! So we all came together and decided to start a long term challenge group, and we called them the Hot & Healthy Challenge Chicks!

-Anyone can join the group no matter what your goals are or where you are in your weight loss journey.
-We are here to support each other, encourage each other, laugh together, and cry together.
-Our unified goal is to exercise, eat right (whatever diet plan we may each separately be following), and have fun!
-We encourage new members, as the more that join, the more friends we have to support us along the way!
-We only ask that you follow one teensy, tiny rule. At the beginning of each month we state what our goals are, and they can be WHATEVER YOU WANT!
Then at the end of the month we can share how well we did with our goals, etc. However, sharing at the end of the month is completely optional.

We can do this!!
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Old 01-21-2007, 06:20 PM   #2  
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hey everyone just finished watching the football game our team lost it was kind of depressing but they came a long way so its okay its crazy because it seems the whole city is silent.
On another note i got a new scale and it said 225.5 as well so im sticking with that
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Old 01-22-2007, 12:50 AM   #3  
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Well today I even surprised myself and got two miles done with my walking tape for abs. I was really slow most of the day, so figured I would not get my exercise in, but I did and am really pleased.

I also have been good with my eating, even made a nice salad and topped it with some cheese and two strips of bacon for protein, had a smoothie this morning for breakfast and will have another maybe before bed, but am not hungry, I did get some frozen yogart in for desert after my salad. Not too bad a day for food. Got busy changing over files from 2006 to 2007 and forgot to eat, till I was starving, and had finished one large file.

Have a good day tomorrow everyone.
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Old 01-22-2007, 10:18 AM   #4  
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Hi Everyone; welcome Sumi (I'm new too, still learning everyone's name and goals, trials and tribulations).

I managed 3 hours and 8 mins. of hard cardio and wts. last week. I'm still *afraid* of my scale, but my tape measure and full length mirror show that there is mid-section is tightening up and my waist is 33.5", my left thigh is 22.5"

I didn't exercise on Sunday (unless you count housework), but started back today with 38 mins. of hard cardio/heavier wts. sets. I'm at workout #20 for the month....maybe by the time I hit workout #50 I'll be ready to tuck in my blouse!

Jasmine, your previous explanation post gave me chills........and considering I was Carmela Soprano in my last life, that's hard to do... Hang in there and do your best to move up and out of that environment.
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Old 01-22-2007, 11:24 AM   #5  
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Okay I am back after a week without posting. I am not even going to try and catch up on everything. Let's just say I am going to pretend that last week never even happened, but the scale shows it. I am only up four pounds, but I feel so terrible. I had planned to work out this morning, but set the alarm for 5pm and not 5am. I did bring my clothes to work out after work today now my goal is to actually go!!!
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Old 01-22-2007, 01:23 PM   #6  
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Well hello ladies.. I'm not feeling soooo optimistic about WI tomorrow.. I guess we'll see. I've been very good, and been doing my 2-3 mile walks every day.. but I'm feeling kind of frustrated. This next ten pounds does't REALLY want to come off I'm thinking.. and the 10 after that is going to be even more difficult. BUT.. I WILL DO IT.. its just going to take me a while. Yanno? *sigh* My monthly guest is upon me as well.. and I suppose I'm feeling a little blue about that as well.

I finally had to break down yesterday and buy some slacks for work. I'm wearing enormous 14's that I can literally pull down without unbuttoning or unzipping.. ok, that makes me feel good and the 10's I bought are nice, but not realistic.. I wear a 12, but why oh why don't they make slacks with length already? What happens to the girls that are average size but have 33 inch inseams? HUH? ARGH!! So, I settled on two inexpensive pair of Dockers (on sale/clearance at Kohl's, cause I simply won't pay full price while I'm still losing!!).. its not what I WANT, but they'll do in a pinch and I really only did have two pair of pants that I could still wear. I'm kind of tired of wearing the same outfits week after week.. I'm going to be thrilled to lose all this weight so I can get a new wardrobe for cryin' out loud! lol

I may just have to see that 140 is a more realistic goal for me as well.. and I'm ok with that, I just reaaally wanted to have a few pounds to play with.. kwim? We'll see..

Ok... now I've complained enough.. time to get back to work. lol.. Have a super day everyone.. and super hugs to you all !!
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Old 01-22-2007, 01:35 PM   #7  
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Marblefly - thank you for the welcome and everyone else too!

I am already out to a bad start, I got a call from the Doctor's Office and my blood work came back unchanged. I have a ferritin of 2 and my hemoglobin is still under normal. They said yet again "lets give it 3 to 6 months and see if it improves", its been since june since I started iron. And over a year since I have felt like myself. I have no energy and can barely function. I started bawling on the phone. I am just so frustrated with this!! I wish I could just feel normal again and get my life back.

Sorry for the rant, I know it doesn't really have to do with weight loss.

I am glad I can read about all your stories, it really helps!
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Old 01-22-2007, 02:11 PM   #8  
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Hi all, hope everyone is well. newbies!

I did take yesterday off from exercise. I hate exercising on Sundays; I just need to know that one day is just down time. I did ok eating over the weekend; nothing really off program but probably a little more calories than during the week. I can't seem to find the time or remember to track my food on fitday on the weekends. I keep track of it in my head but it's nice to actually see the numbers.

I did 25 minutes on the totaly gym and 3.25 miles on the treadmill. Not quite as quick as this past Saturday's workout but that was cause I was playing with my new (well, ok refurbished) ipod!! I LOVE THIS THING! I'm going to have to take a day and actually figure out which songs work best with which speed so I can create warmup, cooldown and cardio playlists. But it's sooooo much better than the cd player that we have or even a portable cd player. I've already got about 45 songs on it and that's just from some of our cds. I highly recomend mp3 players! I just hope technology doesn't make this completely obsolete in 5 years!

Didn't get the dog out today. We are both disappointed about that. Too much time w/the music and prepping for work tomorrow. I did reach my January walking goal of 50 miles today so I revised it for another 20 by the end of the month. Hope you all are having a great day!!

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Old 01-22-2007, 03:14 PM   #9  
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Whew. I was away for only a couple days, catching up on housework, me time, kitty time, and family time.
From what I read (which took me quite a while!) everyone seems to be back on track both weight-wise and personally.

I have stopped biting my nails. I'm on day 4. I think this might even be harder than quitting smoking. I have been biting my nails since I grew teeth! My nails were in such horrible shape. Still are! But I've gotten this liquid stuff that is supposed to make them a bit softer and stronger (they're brittle and weak right now). I have a ways to go to get past the finger tips (I've kept them down pretty far), but it's neat. I keep catching myself bringing my finger to my lip, though, without even realizing! And for no apparent reason. But I really want to have pretty hands ahhh. So I'm still going at it. I've tried everything from bandaids on my fingers to that horrible tasting polish. So now I'm trying plain old willpower. Maybe if I strengthen my willpower in other areas of my life, it will assist with my willpower towards food .

There's a treadmill I found. I think I've told you guys about it. I REALLY WANT IT! LIKE NOOOOW! I am finding that with my walking DVDs I'm starting to get really bored. I'd like to be able to just go on my treadmill for an hour, and read my book, or watch a movie, or just do whatever. Does this make any sense? I think my loyalties have swayed away from my walking DVDs. Speaking of which, I should probably do one.

Hope everyone is having a good day.

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Old 01-22-2007, 04:00 PM   #10  
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Hi again ladies!!

Mande I kwym about the treadmill.. I could so easily walk a treadmill for an hour.. my husband and I walk 3 miles per night now.. but.. really like the idea that I could do a treadmilll every night if I wanted to. If I can only convince him that the local fitness center is a good idea to sign up for!!!

Marbleflys are you a Soprano fan? My husband & I addooore it. LOL. *Carmela Soprano* who my husband calls me, and Meadow, yeah, she might as well be my daughter. The first few seasons we laughed laughed laughed at the banter between them, I swear they must have watched my daughter's behaviors because Meadow had them down pat for my daughter's. lol Just a footnote, he's law enforcement.. and from the pov of that, and the characters, its the only thing funny.. he deals enough with organized crime on a daily basis.. Anyway.. helloo!!

Martini good job on the nails. I have been going back & forth for months whether or not I should get my pink & whites back on, and now of course, my nails are all growing and even. I take prenatal vitamins, b complex & 5k of bioton daily for nail & hair.. it works for me.

Welcome Sumisan!! Its always fun to see a new face, and since I'm still new (returning new) I'm so glad to see new people!!!

Jasmine you're fabulous!! I love this post, its my favorite!!

ITRM~ Yanno.. I took the other night off from walking, and I felt sooo guilty.. It was bad.

Canuk my gosh you did well on your food!! Oh yummy!!

Hope I didn't leave anyone out.. I'm feeling a little more upbeat right now.. I can't wait to get out of here, but the day is almost up, YAY!!

I just love you guys already!!
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Old 01-22-2007, 04:35 PM   #11  
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Hi Mimi;

I'm from NJ, the X-hb is sicilian, the nails are always pink/whites, I'm blonde....the similarity to Carmela ends there. I work (surgery) I'm single, I own my own townhome, I desperately try to remodel to look like some off HGTV...hey i pickled my own french doors! I have a glass-topped desk for my home office.

my BF's treadmill is coming to my spare bedroom/office/workout room, but not until after the remodel project is complete(complete with my wall mounted could be months!
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Old 01-22-2007, 09:26 PM   #12  
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hi everyone i got a new scale says 224.8 i actually ate okay today i had a southbeach pizza pretty good too, and i worked out this am
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Old 01-23-2007, 01:29 AM   #13  
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Hi everyone, I see there is a few ups and downs in the postings. I weight-in tomorrow, not expecting too much, we will see.

Dollypie, remember what goes up, must come down, you just had a rough week, you have done well, you just need to get back to it and you will do great.

Sumisan, if I was you, I would ask for a specialist and if you have already had one, ask for a second opinion. It sounds to me like something is definitely wrong and I am not in the medical field either. If they say no, just keep bugging them, or go see them in person and demand it. It is your health therefore your responsibility and you have to do something.

Marbleflys, you missed one day of exercise, your suppose to do only 5 or 6 days max per everything I have read, your body needs to re-coop.

SD Gal, Have patience with the weight loss, as long as your eating healthy and exercising it will come. Maybe a change in your exercise routine would help, say 2 miles walking and 1/2 hr weight training. Just a suggestion.

Is That Really Me, I don't have an Ipod, but I do have an MP3 player, I think they are both neat, that would be great to get songs for your exercises.

Martiniforme, that is great about the nails, keep it up. I don't bite mine, but they seem to be in terrible shape and breaking all the time, so not much length to them, I already take a B vit. why prenatal vitimains I am wondering as I already take a normal one. Now your going to really hate me, I have a treadmill that I can't use because of my knee (remember - water aerobics and me in a bathing suit--Yuk) But my daughter has laid claim to it, but can't take it now as there basement is to low. I also have a bike and an elliptical trainer, that I can't use, seriously thinking of selling them (remember I live in Canada, near Toronto) or I would ask if anyone was interested. Or maybe I can use them afterwards, I was suppose to ask when I went and forgot. I can't see reading a book, but I guess that is because I have to hold on when I get any speed up.

Miafluker, congrats on the pound, see it was that silly scale after all. Don't u feel better.

Well I had a doc's appt. today, but I did 40 mins. floor exercise today, as well as I must of walked a mile, I visited 3 groc. stores today and did a lot of walking. I came home and had a large salad with chicken and cheese on top, it was good, then I had two yogarts and for snack some popcorn. Did not do to well with my water as I forgot to take it with me (darn) I really missed having it. So that was my day.

My Dad called tonight and said to my hubby, Sharon has not been over in weeks, hubby had to remind him I was at the hospital with him (my son showed up and my Dad adores him and of course he stopped for the Advil for him (I went in and got it and some Ginger Ale), then we took him home and I helped him get ready for bed. Then we were there Friday night for the evening, my brother was there for the weekend and my niece's tonight and my other brother and wife this aft. So go figure that one out!!!! He was having a bad day with his back, so I guess he figured he had to take it out on someone. lol

Take care ladies, have a good day all.
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Old 01-23-2007, 11:44 AM   #14  
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Mandi: I had an awful habit of chewing my nails too! Man was it hard to kick. I know only do it once in a while, usually if one breaks and then I say what the heck and peel them all off and then they feel naked. It was hard and I agree the only thing that worked was willpower, the nail polish...nope, just made it taste bad... but didn't stop me haha Keep in mind the nails you want to have, it helps! 21 days makes a habit, and I assume breaks a habit too You can do it!!

Canuk4: My husband thinks the same thing, but we are rural and thats the only doctor around. I see the nurse practitioner, not the actual doctor either. The doctor I don't trust at all and have luckily never seen him since I went to the Er with my daughter. If I do he will have a mouthful of what I think of him. My daughter slipped off a swing thing on our tree (you hang from it with our arms and swing around basically a rope with t at the end) and we took her to the er right away, she has never screamed so loud! We figured it was broken. He looked at her (this was about 15 minutes post fall) and pushed on her ankle and looked it over and pushed some more and said it was a sprain. We asked if we could get x-rays and he said there was no need because if she had broken it, she would be screaming like no tomorrow when he pushed it. She was as calm as could be by this point. So they said stay off it, here is an ace wrap, bye. Ok 3 weeks later and its NO better, she woulsnt put any weight on it. I was fed up and took her in to the nurse practitioner and said look, I know I am a crazy overprotective mom but I really want this x-rayed. You can see where this is going, within 20 minutes we had an x-ray of yup a break. Anyway there is my tangent for the day!

I am going to call my nurse back today and see if she can send me to the blood guy, hemotologist? And if they won't well, I guess I have no choice. my insurance isn't the greatest so I am pretty stuck.

I am giving up tea though, I think that is a big problem for me. I drink it all day, like some drink coffee. my husband thinks I was english in a past life. lol I am going to try green tea even though I hate the stuff, maybe it will help with a little weight too But it is going to be HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need that constant caffeine fix to do the little I do get around too!

On a plus me and the kids cleaned up the living room and got all the boxes ready to put away the ornaments on our mummified tree! haha Maybe today I will get to putting them IN the boxes and off the tree! It will be said when it is finally gone, poor thing has really outdone itself this year HAHA

Anyway I used up the full fat cream cheese today, making something that I shouldn't have but it is done and over and I will never buy it again. I started TOM ... so yeah ...that is my justified reason, damn cravings!! LOL

Any low cal suggestions for my shopping list would be great, I have a huge list already started in excel. I am doing a major overhaul, today I want to do an inventory on what I have in there. Get rid of the bad stuff and donate it or something...
-- sumi
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Old 01-23-2007, 04:07 PM   #15  
I AM healthy!
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Afternoon ladies! Well I just wanted to thank everyone for all the support and advice! You all are wonderful! I was hoping to have time to catch up on this thread today and respond to everyone but nope.

The weekend went pretty well.I actually hit 204 saturday a.m.! That was 3 pounds last week!! Yeah!!! We did go out for prime rib and all thr trimmings sat but was really good for breakfast and lunch and even fought and resisted the HUGE temptation of buttery popcorn at the movies! I promised myself I could have one at home on sunday to break up the extra cals from dinner plus to make it with REAL butter not whatever crap they do etc. We did split a mocha latte and a piece of pie too! No walking last weekend and I was too scared to weigh in monday a.m. Did really great yesterday, even made chili beans! Think I wound up at 1850 cals or so which I do want to keep it to roughly 1700 cals BUT I walked for 3 hours yesterday!!!!!!! I will give ya all the scoop later but suffice it to say for now, homeschool meeting started at being on the bus by 7:30 a.m. followed by a trip to the store and back home at 10:30 only to jump on another bus at 12:00, went to see Joey at 1:00 and we spent his lunch hour at the court house trying to figure out exactly WHAT to file to move out of state! Uggghhh As usual NO ONE knows anything and NO ONE wants to be helpful!! Over a year ago(divorce was July 2005, but cause he wanted to drag child custody out, that didn't get settled til december 2005!!!) anyhow I have the divorce paperwork but a year ago I had gone to ask for a copy of kid agreement stuff but all they do is hand you a file and say if you want something copied, paperclip it etc. There is NOTHING in that file that is an order or actual documentation etc!!!

I have tried to call legal aid many times to no avail and they are only up here twice a month! Guess which day that was? Yep yesterday! So we rrealized that and I didn't even have time to try to figure buses out etc (not the route I normally take) so he went back to work and I started walking. 55 minutes later!!!! Yeah. Stood in line, filled out forms, all for them to tell me I need a copy of the child order!!! We can't do anything further til I get that or a register of events(something like that). Walked 55 minutes BACK to the court just in time for them to close just a few minutes before!!! It was on my way anyhow but frustrating! They don't come up here again for two more weeks now. By then it was only about 40 more minutes til Jope would get off work so I started walking toward target and he met me etc. Got home at 6:00 after 3 hours total of walking mind you!!!

I was kind of frustrated and so tempted!! Carl's Jr.! , Taco Bell!! I even wanted pizza!!! But I kept saying NO! You had your "bad day" saturday!! This will help balance it etc! Fortunately I had bought another can of cashews and so I had 1 serving already and told myself to go ahead and have another. Much better than fast food crap!! What saved me from grabbing pizza on the way home was the fact I had started chili beans in crock pot before I left and knew we would come home to dinner!! Hooray!!!! Otherwise I guarantee it would of been pizza! So I am proud of myself for resisting and planning ahead.

Anyhow that particular homeschool is not like independent study I would have to spend 3 hours a day!!! I don't mind supervising and helping her here and there but I REFUSe to be her teacher! I have 5 kids and a house and a dh and plus a 3 year old I do NOT have time for that! So he gave me the number of a few other places where it would be once a week with teacher and me not being responsible. I called them and I need her ss card(stolen last summer) and waiting list is like at least a week. So I was thinking and irritated and like, we MAY be moving!!! WHy wait a few weeks and hassle and then maybe get her in and then move! I still wanted to get to the ss office but wasn't able to yesterday. So that is when I started thinking to try to see what I could get done courtpaperwork wise!

I told her at home that it may be a few weeks and that I need her cooperation in going to school til then etc, but that I am working on it. How does she repay that? I have to almost drag her out this a.m. and she did NOT make it to the bus in time although we were not sure. Joey went out and looked around but didn't see her so we thought she did. He went on bus at 9:00 to work(her bus comes at 6:50) Anyhow so I was busy in the kitchen cleaning up from last nite(too tired to do it yesterday etc) feeding katy, laundry, you know all the fun stuff.

I was really praying about this whole situation and I feel she is trying to control everything. The other nite I did talk to her again about the cutting and I told her that just for life sake in general, she needs to be careful about that. If a counselor or what have you thinks you tryed to kill yourself they can lock you up in the mental ward etc! Hurting yourself is not something to play around with. (I know she was acting out and not wanting to kill herself etc but you know what I mean) And she said something like, "I just did it cause I didn't want to go to school". So IMO, obviously we have the other influences we all talked about and got rid of which I feel contributed to it but the bottom line is this she hates school and it sounds like she is trying to "force our hand".

I can not be a "babysitter" I can NOT make sure she does not cut herself every day til kingdom come. I can be aloving , supportive, talk to her try to get to the root of the problem but if someone really wants to hurt themselves they will find a way!

I do not want her to think that any time she gets her way all she has to do is cut herself or whatever crap she is thinking in her head. Does any one know what I mean? Joe and I are trying to walk a fine line between helping her and being there for her, yet not allowing her to run this house!!!

Anyhow, around 10:30 I went outside cause I had seen someone brought a dish out there earlier so i went out there and guess who was out there? Yep!!! She about scared me half to death but I was like, "Get in here!!!"

I had alreay been praying about all this in general and just really felt the Lord is telling me to be strong, to not let her run the house or the environment.

I do still feel homeschool may be a great idea but right now I just feel like she is just trying to get away with something. If she continues to have this attitude etc I am going to have to deal with that crap ALL day. (trial basis is also a great idea)

ANyhow but the point is I asked her to go to school for another wek til we can figure this out and she can't even do that. When she first got home I tried to explain to her all the stuff I am dealing with right now and that I am trying to do what I can to get her in a home study but that I need her cooperation for another week or two to be able to do this and that I need her to GET to school til then! She just gave me a hard time about it and sat there with a blank look and couldn't even give me a yes or no just a 'i guess', ya know, just basically being a brat. I am sick of it!

I told her fine, homeschool is off for now! That it is a priviledge and that maybe in a week or two I will rethink it if she can show me cooperation and something different! I told her that if she does not get to school, then I will be calling the truant officers to come get her and pick her up for school!!!

Other than that for now I don't know what else to do. I haver tried the "understanding parent stuff" and it didn't work. Maybe it is time for some tough love!

So I told her since she is home she will be scrubbing the kitchen walls and sweeping and mopping etc. At first she tried to go in the bathroom but I got her to come out and she did get stuff done without further pressure and w/out being sluggish which is what she normally would do when "forced" to do somthing. I took her dvd player and vido game away temporarily. She didn't want to eat anything and got her stuff done and came and asked me if she could play her game, I told her no. She did a great job helping and I appreciate it but she missed school so no for today.

Anyhow does anyone have the 411 on truancy and all that? Arrrggghhhh!!! I just want to move us away from here! Please be praying for us on that end as well. Everyone. Thanx for letting me rant!!!!

I hope all of you are doing well with eating and losing. I am hoping to lose another couple pounds this week. No walk today. I did enough yesterday!

Last edited by Jasmine31; 01-23-2007 at 04:12 PM.
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