IP Weekend Chat 3 - 4 March 12

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  • Fun weekend at our house... My
    Sons last hockey tournament of the year!! Won 1- lost 1 and play tomorrow am- he's only 5 and is having a blast NSV- not devouring the pizza we ordered for supper... Instead I had baked chicken breast with lemon and rosemary, roasted asparagus and popcorn cauliflower (my new favorite!!) and you know what?? My meal was far better that delivery pizza- and I felt better after and i'll feel better for resisting next week on WI day!! NSV # 2only on day 11... Already fit into jeans I haven't worn since last summer... Yeah!!
  • Quote: But if I were American I would do IdealtoGo for sure. We can't do that in Canada. The IP products are very good and the recipes your coach doesn't like make the program so much more fun. I make them with alternative products but they don't work as well, acceptable but sure different.

    Actually I wouldn't even wait for another week, I try to see if you can join that right away. They may not let you because there is a clinic in your area, I'd tell them I travel a lot or something.
    Actually they didn't even ask where I was located. I contacted Teri at Ourhealthcoop.com (my fav supplement source) because I knew she had done the program, and she was able to sign me up for the program...no questions asked. Then I was contacted by Ideal To Go, and started ordering....it was SUPER easy. I just place my order online, though you do have to pay shipping.

    I have started using some alternatives as well, and just order what I need from ITG with zero hassle!

    Editing to add: Let me know if anyone needs any contact info!
  • while some are loving the cereal - I am loving the mushpotatoes, it is so good!
  • TMI alert!!! Skip this post now if needed!

    So am I the only one experiencing horrific gas while on the IP plan? I previously ate lots of veggies and lots of fiber prior to IP with no explosive impact at all. Then I switched to IP, and I am now concerned that my house may become a combustion chamber should any sparks fly! I am obviously sensitive to something, though I don't know if it is the soy, the sweetener, or what.

    Thank goodness I am single, and I plan on staying that way until this passes (pun intended). And I am very greatful I work at home! I can't even imagine the fear of letting something "slip" in the company of anyone else!

    Any advice or commiserating is appreciated!
  • Quote: Fun weekend at our house... My
    Sons last hockey tournament of the year!! Won 1- lost 1 and play tomorrow am- he's only 5 and is having a blast NSV- not devouring the pizza we ordered for supper... Instead I had baked chicken breast with lemon and rosemary, roasted asparagus and popcorn cauliflower (my new favorite!!) and you know what?? My meal was far better that delivery pizza- and I felt better after and i'll feel better for resisting next week on WI day!! NSV # 2only on day 11... Already fit into jeans I haven't worn since last summer... Yeah!!
    Great job on your NSV's!! Isn't is a great feeling when you can fit into clothes that you haven't worn for awhile? I find that trying on clothes is better than stepping on the scale. Have a great weekend and good luck on the rest of the Hockey Tourney.
  • Quote: TMI alert!!! Skip this post now if needed!

    So am I the only one experiencing horrific gas while on the IP plan? I previously ate lots of veggies and lots of fiber prior to IP with no explosive impact at all. Then I switched to IP, and I am now concerned that my house may become a combustion chamber should any sparks fly! I am obviously sensitive to something, though I don't know if it is the soy, the sweetener, or what.

    Thank goodness I am single, and I plan on staying that way until this passes (pun intended). And I am very greatful I work at home! I can't even imagine the fear of letting something "slip" in the company of anyone else!

    Any advice or commiserating is appreciated!
    No advice here but I wonder what is worse gas or the BIG C, because the BIG C is making me feel horrible. Even metamucil isn't helping...
  • Quote: Thanks, you're the best! That file is so helpful!!
    I am glad you were able to get useful information from it. I try to stay on top of all the questions like that to help out when I can.

    Just got back from my THIRD date....lol....Never going to guess what we did....hahaha.....he invited me over to watch a movie but we played Wii tennis for about 2 hours first...I kicked his booty!!...hahaha....then we watched the Smurfs....really cute movie....I really enjoyed myself, I think he did as well....and on 8th we are going to a Hockey game....GO ME!.....lol
  • Quote: I am glad you were able to get useful information from it. I try to stay on top of all the questions like that to help out when I can.

    Just got back from my THIRD date....lol....Never going to guess what we did....hahaha.....he invited me over to watch a movie but we played Wii tennis for about 2 hours first...I kicked his booty!!...hahaha....then we watched the Smurfs....really cute movie....I really enjoyed myself, I think he did as well....and on 8th we are going to a Hockey game....GO ME!.....lol
  • Quote: We are a chiropractic office as well so I can totally understand you not wanting to jeopardize your relationship with your doc! Obviously the reason people are dropping off is because of the coach and IP will notice that they aren't ordering product, etc. so hopefully it will get fixed for you. I admire you for sticking with the plan despite the struggle with your coach! IP offices are opening all the time so if things don't get better keep checking to see if another office has moved in close to you. The program really does work but like anything else it isn't always easy and although you may not have an encouraging coach you have all the wonderful people on here to root for you!
    Hi Crstyne:
    Since you are a coach, do you know the answer to Le506's question about what sea salt to buy? I would also like to know this thanks.

    Originally Posted by le506

    calling all know-it-alls (in the most flattering way possible )
    I'm out of salt from my beginner pack and was wondering what exactly I'm searching for in its replacement...

    sea salt that is iodized?
  • Sea salt is NOT iodized although there are negligible amounts of iodine in sea salt. Sea salt contains 92 trace minerals versus table salt which is refined to the point of only containing 2 minerals (3 if iodine is added). True sea salt is NEVER white - for example it can be grey, pink, red or black. As a side note some Chiropractors and Naturopaths may recommend iodine tablets or kelp supplements for low functioning thyroid patients.
  • Quote: Sea salt is NOT iodized although there are negligible amounts of iodine in sea salt. Sea salt contains 92 trace minerals versus table salt which is refined to the point of only containing 2 minerals (3 if iodine is added). True sea salt is NEVER white - for example it can be grey, pink, red or black. As a side note some Chiropractors and Naturopaths may recommend iodine tablets or kelp supplements for low functioning thyroid patients.
    Thanks for your reply. I am just trying to figure out what kind to buy. I have run in to mortons natural sea salt at the grocery. It says it is 100% natural is this ok?
    Thanks for your help.
  • Quote: TMI alert!!! Skip this post now if needed!

    So am I the only one experiencing horrific gas while on the IP plan? I previously ate lots of veggies and lots of fiber prior to IP with no explosive impact at all. Then I switched to IP, and I am now concerned that my house may become a combustion chamber should any sparks fly! I am obviously sensitive to something, though I don't know if it is the soy, the sweetener, or what.
    when did you start?
    I was the same way for the first 2 weeks and then (THANK GOODNESS) it passed
    I told my coach and she laughed, said it wasn't common but it wasn't the first time she'd heard it...
  • Quote: Great job everyone on the nsv and loses...
    Just have to share my little victory...i started at 232, and my mini goal was once i got to the one hundreds, i was gonna order a pizza, well weigh in today was 198.8, was so excited rushed home to tell my boyfriend,.it`s pizza nite....but he talked me out of , said i haven`t cheated since i started which was jan 4th, so we just BBQed steak and had tossed salad, so rewarding...have a great well , keep up the loses
    Yay, great job on the resistance and congrats on making it to "onederland" Keep up the good work
  • Quote: Sea salt is NOT iodized although there are negligible amounts of iodine in sea salt. Sea salt contains 92 trace minerals versus table salt which is refined to the point of only containing 2 minerals (3 if iodine is added). True sea salt is NEVER white - for example it can be grey, pink, red or black. As a side note some Chiropractors and Naturopaths may recommend iodine tablets or kelp supplements for low functioning thyroid patients.
    Your statement above about sea salt not being iodized and never white has me confused. On my first shopping trip to prepare for the diet a few weeks ago, not knowing a thing about sea salt, I picked up Morton Iodized sea salt. It is white and looks like regular table salt. Their motto on the back is "Made by Nature... Packaged by Morton." It goes on to say, "Morton all purpose Iodized Seal Salt is created in the sparkling waters off the pacific and packaged in the USA."

    I had no idea they would give you a little container of sea salt in the beginner pack and I was trying to be proactive and ready to start the diet with everything I would need.

    Does anyone know if this is good or bad or what?
  • Quote: Thanks for your reply. I am just trying to figure out what kind to buy. I have run in to mortons natural sea salt at the grocery. It says it is 100% natural is this ok?
    Thanks for your help.
    Hi Cadu, you can see my post above. I am looking at the container and it looks like they've probably refined the minerals out. The ingrediets are sea salt, calcium silicate, dextrose, potassium iodine.

    I think I might be better saving this for putting on sidewalks if it ever freezes here in the South.