The Venting Thread

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  • I want to pummel my co-worker with candy. We'll call her Jane

    Jane started a candy dish in our office and keeps it stocked. I'm finally back to eating better and working out and everytime she goes to the can she offers me one. She is nice older lady and I know if I say anything all she will hear is me being rude. blah.....
    She's also one of those people who eats very little so when we go out to lunch she offers me whatever she can't eat. I'm ok with saying no but all I can think is do I look like a human garbage can?

    Ok, not that I got that out.
  • uughh,, I an't get back into gear ladies! I've been off plan for 2 weeks! I had a really long TOM and finally he is getting ready to go away! geesh! I've eaten soooo horrible! I know I've gained I can feel it but I'm too scared to step back on the scale and see what damage I've done!
  • Miriam I'm having sort of the same issue week of PMS and a week of TOM. So I usually give myself 2-3 days of being on plan before I get back on the scale.
  • I want to beat my friends to death sometimes. Making fun of yon larger people "Fatimpediment" instead of "Speech impediment"...who'da thunk. And screw me for laughing along a small bit, though I did say one thing. "You do realize that I am fat, right?"

    Cue excuses! "Oh, I never notice!" "You carry your weight well" "You arent like those OTHER fatties, at least you try!"

    Yeah, yeah. Pfft.
  • I would love to tell all my friends at work ... ENOUGH WITH THE FOOD ALREADY. It seems like there has been a "celebration" every time you turn your head. And does anyone except me bring fruit or a veggie tray? No, they bring cheesecake brownies with fudge topping. I already sit in a room for 10.5 hours a day, please stop sabotaging me! I can do it all on my own, lol.