December Walk Run Challenge

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  • 2 miles

    23 so far this month
  • Shoveling the snow DH had to push off the roof before the rain tomorrow and 4 miles through the park.

  • I did 1.6 miles of a walking tour in Central Park today, but it was so slow I'm not counting it. At the gym I did the bike today, so not counting that, but I hopped on the elliptical for 10 minutes and did 1 mile that I'm going to count. Every little bit helps!

  • We got 6+ inches of snow again last night. The wind is blowing terribly so everything is drifting and the snow stings the face and throat. Yuck!
    2 more on the TM

    totals 3 halls
    45 of 54
  • 4 miles through the park today and more shoveling to get the ice off the driveway. Have I mentioned i hate winter?

  • 1 mile on the treadmill and 1.6 on the elliptical.

    33.9/45 - I think I can do it!
  • 40/100 miles

    Angie and I took the mutts out for a brisk walk after church...a different route than we have done before, so that was nice....over 2 miles ~ under 3...will have to mapmyrunit.
  • I´m staying with my parents in Spain for christmas, and haven´t had a chance to update my totals on here for the past week - but 4.5 miles this morning takes me up to 114.8/125. I´ve run most days, between 3 and 8 miles depending what I feel like.
  • Great job HELEN!

    Angie and I did another Starbucks walk this morning with the dogs.

    43.5/100 miles
  • I think Helen is going to reach goal this month!
    Another 2 but was snow yesterday is ice today! YIKES!

  • 3 miles

    26 so far
  • 3 miles before breakfast this morning - 117.8/125
  • 2 miles

    28 this month
  • 45/100 miles

    Angie and I lazied out. Had plans for a 3-4 miler this morning and said "NAH" after we thought about it...that usually doesn't happen, usually one of us (usually her) wants to go....we just finished a nice walk of 1.5 miles as the sun set.
  • Today was a slow day at work, so I left a bit early so I could go running outside while it was light out. I did NINE miles in Central Park - my new record for running in New York City! (Half-)marathon, here I come!
