Christian Encouragers ~ NOVEMBER

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  • I would love some of that snow, can't even imagine being that cold! I have baby goats due Thanksgiving day, so excited! I don't know if you have ever watched a birth but you sure can feel the presence of our Lord, it is amazing and even more amazing when you help them have that baby. What is really precious is Mama and baby and their first talk to each other. Wish y'all could be here to see! Nita Ann
  • Hi all! Just came home from a lovely evening visiting with friends. Didn't eat too much and feel really good. It's been a crazy week again. Something up each evening. Keeps me out of trouble I guess.

    I've been doing well with my eating but know that I need the exercise in order to start dropping the pounds. I hope next week isn't as busy so that I can get a couple of walks in.

    It's been quite cold here and we do have some snow on the ground. I'd be glad to send it to Nita if I could. My feet are so cold right now!! I've been making myself tea each evening. It's low calorie, it warms me up and it keeps me from munching. All good!!

    Tomorrow is busy with going to church and then watching the Grey Cup. That's the Canadian equivalent to the Superbowl. Quite an event!!

    Better get going and get some rest. Have a great Sunday!
  • Hello All and thanks for the warm welcome. I have actually been lurking much longer than you folks know. I was trying to remember when I first came onto this site and I believe it was over a year ago. Quite honestly just to see how my sister was doing and to keep up-to-date on her day to day happenings. We live quite a distance apart (500 miles) and get a chance once in a while to chat on the phone and usually for hours when we do! I read most of the posts and have responded to as many of your prayer requests as I could, especially my DS (Justwant2Bhealthy)throughout her housing ordeal.
    Justwant2BHealthy - love all your updates and a nativity scene sounds awesome! Do you have one already? Did DH make it for you....I know how talented he is with his woodworking! I have a little Christmas village I put out every year and now that I'm thinking about it, I should get working on that. DH and I were busy today steam cleaning our carpets. We love our animals but we sure can't wait until we don't have any more cats with DH having asthma and allergies. We have the one that is so old now and he is having accidents. Spooky (affectionately referred to as Poopy) also had another seisure tonight. The old boy just doesn't want to leave us yet, but we may have to consider putting him down. We so wanted him to just pass on his own, he's 19 1/2 now but keeps rebounding. The other is our DB's and he really is a sweetheart. Hopefully our Shibby will be with us a few more years....we hope so anyways.

    CountingDown - I actually wanted to see my sisters pics of her new place too as well as PM. Wow to your decluttering job. Great idea to donate....there is always someone in need out there.

    ronni62 - It is a special place & like I said I've actually been lurking around for quite some time so am really familar with each of you!

    Nita Ann - Am praying for rain for you and it sounds like you have quite the menagerie of animals there! Baby goats are so cute.

    ECmom - Hope next week proves to be better for you and am praying your cold improves!

    EZMONEY - You sure work long days!!!!! Age really does make a difference. I could have handled those type of hours up until a few years back but certainly not now. Lately I've been really feeling my age but I take it all in stride, a natural part of God's plan. Maybe He wants us to slow down a little!

    Wilma12 - Hello and can't say I much love football but I do hope you enjoyed the Grey Cup!

    Well I hope I didn't miss anyone. You all have a glorious week!

    Thank you once again for such a lovely welcome!
  • Hello everyone! Just can't seem to be consistent with any thread other than the daily accountability, but pop in now and then.

    I'm not doing well still with my diet. My problem is just being consistent. I get a little off track now and then, but I never give up. I know that the closer I stay to the Lord the better I do but I get a little offtrack with that too now and then. Don't know why cause I really love my Lord! Today is going well though and I am very thankful with how patient He is with me!

    Nita Ann - I would love to see those baby goats! I'd be excited too!

    Wilma - brrr you are making me cold just reading your post! We think it is getting cold here but nothing like you have. I think here (NW) it's more because of the cold rain. We've had a beautiful fall though for the most part and have to resign ourselves to the fact that it is time for the rain. I too drink hot tea a favorite is Good Earth Sweet & Spicy, Decaf. Gets me through the evenings often as it is sweet enough to make me feel I have a treat but without the carbs and calories.

    I was just thinking today how good I feel when I've enjoyed a meal but haven't eaten "too much!" I want to experience that feeling all the time.
    Actually I do pretty well with my regular meals but it is potlucks, restaurant meals and snacks where it's harder for me to keep to just satisfied versus overly full.

    Don't think I have welcomed you yet, Numpster, so WELCOME! There are probably lots of other new people since I don't visit this forum often. If so, please accept that welcome for you as well.
  • Wow, work all weekend and attend church, and I get behind in my posting!

    Gary - glad work is going well, even if it is a distance. DO post DIL pics Glad your nephew is doing well too! Hope the scale cooperates given your Mexican "fiesta".

    Rosebud - had to laugh at your post. I've done the same thing - squirreled away staples and then found that I had way more than I thought! At least they are items you can use

    Nita Ann - I've never seen any animals give birth except dogs and cats - goats sound wonderful! What a Thanksgiving blessing!

    Wilma - do try to get those walks in - exercise makes a huge difference for me! I'm with ya on the tea - I have been drinking it like crazy. My new infuser mug is delightful, allowing me to use some of my loose "gift" teas that my children keep buying for me. I'm thinking of asking for a new teapot for Christmas

    Numpster - a 19+ cat? Oh, my - that is OLD! We have 17 year old that the neighbors left behind when they moved 10 years ago. He became the neighborhood cat (mostly outdoor since his owner had allergies and kept him outside). But now that he is ancient, we keep in in the house with us most of the time. In fact, he is laying on my computer helping me type (he loves the heat from the fan).

    So glad you joined us!!! I'm finding out more about Rosebud every day

    maryea - glad to see you again! Stay strong with that eating - consistency is key! I take my knife with me when I fill my plate at potlucks. I cut a tiny piece off things and put it on my plate. One bite of any given food is all I take. But, I take a LOT of different foods

    In fact, we had our annual Thanksgiving potluck at church tonight - almost 300 people. It was delightful! I tried 7 desserts, two kinds of potatoes, and 5 veggie dishes. It helps when you are a vegetarian - no turkey or dressing or gravy allowed.

    I'm hoping the scale doesn't freak out tomorrow! It is always hard to tell the calorie count of potluck dishes!

    Hope you all had a wonderful Sunday! Prayers continuing for all!
  • Hi all!

    Hope you had a blessed Sunday. We had a great time at church today. Tonight the kids put on a Thanksgiving Play. My son played Squanto and my daughter played an Indian girl. It was very good and we all enjoyed it.

    Nita Ann: We have goats too and the babies are so adorable, until they get bigger and start getting pushy! Not all of them are like that but some are. We have two baby girls from May that are hopefully going to be our future milkers.
  • HELLO EVERYONE ~ we just stayed home today and got some rest. Temps rose to -5C and had a bit of snow not worth mentioning, but it's too late now ~ lol! WE had a nice roast chicken dinner with lots of veggies; I did better today too.

    MARYEA ~ I think consistancy is an issue for me too; probably lots of people actually. It's the every day thing that's my issue; and yes, regular exercise, but right now just getting around is tuff for me, but I will survive! Nice that you dropped by again ...

    LAURIE ~ yes, thankfully they are all items that we can use for the next ? months or years? We had these big cupboards in our washroom/laundryroom, and we just kept throwing things in there ~ lol. And me being a shorty, I couldn't see them, so I would just buy more when I thought I was out. And, I laughed when you said that you take a knife with you to potlucks; I envisioned you threatening anyone who tried to put naughty stuff on your plate. How do you make sure that you get enuff protein, and don't overeat your carbs?

    HI RUTH and NITA-ANNE ~ you two have lots more in common than you thought.

    HI WILMA ~ I'm sure all that 'BUSY' counts for something; you must get some walking in going here and there; to and fro to your friends and back. Maybe your body is happy where it is. My feet have been cold too, so tonight I started wearing fake wool socks (I'm allergic to wool) on my feet and with slippers to boot! That is working well; they are toasty warm now.

    HI NUMPSTER ~ no, we don't have the nativity set yet; I'm still trying to get DH to make me one. I guess I'm gonna have to twist his arm; maybe if I threaten to go out and buy a set that costs lots of $$$, he might hop to it ~ it has worked in the past, trust me! LOL!

    PRAYER REQUEST PLEASE ~ I have another sister, and she wrote me tonight asking for prayers for her church: she and her husband run a church in northern Canada and they need prayers for 'a spirit of complaining' that has just recently come up. I have made a few suggestions like calling a deacon's meeting to discuss ideas for the future growth of the church; a suggestion box to share ideas; and ask the people to get more involved in the church's activities and celebrations. I know that she would appreciate your prayers very much; thanks in advance.

    Well it's getting late and time to get to bed; take good care everyone, YFE ROSEBUD ^^PRAYERS^^ continue for you and yours ...
  • Alright Ruth! So glad to hear someone besides me loves the Nubian goats! I had a surprise yesterday one of our spanish nannies had her baby early and its a girl! Looks just like that old billy but it is a strong baby! Can hardly wait till my nubian babies come along in 2 months.
  • Ruth - the play sounds delightful! Glad you had a good time. I just love this time of year!

    Rosebud - prayers ascending for your sister's church!
    How do I get enough protein at potlucks? LOL - being a vegetarian for 26 years, I don't. Not too many folk bring veggie protein. So, I eat a high-protein stack before I go. It serves two purposes - 1 - I get my protein, and 2- I'm feeling "in control" when I actually start filling my plate.

    Nita Ann - congrats on your new goat!

    Hope everyone had a great start to the week!

    A very productive day for me, but it was busy and I'm glad to have some of those projects over.

    We have big beautiful flakes coming down right now. It is glorious! Everything is so white and pretty and just reminds you of the wonderful gifts God has given us!

    Prayers continuing for all!

  • Hi Gals ~

    Had a great time at the Charger-Colts football game last night. I will have Angie get the pictures into the computer for me when she gets back home (late tonight) I am sure I gained a pound or two from tailgating!! OUCH!

    I have read the posts and you are in my prayers ~ Gary
  • Hello, Friends! We've had a busy couple days-time to squeeze in some reading and praying for your posts, but no time to actually sit down and write in! Doctor yesterday-the usual yearly stuff and she says I'm getting healthier-she was impressed at my weight loss. I don't want to sound prideful, but that made me feel sooooo good! It's just so nice when others notice the successes, too. Something my DH made me mention to her makes her think I may have sleep apnea episodes, so now I have to do some testing for that. Don't know much about it, but she said that it can cause heart attacks, so if any of your DH's or DW's say anything about you stopping breathing or gasping in your sleep, GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR

    We finally found DS2 a car-really cheap, but in great shape! Now, we won't have so many days where we're running all over to get him to his classes on time, but also get to other appointments or do the groceries or whatever. We went to pick it up yesterday and it just made me feel so old-watching him drive his "new" car off the lot-how did he grow up so fast?

    Today, preparing for Thanksgiving, but also for the Mall trip tomorrow. Helping take the junior high and senior high youth groups to Mall of America in the Twin Cities. I guess about 40 youth and adults are going! It's just one of their fun days they do every year to get away and have fellowship together. I'm going to try to do as much of my 5K as possible while trailing after jr. high boys! Have to do my 5K in increments as I'm just not in shape yet to do it all at once. Had too many health issues this month to be able to condition enough, but at least I've been able to get off the couch!

    You're all in my prayers-for baby goats and sisters and eating healthier and all the needs expressed. You all have a great day!
  • Good evening!
    I have been up to my eyeballs here- but did get a chance to read the posts.
    I will be keeping all your prayers and praises in my heart- and of remember each of them in prayer.

    This cold has been beating me up, but I did sleep in late yesterday morning (6:30 instead of 5 am!) and am starting to feel better. I am still tired, though.
    Tomorrow I have a half day.......and then the cooking marathon begins.

    Better go get some rest. Have a great nite.
  • Hi all - hope you had a great day and your Thanksgiving plans are progressing

    A quick post as I need to finish packing. We are heading out tomorrow and I will have sporadic Internet while we are gone, so I may not post again until the 3rd.

    I will try to at least pop in and read everyone's posts so that I can update my prayer list

    I wish you all a BLESSED Thanksgiving!

    Prayers continuing for all! Stay strong - and ON PLAN!!!
  • I will post tomorrow but here are some pictures of myself, daughter in law and daughter at the football game.
  • HELLO EVERYONE ~ had a great day; the temps warmed up to about 0C or 32F today. We had snow all night so the guy came to plow us out today. We just stayed home and had a busy day doing things around the house; cleaning, laundry, and other repairs and stuff.

    HI RONNI ~ glad you found a car for your DS; have a great trip with all those boys tomorrow. Hope your sleep apnea gets cleared up real soon. Thanks for the prayers ...

    LAURIE ~ prayers for a nice, safe trip for you all!

    GINNY ~ glad to hear you are feeling better. Don't make yourself too sick again by overdoing it now.

    GARY ~ nice pics of your DIL, DD, and urself at the game; your son is a lucky fella to have such pretty wife (she looks great in her outfit and has a lovely smile, as does your DD).

    HI NITA ~ congrats on your new Spanish girl!

    Hope all our US friends have a great THANKSGIVING week!!!

    Take good care everyone, and thanks for all your prayers ~ YFE ROSEBUD Prayers continue for you and yours ...