Easter challenge for us wonderful FCUKers :)

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  • I went to the real woolpack as a kid before they changed to a tv set. I have been to Saltburn where they film heartbeat when ever anyone has to fall off a pier or go near water.
  • I just had to check I'm on right thread...heartbeat...easter challenge...yeah that makes sense...
  • Well, Did you see anyone fall off

    Monday and Tuesday were good so thats made up for Sunday's madness
    Did'nt do any exercise yesterday though and i'm not really in the mood tonight
  • Cat:

    They changed the name... It's really called the Goathland Hotel, unfortunately not a Jason Durr to be spotted last time I went up! *DROOL*

    They use a set in Leeds now cos it causes less disruption to the landlord who is a miserable G*T and rakes in appalling amounts of money from the daft tourists who cram in every day...

    They still use the outside of it, and the garage and all sorts, I think our field was in it once...
  • I don't believe it, I made Easter goal, a week and a bit early!!!! I've had a tough week, but kept up with the exercise, which has certainly helped. Phew!!!!!

  • well done kykaree, and thanks for reminding us theres only a week left
    dont think ill be reaching my goal by next week , but i have had some loss which is much better than none, ill be in top form for the next challenge though..........once we all come up with what it will be
  • Yes v well done kykaree
  • Awesome Job Kykaree

    Frus, whats it like to have a famous field
  • Thank you all, I have had a recurrance of depression this past week, which I haven't had in years. It took every inch of will power to not eat a huge block of Cadbury's turkish delight chocolate. I am so much a comfort eater, I have become a comfort walker instead!!!!
  • well , well done to you on both counts
    ive made myself up a cd with all my fave 80's cheesy songs and have spent all morning dancing my heart away as well as doing the housework, my poor hoover didnt know it was going to be turned into fred astaire for the morning, im dancing away the urge to have some after 8's......... dont know where they came from, but they are there screeching at me, but im determined to lose my 2lbs gain this week and hopefully if i work really hard i will be in line or almost on my 10lb easter challenge
    if its crossable ladies, then please lets join together in a forum cross

    i think ive lost the plot
  • @ Ginger

    Oh my gawd Kykaree, that is my ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE CHOCOLATE BAR I would have certainly caved and eaten the whole thing Well Done
  • ive done it...............yessssssssssss yesssssssssssss yesssssssssssssssssssssssss, ive lost the 2lbs i gained even though its not officially my weigh in until monday i couldnt help but share this, now im going to keep up the extra hard work ive been doing all week , really knuckle to it over the weekend and i may even show a small loss on top of that.................ah life is good today
    i hate turkish delights so id have been safe, its pouring of rain here today again thankfully, the rain has been helping me to walk a little more briskly than normal this week, and ive decided to walk to work tomorrow over 4 miles!!! DH says im mad walking that before doing a 12 hr shift, but he doesnt understand about the FCUKERS challenege for easter stoopit man
  • @ toot "the FCUKERS challenge or easter...."

    I got mocked cos Mr Him Indoors didn't think I'd be able to roll my lardy arse out of bed at 9am on a Sunday morning to go to a Yoga class! I said it's alright, he could come swimming with me afterwards if he missed me! He then made excuses about it being his "work" day! He never surfaces till 12noon anyway!
  • typical man full of good advice, just not capable of taking there own advice