~*Jan Chat*~

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  • Danielle - Congrats on your loss!!! Yes, synchro is synchronized swimming. My daughter does it competitively. Your training sounds so intense.......so now I am inspired to get on my elliptical....
  • NjPants Keep up the good work

    Rana I hope that funk passes. You're right about this being about being healthy. Though the scale will move; let us know when it does.

    Laura78 How did the party go? Anything tasty/worth the trouble?

    I'm just doing a quick check-in to remind myself to watch what I eat this week. I have bagels left over from yesterday and I'm thinking I need to toss them. I don't really need to eat them. I also have dinner plans tonight and different things at work that will throw me out of my routine this week. It's not an excuse to overeat. (What I TELL myself...) The scale moved this morning, though, so that is some good news to start the week. Have a good one, everyone!
  • Going to use the multiquote feature! My first time.

    Quote: Tomorrow I weigh in. I did a quick check on Friday and saw a 2 pound loss so I'm hoping that holds for tomorrow. Either way, I'm continuing what I'm doing and then some. I am going back to running tomorrow after being lax the last few weeks. I am also bike shopping for a cheap used one on the France version of craigslist. Excited about that. I just wish I knew anything about bikes. If any of you are cyclists, I welcome your advice!
    I am also a cyclist. If you're going to buy one for urban cycling, you want one that's solid and sturdy - think of the Dutch bikes for that. Look for one that doesn't have a lot of rust, the seat is in good shape, and the handlebars -- anything else that needs fixing can be doing pretty quickly and cheaply.

    Also, when you measure the bike for your body, you want something that actually fits you -- a lot of people get smaller bikes but don't realize that a bigger one would fit their body better (and make them more efficient). The seat should move up and down, but you want your knee, when it's in the 3 o'clock position on the pedal, to be perpendicular to your toe (not further out, not further in) and your hands should be able to comfortable be there (without leaning too far forward). Make sure the seat can move up and down enough to compensate for your height.

    If you're looking for a bike for exercise (road riding) that's another story! Get a bell and basket too and very good lock.

    Then, read online about taking care of your bike and fixing it. It's not hard at all (it's not a car!) and the parts can be very cheap. Find a local bike shop to your neighborhood and make friends with them.

    Quote: Happy Monday everyone! As usual my weekend was full of Synchro practices for my daughter....at least my daughter is getting fit even if I'm not! When the weather gets a bit better I'm going to walk around the pool buildings while she's practicing. I'm happy to get back into our regular schedule today - I love Mondays now that I'm not working.....LOL. The last time I didn't have a job (other than maternity leave) was when I was 13....it's an interesting feeling!

    I have a party on Saturday which I am sort of dreading.....it will have amazing catered food. It's really sitting on my mind so I really need to have a good strategy going in and not mess things up.

    Rana - Sorry you've been in a funk.....here's to a better week for you! I agree about rude craigslist people, urgh. I use a different method called storage wars which has a local facebook page. People literally bid on things, then I leave them on my porch with an envelope, so I don't have to wait around for them. If I sell something more expensive then I'll wait. This week I plan to have a huge 'Storage Wars' week!! We have soooo much junk. Yesterday was 3 garbage bags for donations.......
    I don't know how you handle not having a job. I think I would go stir crazy! Enjoy the time.

    Monday has already started off crazy, so I am hoping it will get better. I haven't been able to weigh myself and I will have a new scale starting Wednesday, so my numbers will probably change. Argh.

    I will look into StorageWars -- never heard of it, but it's a good idea.

    Rana - there is definitely a grey area between health and solely weight loss. It's hard to find it, imo. I know that if I want to focus solely on weight loss then my health goes out the window. I know that when I exercise/train hard/focus on healthy, I spike on the scale and my loss is slower. I believe it's because I'm fueling my body instead of putting it in a deficit. I prefer the way I feel when I'm focusing on healthy, but enjoy the results of the weight loss. I can eat a 1200 calorie diet a day and see quick results on the scale, but when I do I don't have the energy to train and don't feel as healthy. It's a total Catch 22. I'm trying to find my grey.


    Had a good weekend and lost 2.2lbs this week! I ran 7 miles yesterday for my half training and my back is killing me today. Any tips on back aches after running?
    I was told to stop calorie counting, but I think I need to get back on it. My doc wanted me to eat intuitively because I was obsessed, but I think I need to start watching it again. After all, I gained weight because intuitively eating meant I eat a lot of calorie dense foods, and eating "clean" doesn't mean I lose weight if I am still consuming too many calories.

    For back-aches, if you have one of those big balls, lay on it face down -- it will stretch your lower back. Or if you can afford it, get a massage today. And take Advil. And, because I've been doing Pilates for 15 years, start taking Pilates classes, that will work on your back and ab muscles!

    For my own update:

    I do think I am back to calorie counting, so I will start... Tomorrow. Or today. I'm not sure. I need to set up MFP again on my phone.

    I am exercising, so that won't be a problem.

    And I will see where I am on Wednesday with my new scale.

    The decluttering went well, stuff was sold. I even sold a couch I no longer wanted and I just found out that the lady who bought it couldn't get it into her apartment. I feel bad, but what can I do? Another lady who picked up some shelves also said I had posted the price to be $5 less than what I actually did! I took the money anyway, because I wanted to get rid of them, but I told all of that for $25, not for $20. She got a deal and I am really hating Craigslist people now. For anything else I sell, I'm going to look into other methods. I also have the trunk of my car filled with stuff for the Salvation Army so I will make a trip out there sometime this week.

    I don't get all hokey-pokey but I am hoping that all of these changes in my house -- cleaning it out, decluttering, changing it, whatever -- makes an impact on my life psychologically and physically so I am ready for new beginnings, new healthy smaller body, all of it!
  • Hello everyone.... I'm 38 and will be joining you here... this is my second time through the wonderful journey of weight loss and kinda bummed out that I have to do it again so I'll be looking for lots of support and motivation. I'm finding it tough the second time around. So just wanted to say hi....
  • Laura - love when I inspire people! Hope your workout went well. Today is my rest day. Much needed!!!

    Scout - I get things out of the house when I think I'll binge on them or eat them just because they're there. I can't order leftover chinese food because there are always leftovers and I LOVE it cold, so I'll just take forkfuls from the fridge.

    Rana - I hear it. I gained my weight back when I stopped being crazy. Now I combine crazy with WW and *think* I've found a healthier balance than last time. I did pilates for a couple of years but just ran out of time (since I was training for a triathlon) to go to the class. Good call on the ball though. I've got one at home. I think I'll do a long stretching session tonight. I stretched before I ran, but totally forget to after. It's my own damn fault! PS - don't feel bad; the lady should have measured.

    Jam - WELCOME! A lot of us are 2nd timers, don't be bummed. At least you came back!
  • Good afternoon ladies! I went on the elliptical for 25 minutes, but really picked up the pace today and did some good high intervals. I'm waiting for the replacement battery for my HRM monitor which should help give me a good idea of how many cals I'm burning. I can't WAIT until the weather gets better and I can add a long walk to my afternoons. However, I'm a wimp in the cold and it just isn't happening right now. Plus, I have a pool and we open it in about mid-May - that will also help me with my exercise goals!

    Danielle - Enjoy your "rest" day

    Aunty Jam - Welcome! I'm back I think for the third time now....so you're not alone. Just jump right in and tell us about yourself.

    Rana - I thought I would go stir crazy too.....but so far I'm doing okay. I think it helps that my kids keep me really active in the evening and on weekends so I have the day now for a bit of breathing room. I was MARRIED to my job, so this was an important step to take. I still can't believe I did it. And people still look at me odd when I say I resigned from a very stable well-paying job in order to put my family and myself first. I will work again, but for now I'm working on getting things back in order. It sounds like you are ready for a new beginning too!

    scout - My party is this upcoming Saturday, so I'll let you know how I fare then. Congrats on your scale moving in the right direction. Let us know how you do with your various food obstacles this week.
  • Good morning from Paris!

    Laura, I have seen a bike tour or two around town, not sure if the same as what you will be taking. Now that it's colder, I am seeing fewer bikes out. I myself gave a walking tour of Paris on Sunday.

    Danielle and Rana, thank you for sharing your bike knowledge. I am wanting to use for exercise and general getting around. There are so many hills here that I may as well take advantage. I'm looking for a fairly cheap one since I'll be leaving here in 5 months. Luckily, there are many listed for sale on Leboncoin.

    Well, I stepped on the scales to find that I am still holding at the same weight. I would like to think that it's because I'm building my leg muscles up from all the hill and stair climbing. I'm beginning to suspect my weight is something like a weeping angel and it only moves when I'm not looking. now that I am watching it the scales have stopped. So I think I will not do a weigh in next week and continue what I've been doing, but more, and see where I'm at in two weeks instead of one.
  • Laura - woohoo to interval training! Glad you got it in! I'm also waiting for our pool to open up. I love swimming!

    NJ - here is a link you might find helpful: http://www.ebicycles.com/article/wha...uld-i-buy.html

    It sounds like you might do well with a hybrid bike. I definitely second Rana in making sure you get fitted for your bike! If anything, go to a bike shop and get fitted there so you at least have an idea of what size frame you should be looking for. Riding on a bike the wrong size for you would be miserable.

    Also, if you've beasted out at the gym your body will retain water like crazy. I "gained" 2.4lbs over night after my 7 mile run.

    Had a great rest day, my body definitely needed it! I woke up to practically no voice.

    I received an email this morning from one of the people in a Triathlon group of mine and now I'm feverishly researching tris for this season. I mean, timing wise, it'd sort of work out great. I'd run the half and then transition into tri training. Definitely nervous to get back into it, though. I havent done a tri in 17 months!!! I emailed my bff (who does them with me) to get her two cents on maybe signing up for a super sprint or something. Sorry! I'm rambling...

    4 mile run planned for today and still POP! (perfectly on plan) Scale is coming back down from my "beast mode" run.
  • Hi Laura, thanks for the welcome.

    I made it from 205 to 140 a few years ago but I don't think now that weight is sustainable for me. It was super tough to manage back then, I was working out at least an hour a day, 6 days a week and was obsessed with my weight and trying to exercise every single minute possible. I'm bi-polar with an anxiety disorder and OCD so that kind of obsession should have sounded alarm bells for myself and everyone around me. I'm in a better place mentally now so I can see now what I couldn't then. I'm ok with never being 140 again and probably always being a little fat...

    This time around may be tougher for me since I have a back injury now, a disc in my spine collasped and it's pinching the nerves making it impossible for me to do a lot of things I used to do. I loved to run previously and was hoping to some day run a half marathon. Now even running short distances causes the nerves in my calves to misfire and cramp up hard like boulders. It's super frustrating.

    So for now my game plan is to do my physio exercises (mostly core stuff and stretches) and lots of walking my dogs. I've been doing a bit of stretching yoga too which usually makes my back feel better but sometimes tweaks a nerve a bit. My big motivation right now is the trip I'm going on in May... we're headed to Amsterdam, then through Germany, to London and then back to Amsterdam. I want to have decent pictures and be able to do all of the walking tours.... but even with that it's tough to stay motivated.

    So that's me in a nutshell right now..... Trying to stay motivated and generally finding out the hard way what exercises I can and can't do. Sorry if this is kind of a downer... I'm kind of in one of those moods right now but I'll have it shook off soon.
  • Hi Aunty Jam! Jump right in.

    Laura78 - Sounds amazing that you were able to give it up, but I also understand that you needed to balance family and yourself and if your job wasn't letting you do it... Then better to cut the cord, than find yourself sick and your children/husband resentful of you.

    SoMuchFattitude - The story on the Couch Lady (as I am now calling her) is getting crazier. She apparently couldn't get the couch inside her apartment, so she left outside, AND then posted an ad saying that she needed someone to take the couch. She took the cushions as a "safety" precaution and some guy picked it up on Sunday... but didn't pay her. And now, he won't answer her calls. Like I said, Craigslist people are crazy. I hope your back is feeling better.

    NJPants - I sympathize with the scale mess. I am in the same boat, so hopefully, I will also see it go down soon. Hope the suggestions help and you get your new bike soon.

    Yesterday was a great day for food and exercise. No scale to weigh myself, so no idea where I am. Breakfast today was huge and off-plan, but it was because I *had* to try out this new bakery. My BF has no willpower. Eggs, bacon, and a shared piece of apple pie.

    Lunch was tiny and on-plan. Dinner should also be on-plan. Let's see what the scale says tomorrow.
  • Hello Ladies! I had another great round on the elliptical today with interval training. The battery for my HRM came in so I was able to measure......270 cals. Believe it or not, in 25 minutes, my shirt was soaked right through, I went pretty hard. Then I cleaned for 2-3 hours so that should help too.

    Rana - Your couch lady story is cracking me up!! Did you stay on plan for dinner? Your breakfast sounds divine!!

    Aunty Jam - It looks like you know what you need to do to lose this weight. I am wondering if 150 is really doable and sustainable for me since I haven't been there since.....cough.....college! It's good you're not setting yourself up for failure.

    Danielle - Sounds like you have some major plans...wowser!

    Norma - Sorry you're holding onto what seems like water weight....good plan to wait it out a couple weeks. You do walking tours? I picked this "Amazing Race" tour that they will bring us the kids around and have us do challenges while learning about the city. Then I think we're going to do a Versailles tour. Well, that or go to the Louvre, what do you think?

    Off to play Ticket To Ride (a board game) with the family...... Have a great evening everyone!
  • Good start to the year for me. Planned a bigger loss but I am happy with 1.5kg loss so far.
  • Laura - Yeah 160 may be better... ah, sigh, realistically it stinks but especially when you get older it gets harder.
  • Finally had a chance to weigh myself - I'll add it to the tracker on the other thread. Let's hope the line keeps trending down.

    Aunty Jam - I just missed your post yesterday with my own reply to the thread. I agree that you don't have to go that low again. At the end of the day, it should be about health, fitness and not about a number on a scale.

    Laura78 - Glad you're workouts are going well.

    Noshoes - 1.5 kgs is a good start. I would love that kind of weight loss in a month!

    As for my update -- I'm not sleeping well, at least not the last couple of days, and I need to figure out why. BF took off an extra blanket from the bed this morning, thinking I'm way too hot to sleep comfortably. Lets see if tonight is a better night.

    Food so far has been good today, tonight I have dinner with a friend.
  • Been MIA due to schedule changes and computer issues.

    I'm at a new low this morning. Not nearly as low as I wanted to be by this date but after the stalling/yo-yoing I have done since Thanksgiving, I'll take it!!!

    54.2 lbs lost so far with more than that to go. I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.