Reached goal...been in maintenance...need a short reboot... anyone else?

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  • Lexi good luck are a Warrior don't forget it! You have battled to get this weight off when a lot would have said that 's good enough .

    From one fellow shorty to another ...I here you when you say even a little bit of weight shows on us! And without the added height to stretch it out in settles mostly around our middle region!
    I feel like I have been in a major slugfest getting this last bit of weight off.
    But it is the Tummy region where it wants to hang...soo hon I understand.

    Don't ever feel like you can not vent ....just call it out and it 's ok ....we all get tired and frustrated!

    I would have a more difficult time coming back after a cheat and would kick off myself being I go on!
    Sometimes in the middle of the night I wish I too could eat normally and not have to worry about it....then reality hits and I know I will always have to be vigilant.
    At least you will be able to wean yourself slowly back into eating a somewhat normal diet. You have soo much going for you...don't you let yourself or anyone else tell you any differently.
    Be proud of everything you have achieved .... And you are smart to know when you have had enough..... A diet should be incorporated in to your life like children and not be the focus of your life....or else life is out of balance...and that is neither a healthy or happy way to live.

    I wish for you health,happiness and inner peace...
    I think the struggles help make us stronger and we can draw on our coping skills that we learned here ...later in life in different situations.
    May God bless you and your family.
    take care,Roo2
  • Wow Roo. You are so sweet. You are amazing and what you have done is astounding. I am so proud of you thanks for being there for me.
  • Sara. You are so funny. I write allot of stuff to make people laugh. I love to be entertaining. I do look good but there's always someone better. I just know this chick is bothered by my hot bod so I like to bother her more. I think I'm going to wear those printed or colored pants denim that are in. Saw some at gap. That should get her all riled up. And I'll make sure to buy them 2 sizes too small to really piss her off lol
  • Lexi - you will have to keep us posted on the phase off and even the first few months of maintenance. There used to be a thread - Life after Phase 1 (it seems to have fallen off the map), but I read through every post in that thread and it really helped and gave me the feeling that "yes, I can do this, and keep the weight off when I'm finally there." I know there's a maintainers thread which I lurk, but they don't seem to discuss their meals or how there weight is holding up the same way.

    Thank Heavens! I can finally say I made it through 1 full day of P1. I went to see my coach yesterday and she helped a bit. We came up with a calendar so I can see how many days of P1 I have left and hopefully that countdown will help me. I also decided to give myself a reward for every day I stick to the plan - $10. By the time I hit maintenance (including my 2 weeks in P3) I should have right around $250, just enough to buy the Michael Kors espresso watch I've been dying to buy the last few months! Finally, I started looking through my visa statements the last year and it finally hit home how much I've spent on this diet. I need to get through this for myself and my savings account!
  • knm- that's a great idea to reward yourself!!!

    I am starting to get my shopping list together for how I am going to stay on plan this weekend. Going have all healthy OP meals planned out in advance so I don't get lazy and decide to eat something silly like marshmellows. haha

  • Hi KNM, Sara,
    Thank you for all the encouragement.

    Thank you for listing out all the threads I can use to get into on Maintenance as well KNM. You are so sweet You guys will do well, just focus on the finish line. Sara, treat this like you would a marathon. Be motivated until the end.
    KNM, Try to see this as a business venture opportunity for yourself. You can open your own clinic and be the spokesperson. And what better than to be the spokesperson, (look what IP did for me). I went to a clinic where the two ladies coaching weighed allot more than me and they had allot to say about my diet and exercise and bodyfat.....UMMMMM I didnt respect that. Practice what you preach. That what I really wanted to say. You can set an example for others to follow and be a great mentor and life coach
  • i am on Phase 3 today. Ill keep you all updated.
  • Lexi - happy first P3 day!

    Sara, I'm doing the same - planning my meals out for the entire weekend so I have everything on hand. And I've made plans with friends both Saturday and Sunday afternoon, as that tends to be the time I'm sitting around and my mind starts wandering through all my cravings!
  • Hello everyone, feeling pretty good the last 4 days or so, I am back to strict
    P1 with mostly IP food but some alternatives mixed in. I am down 4 lbs since Monday. So happy that I dialed my food in and dropped all those little extras. Weekends are hard for me but shouldn't be bad this weekend I am working an 11 day stretch, 12 hr days all weekend, so happy about that keeping me on track. Now to read your Take care all!
  • Quote: i am on Phase 3 today. Ill keep you all updated.
    YOU GO GIRL!!!!

  • Thanks Sara, so far so good
  • OK.... getting frustrated.... I have been doing P1 for almost three weeks now (YES... i had one cheat day last friday which involved a few marshmellows and a little chocolate)... but i have only lost 1lb. WHAT GIVES?????

    I think I am doing everything right! I am using both IP food and alternatives. I am sure the alternatives are comparable to IP products though. They are all from nashua nutrition and are mostly soups and omelets. I am taking my vitamins and drinking my water. I just don't understand.

    There are two things that might be happening:

    1. running 3-4 times a week has stalled my progress

    2. i got off the pill last month. maybe my hormones are out of wack?

    What do you all think? I guess I should take a week off from exercise and see if that helps... I really don't want to do that seeing I have a 10mile race on April 28th....

    This is just frustrating! I am getting to the point of saying forget it. This isn't working for me. UGH!!!!!

    Anyway, hope you are all having a nice weekend. Sorry to unload negativity on you all. I am just getting aggravated!
  • SaraBean there are too many variables to say which one it is .

    First....I would give it time.... Having. Hormone shifts, exercising with great intensity and dieting is a lot for a body to handle.

    I would try to ad some mediation 20 minutes a day to help center you.

    I strongly believe in the mind ,body spirit thing!

    Focus ....and don't stress!

    Enjoy life .. And the Journey ....sometimes when we relax and let go ....things come more natural and flow in our life.!

    I know girl you can do it ! It is not about trying ! It is about doing ....I am confident that if you let go of the doubt and embrace the experience you will find that drive that has always been there.

    Good Luck,Roo2
  • Roo2
    Great suggestions
    I started meditating before bed about -0 days ago and I already feel calmer and I lost 2.2 pounds this week. Not on phase 1!

    Sarabean-I have had reboots in the past that took weeks to see scale changes, but in the end they always came and often with really good inches lost.
    Keep at it.
  • kelly- glad you are doing well and p1! and congrats on the losses!! WHOOP WHOOP!!

    roo- you are right. Maybe I need to let go a little and relax.

    Mom-I will continue to stick with it. It is good to know others have had similar experiences.

    Just had a great afternoon with my close friends. Right now the Daffodils are in bloom and there is this field out in the middle of the woods that has hundreds of them!!! We took a hike out and took in all their beauty. It was so AMAZING!!!