February - The longest shortest month!

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  • Hey peeps, just a flyby this morning...waiting for the dogs to potty so I can bring them in. Thanks for the compliments...I notice that look in peoples' faces, too..you can tell if they are lifters.

    The shoulder is feeling good this morning, no soreness or "punched in the biceps" feeling, so didn't injure it and the muscle soreness is gone..yay! I don't even want to go in this morning, lol, just tired from no day at home this week, but tomorrow I don't have to work, just a workout in the morning, so I'll take some time to catch up at home and just enjoy not having to be gone all day. My boy was a little stressed yesterday, as he's not used to me being gone so much, or so much responsibility on his shoulders, taking care of all the critter chores all day on his own. I went ahead and took care of the morning feeding and turnout this morning, so hopefully he will have an easier day today...he was almost crying last night since he totally forgot to do his homework and thus had to lose his Saturday night privelege of staying up later than normal...poor boy...growing up is hard to do, some days!

    I'd better bring the dogs in, then hit the road. Got to get parking and all that.
  • A quick check in (on Sunday Feb 14th) to wish you all Happy Valentine's day.
    No exercise on Thursday - I had to drive to Toronto to pick up BF at the airport and his flight was an hour and 10 minutes late. So we got out from there at almost 11 pm and by the time we made it back and went to bed, it was already 1:15 am. A short night for me. On Friday, I squeezed in swimming, but only 30 minutes as I had high priority issues on my plate at work. Yesterday, we coughed up $15 to do a Zumba class.
    Not sure yet what we are going to do today. It's a long weekend in Ontario - woohoo!

    Have a good one!
  • Hey peeps, here's the rundown on day 2 of the CF Cert:

    We started out the day with a question and answer period, which was good. Lots of good questions, then got up and did a review of the push jerks and medball cleans. The focus of the movement sessions today was on learning how to teach it to someone else, and not so much on doing it ourselves, so more with bringing someone in the middle and trying to see what was wrong, how to fix it, that sort of thing.

    Then a lecture/demo on the GHD machine, how to use it, and what the progressions were for working the back chain and for working sit-ups on that machine.

    Next, we had a 12 minute AMRAP team workout, with 4 person team:
    Run 200 meters
    KB or DB swings

    We rotated through each station: run, rest, kb swing, push-up. We kept count of kb swings and push-ups, so when you handed off, you told the person what the count was, and they kept going from there. You kept swinging or doing push-ups until your runner returned and the next person tapped you out to move to the next station. This was a tough one, because as time dragged on, you had to try and sprint faster, so your kb swinger and especially the person on push-ups would not get too fatiqued/slow on the reps.

    After that one was lunch break. Most folks brought their food today and just hung out. The sun was shining for a bit, so we sat in the sun, talked, and I got to hold my friend's new baby, well, he's almost a month old, but this was my first time getting to meet him in person. Interesting story there. Mom is a Crossfitter, and they had to do c-section. Normally, NBD to move the abs aside to get the baby out, but for her, her abs and obliques were so strong, they just created a wall and the docs actually had to cut through her abdominal muscles to get the baby out. She said the doc was on her after that, "tell me more about this 'Crossfit' thing you do!" Said the doc said he'd never seen abs like that on a pregnant woman, lol.

    After lunch, we learned the progressions and got some info on teaching the kipping pull-up and we also got to learn the muscle-up progressions, then we followed that up with a snatching lesson with Josh Everett...he blew me away with his speed on that one. I've been drooling over the Olympic Lifting Cert that CF offers, but now I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet...I had trouble keeping up with just the pvc drills today, lol!

    After that, another lecture on Nutrition...almost everybody in attendance was already paleo or zone, or at some step along that path, so we got into some question and answer once the basics were out of the way, which was a good discussion.

    We finished the day with a lecture/discussion on CF Programming and scaling workouts, then that was it, we got our certificates, and then some of us stayed to help put some of the equipment back, while others had to run to catch flights or make the drive home.

    No written test yet, but it was a great experience. I could definitely go through that a few more times and spend another year or two before feeling like I could call myself a trainer, but I definitely learned some things that will help me with my CF goals, and a lot of stuff "clicked" this weekend that I did not understand just from watching videos or reading articles online. There were six of us regulars from my gym that went through the cert this weekend, and we all felt like we learned a lot from working with the different trainers. Anyway, awesome experience, glad I got to experience this whole weekend, well...except for the workouts. Could have done without those and been happy, lol! My shoulder is a little sore, but not re-injured, so it will survive.

    My favorites that I learned today: I learned what I've been doing wrong on the GHD sit-up, and now I know what to do for the muscle-up progressions, for when my shoulder is better and can handle practicing dips. I'm just to where I can go to support on the rings, but a dip is still pushing it, safety-wise for those tendons, so it will be a while yet.
  • Alena, enjoy your long weekend!

    I forgot to say earlier, I'm taking the final leap to healthy living starting tomorrow a.m. Having to be at the CF cert this weekend made up my mind about it, though I had already planned to do it after the cert. Still, 2 days of being at the gym all day, of course not wanting to smoke on the breaks and smell like a freaking ashtray, was good practice. So, starting tomorrow a.m., I am starting my own personal challenge: 4 weeks of strict paleo-zone eating and no smoking. Since my eating is already paleo, except for the sugar and milk in my tea, that basically means I'm quitting tea (caffeine/sugar) and smoking tomorrow, and will give it 4 full weeks, or actually 4.5, since I joined the CC St Pat's Day challenge with this as my goal/challenge. I'm going it all weighed and measured, again not a leap since I already weigh and measure, but I'm going single fats, too, which I have not been doing, so that will be a small change there, to the diet. I just want to give it a try and see what happens, as far as leaning out and performance in the gym. All the trainers and peeps who have done it just rave about it, so I'll take the challenge, and give it a trial run. I'm going to keep a journal for it, to track how I'm feeling and what else is happening as a result. Just wanted to tell you all, in case I post anything mental in the next two weeks, if it's more mental than normal, it's just the withdrawals talking.
  • Cheryl - on non-smoking!
  • Yay Cheryl!!!!!
  • Hello all! Wow, I am achey today. No exercise yesterday, so must be routine TOM ick. I did get pretty good workouts in on Friday & Saturday (the WH Belly Off sets, didn't give them enough credit once again.) Want to exercise when I get home, but if I'm still out of sorts I might skip. My neck does finally feel somewhat better, switched to my old pillow last night and it feels almost normal for the first time in two weeks.

    Cheryl - sounds like the last two days went well! Yay! And, more will-power dust from this corner for the no-smoking! And fabulous picture - love the hair, and you can definitely see strength. Thanks Lydia for that description, I wouldn't have thought of that!

    Alena - it is a long weekend for a lot of people here, too (DH is off today) but not for me. Sadness. Enjoy your day!

    Birch - enjoy your trip!

    Rabbit - feeling any better?

    Mel - still frozen in up there? Our snow was pretty Friday night & Saturday, but mostly gone by Saturday night, pretty much all gone by Sunday morning.

    Have to go make a phone call I've been avoiding. Good day all.
  • Cheryl: First and foremost...Congratulations on your Cert! This sounds like a wonderful "hands on" experience too.

    Second....I am really rooting for you over here. I've been slugging around here since I can't get to the gym...snow. And then I think about you and feel incredibly embarrassed at my lack of initiative. Got everything I really need right down in the basement...just hate doing it there though.

    You totally rock Cheryl, I'm just going to focus on how hard you are working and kick my own butt into gear over here.

    By the way, we have another no school day tomorrow. This is seriously interfering with my "secret" mom life.
  • Congrats on the certification Chery! And I love the haircut too....

    Nice to see that everyone is around doing their thing. Love having active people to visit with.

    Had a good weekend, lots of moving, but no lifting. This week I have moved all my workouts to the front of the week because I'm going to a quilt retreat Thurs-Sat and won't want to workout frankly, not that there's any place to do it easily. Also won't have any internet access....

    So today I did a LBWO, and tomorrow will be UB. Wednesday some Zumba for cardio, and then Thursday on the way to the retreat I'll hit the gym for a FBWO. That takes care of all my LE workouts except one more cardio which I'll do on Sunday. The retreat actually goes through Sunday but we have a Volunteer Fire Dept awards dinner on Sat night, so I'll come home for that, and not much sense to drive back for a few hours on Sunday. (It's about 35 miles away)

    I did shop in my closet this weekend, and am wearing a pair of jean-cut pants that I haven't worn for a couple of years. I'm only down about 3-4 lbs, but obviously the muscle is tighter.

    Time to go have some dinner and watch and evening of Olympics. We got a new TV a couple weeks ago (on great sale for Superbowl) and I'm thrilled to see the Olympics on 32"
  • Congrats on the cert Cheryl!

    Quicky wo today & yesterday. Yesterday 30 mins treadmill, today 2x10 bw pushup, assisted pullup, squat, lunge, bend & twist.

    I'm offically ending my 10 week challenge..it worked out fairly well. I managed a wo everyday for 5 out of 10 weeks, and I ended at a lower weight that I began.

    I'm out of challenge now untill te end of march...business trips coming up, atarting next fridy and also my BD and DS BD at thee end of the month. Still, I'll adhere as much as possible in-between events, and I'll keep you guys posted.

    Mel-how are your knees doing?

    Birch - i'm on scedule with the cleaning, only the bathrooms remain to be done. How is london?

    gotta run to work!

    Have a great day all,
  • Good morning everyone. I have a confession: I'm an Olympics junky. I'm sitting here this morning watching women's cross-country skiing on the DVR. I know this isn't the most popular spectator sport in the Olympics (unless you're Norwegian), but I find it fascinating. The sport has changed so much since I was skiing: "freestyle" (ski-skating) was just starting to get popular at the elite levels, but hadn't yet trickled down to the high school level, so we were all about the "classic" style. Nothing like the label "classic" to make me feel ancient!

    Lifting is going fine. Had a couple of bad eating days, though. No excuses, just need to dial it in.

    b. strong //
  • Another place keeper especially to give kudos to Cheryl.
    I have accomplished many things in my life. Great marriage, awesome kids, work I enjoy, I stopped biting my nails, I can lose weight, I can learned to enjoy exercise ... but have been unable to quit smoking so far.
    I admire and congratulate you.
  • Cheryl: another voice here supporting you in your decision to give up the smokes. Or cancer sticks, as my father used to call them.

    SusanB: you're in a difficult job as regards giving up smoking. But you can. (And you'd smell much nicer, too ... wink )
  • Quote:
    I'm sitting here this morning watching women's cross-country skiing on the DVR. I know this isn't the most popular spectator sport in the Olympics (unless you're Norwegian), but I find it fascinating.
    Or your small state has two women in the sport, one with a good chance of getting a medal!

    Well, I left home this morning with several errands to run on the way to the gym, and - oops - no gym stuff! I came home and decided that I'll either (a) go later when/if DH goes, or (b) go early tomorrow so I can do a UBWO before a zumba class. The other option is to do most of it here at home, and it may come to that. It will be done though.
  • I'm an Olympics junkie too, which leads to staying up too late. I've been enjoying watching the Canadian and US women's hockey teams smack the #$^&*! out of everyone (though you really have to feel a little bad when the score is 13-0)

    I have to decide between two job offers before mid-day tomorrow. Both have big pros and cons. The upside is I HAVE two job offers (both internal) rather than NO job! Which is the unfortunate position of some of my co-workers. Just love mergers

    Cardio and cross fit done. Kind of brutal WOD that looked so innocent on the web-site!

    20 minutes, AMRAP:
    3 burpees
    6 L pull ups
    9 body weight squats (butt to parallette)

    I managed 19 rounds and kept up with the 17 year olds. Today's record was 22 rounds. I did 2 rounds of unassisted pull ups before giving in to the purple band.

    It finally stopped snowing here!!!!!

    Lydia, I hear Columbus is quite a sight. DD discovered that one of the delights of living in German Village is they can't plow the streets Her bf has a house in Upper Arlington, and she says it's easier and quicker to get there.
