Time For Serious Fun #77

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    I am the of the pool! I had such a great time - I have not worked out so hard since I don't know when! My whole body aches but I feel great. The session was women only and it was really quiet - just a few ladies and a few children - so I just got in there and got on with it. I am particularly pleased because I swam for the whole session (apart from a few breathers!) which lasted 40 minutes. I remember the last time I went swimming, I weighed about 50lbs less than I do now, but I was a smoker and I could only manage 20 minutes because my lungs couldn't take it. This time I had no such problem and I just swam and swam - it was only when I got out that everything turned to jelly and I felt really wiped out! Then I had to make the 20 minute walk home which is all uphill!

    I just feel so proud of myself that I went - and I'm suprised about how much I actually enjoyed it! It was only when I was leaving that I thought 'I was the biggest person here' - but do you know what? IT DID NOT MATTER! No one cares - they are too busy focusing on their own swimming or looking after their kids. I am definately going to go again - it is such an all over work out, the pounds are sure to fall off if I keep it up!

    Thank you Faye for your words today as they really spurred me on!

    HEATHER - Seriously girl, if I can do it, you surely can! How about trying a women only session - even the lifeguards are all female. GO ON GIRL - you will feel so great afterwards (well as soon as you step into that pool actually) I promise!

    All the best

    Love Amanda x
  • Hello everyone.. Just a quick update... Food hasn't been THAT bad... I ate a SF kool cup and a pickle, and some candy canes... and I ate some of my porkchops, an apple, a plum, and a red pear. I exercised for like 18 minutes and I got tired and just laid there and gave up. I don't have any energy. I get way too tired too fast.. MY daughter is acting bad anyways, so I'm going to wait until her nap and try again.. That darn dog is barking away... hubby is laying on the floor sleeping.. oh well, I don't care. If someone comes banging on the door, he can talk to them! Well I gotta go... gotta pee!! Talk with you all later! BTW WAY 2 GO AMANDA!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hey Hey~
    Got back from my little camping trip to Crater Lake. I had a lot of fun! It was spectacularly beautiful. I've been there a few times before but I love it none the less. I had a good two days of BAD BAD eating but I'm getting back on track already today. And even if I ate a lot of nasty stuff I took a few walks while I was there and still managed to get in some water, so hopefully by weigh in day I'll be right where I was.

    WTG MSCAT!!! You must feel great. Actually SEEING the weight off is the biggest inspiration!

    and WTG AMANDA!!! We're proud of you
  • Thank u guys I feel much better.... I think ill try to go monday it been raining here all day...
    Great job- cat and amanda
    scuzin sounds like u had fun
    well my hubby is back he got subway yummy ....
    talk to u girls later