Need to be accountable Januweary ;)

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  • raionbow aw I am sure you will look nice with brown hair. I know what you mean about working out. It took me soo long to get back on the exercise wagon. How were you today with it?

    So I did get up and worked out even though my daughter's sleep wasn't good. Luckily she took a nap after her therapy and our I feel good now. I am munching on wheat thins and muenster cheese. HEavan! I did well with food...still ahve dinner left later. Hope you all are doing good am gonna try and get up early to do my p90x tomorrow because I have a long day of errands ahead of me after therapy and dropping DD at school. we shall see I have to get up really early and who knows if I can! haha
  • rainbow - I know what you mean about the red fading so quickly! I went through a redhead phase (it really suits me, I think) but the upkeep was ridiculous!

    Sun - sounds like you are doing well and balancing everything! Keep it up!!

    I've had a great couple of days. I made a fantastic dinner today (grilled tilapia with basil pesto) even though I was so hungry I ate it at 4pm! As much as I love holidays, I don't really know what to do with myself without having to go to work. This weekend, it meant I spent a TON of money that I don't really have on new workout clothes! I have a thing against buying nice new clothes for myself until I reach a new weight decade (I'm coming, 159!) but exercise clothes are completely different! Haha... oh retail therapy, how I love thee!
  • sun Terrible, I didn't do any exercise yesterday. I will go to Zumba tonight though. Yay for good food. Hope you get/got your morning work out in

    fatmac I think it suits me too, but I'm also feeling limited by not being able to wear some colours...and yeah, that upkeep...not fun. Yay for new workout clothes! I'm terrible at spending money I shouldn't on clothes that will only get too big.

    ~SO hungry today. I brought my lunch but forgot any snacks so after lunch I'll be on 560 calories and have no snacks...and I'm so so so hungry for some reason. Zumba after work and then late dinner, probably not til 8pm or so...decision time about my hair tomorrow!
  • fat,ac great job on making it op! I have been working out and its made me soo hungry!

    rainbow seems like we are all so hungry! Did your Zumba go well?

    So I did my second day of p90x and it kicked my butt! my legs and tush are sore. I also did 15 on the elliptical in the evening. Hoping to see a great loss this week.
    So next month my daughter is going to have treatments 7 days a week on top of school and regular therapy! It is going to be sooooo hectic! I feel tired already. whew HAVE to keep this up during that time as I want to look awesome in the summer and perhaps get pregnant.... decisions decisions.
  • rainbow - hope you had fun at zumba! what did you decide with your hair?

    sun - i had a couple of guy friends who did p90x last year, and made a home video of their bloopers set to fantastic 80's music - that's my only experience with the program! and as for being busy, sometimes that helps to keep you in line (or, at least, it does for me!)

    I keep declining social invitations. I'm doing really well and I feel like even the slightest temptation will push me over the edge. I certainly don't intend to avoid social situations forever, but I know it's not a good idea for me right now. I still need to learn moderation, in all aspects. But, the good news is that work is really busy so I can always blame my anti-sociability on that while I sneak off to the gym!
  • sun Zumba was harrrrd, so much sweat and my brain/leg communication kind of died toward the end so I just couldn't focus at all..hah. Sounds like things are about to get very busy for you, I hope it works out so you still get some time to yourself!

    fatmac I went red again haha, but decided on a different colour for next time. I know what you mean about social situations, and I think it's totally fine. I did the same thing for a few months when I started last year, I just kind of stopped going to parties/out for big nights because I knew I didn't quite have the coping mechanisms/skills to work out how to deal with them. Even now I've changed how I go out so it suits me better, but I think it gets easier with time...if only I were more like you and used my anti-social time to exercise!!

    ~I got in 20 minutes of Turbo Jam this morning, since it's so hot it was so hard and I sweated a lot - but I definitely feel a huge improvement in my fitness overall, it's funny to notice how much it's changed - just comparing it to the first time I did that workout.
    Hair is bright red again. I am probably having pizza for dinner as I definitely have the room in my calories.
  • Hi girls!!

    sun - 7 day/week therapy will definitely be trying, but I'm sure you'll do great with it and continue your workouts! Hmm, getting pregnant this summer maybe? awww.

    rainbow - Did you post pics of your new hair somewhere around here? Curiousity!

    fatmac - No shame in being antisocial for a while... as long you come around eventually, lol.

    My husband and I went snowboarding on Saturday with my sister and BIL. It was fun... and I am still SO sore! Kid you not, the scale was up 9 pounds yesterday. Then I didn't eat well and miraculously I'm down 3 today. Scale's totally wonky so I'm trying to rely on my clothes, but TOM is around the corner and might have some water retention for me. sigh. In other news, my younger brother let me know that he'll be deploying to Afghanistan next month for a 12 month deployment. So far I'm ok... but I know I'll be worrying as it gets closer.

    I hope you all are well! What have I missed?!
  • Stephanie No pics yet, my stupid eye issue (from a month or so ago) is back today and I'm feeling less than attractive unfortunately. Sorry to hear about your brother's deployment, that must be worrying, but hang in there! Glad to hear snowboarding was fun! I'd say the 9 pounds (or 6 now that you've lost 3) would definitely be water retention from all that snow exercise!!
  • fatmac Yup being social is definitely not good for dieters. Glad you are doing so well!

    rainbow haha I was soo bad at plyo today so I know what you mean about not being able to keep it up in the end, I love how you see yourself getting stronger and stronger! Pizza mmmmmm

    steph OH MY GOD 9 lbs seriously? stupid water weight still sore from Sat?! That must have been some workout. I am so sorry you will be worried about your bro....saying a prayer for him and you.

    Ladies...worked out today but food wasn't great...oh well... one day at a time. I really want to buy this blender they have at jc penny kinda like a majic bullet for my shakes and other things. Its about 30dollars and i am really leaning towards it.
  • sun Pizza was good I must admit. It's awesome to feel stronger as well! I say go for the blender if you think it will help you out, they're a good investment if it's a decent one!

    ~So...I kind of told myself I wouldn't buy any more dresses in January because I buy dresses way too often - I wear them all the time, I'm such a dress addict...but I failed and bought a new dress today :/ The good news is, I'm solidly fitting into NZ size 12 dresses (US 10 ish) and even some of those are a little big in the waist! The stupid part is my hips/stomach are still an NZ 14/16 (US 12/14 ish) that is kind of frustrating. Oh well! Didn't get any exercise in today but spent some time with my mum, so that's good. Making my parents a healthy dinner.
    OHHH I almost forgot to tell you guys, I have this awesome opportunity to become a part of an artist-run gallery/studio I'd get to make work there and help run the gallery/curate exhibitions. It would probably be a not-for-profit place, but I'd only be paying rent on the studio basically as we'd be getting funding from various places...I'm so excited about it!
    I also applied for a couple of full-time jobs, I think I'm going to need more money very soon haha.
  • rainbow - that studio space sounds like a fantastic opportunity! And don't worry about buying the dress; I am going to be so freaking excited to go shopping when I drop a size or two!

    sun - get the blender! I went through a huge green smoothie phase over the summer, and you can use it to make pesto and soups and all sorts of other things too. Definitely a good investment!

    stephanie - sorry to hear about your brother; is this his first deployment? I'll be thinking of him, and you!

    I binged last night. I don't really know why. I went to the store to buy tomatoes, and came out with $50 worth of crap food. It was almost like I was on autopilot. But, I ate less of it than I usually do, threw the rest out this morning, and am back on track. I'm getting really sick of this behavior; it's not healthy. I'm also having a very difficult time identifying why I do it - yesterday, I wasn't hungry at the store, I had a healthy dinner planned, not emotional about anything... I just felt like I could and so I did. Ugh. I'm working from home today, as we're expecting 7 inches of snow throughout the day so it will be challenging to stay away from the kitchen for "mental" breaks!
  • rainbow Hope that stuff works out for you! dresses! sooo cute!

    fatmac atleast you threw out the offending food! lol I would have slowly eaten it so as not to "waste" it. Bad habit.

    So I bought the blender! super cool. I have a really good kitchenaid blender but its so big and this one has little "cups" I can use to blend and then just put a rim on it or a lid to drink out of. It comes with 5 of them so I can make my shakes and just stick the dirty cups in the washer and use a new one for the next thing instead of washing out the huge blender many times a day! So convienient! So I have been working out everyday and eating fairly well,

    I seen this other thread where this girl was putting away a certain amount of money for each lb she lost so she has a wardrobe fund when she hits goal and I think I will do it too. Starting now i am going to save 10 dollars for each lb and have fun at 125 with clothes. hope you all are doing well!
  • fatmac It's more that I buy dresses far too often haha! Sorry about your binging, but it's good it was not as bad as it could have been and that you stopped yourself and threw the rest out! I hope your day was not too bad!

    sun Yay for the blender, sounds awesome! I think the money idea is great - I'm really hoping that I have some money for when I finally reach proper goal, but I can't afford a separate savings thing for that - I save a lot each week already so hopefully some of that can go towards it!

    ~Right ladies, you're here to keep me accountable, so I'm confessing to you all now - yesterday I consumed 2180 calories and 845 of those were from alcohol :/ I know it's not the end of the world, I know I'm right back on track today and that if I have around 1300 today I can leave my weekly calorie average at what it would have been had I consumed my goal of 1500 each day (had lower days this week). I also know I had a lot of fun last night because my boyfriend and I don't often go out to bars or clubs together, so I think it was kind of a good exception and it will not ruin me! Sure, I could have probably drunk less (I was definitely not sober...not even this morning when I woke up after 4 hours of sleep to go to work haha) but I knew when to stop drinking and I avoided post-drinking snacks.
    Work today and hopefully a dvd with my boyfriend later on - if I can stay awake! We were out til nearly 4am, I haven't done that in ages!
    I think the big issue is how much guilt I felt last night when we got home - I even got out my phone to calculate how many calories I'd consumed total.. I think I'm too obsessed sometimes and I think I should be able to go out like that every so often and just enjoy myself without stressing.
  • Hi girls, me again! Yesterday and today My boyfriend and I hung 26 4x8 sheets of drywall... on the CEILING! Ugh... LOL. That was my work out for the weekend, and am I beat! Breakfast was iffy, I was distracted and lazy, so I had half a blueberry bagel and half an atkins bar.... ick.

    Lunch was 1 1/2 grilled ham and pepperjack sandwiches, and a bowl of chicken noodle soup, plus some "munchies" brand snacks... I over did the munchies, but oh well. live and learn

    dinner was a beef roast in the crock pot with potatoes, carrots and onions. I am so glad I put that in because if i hadn't, we'd be waiting on the pizza delivery guy because there is no way I'd have the energy to make something tonight, LOL

    Overall, a great day, and I will sleep well tonight!
  • Andejean - days like that are so busy and stressful! It's great you made some healthy choices in there. And, crockpots are amazing.

    Rainbow - I really, really wish that alcohol had fewer calories. As long as you drink plenty of water, it will get out of your system soon! And that's great that you had a good time out with your boyfriend!

    Sun - I'm playing around with that money per pound idea, too. But then again, I'm really into instant gratification and I don't know that I'd be able to save all my money to get to goal!

    As for me, I got really sad and anxious last night. I've been getting these mini anxiety attacks at night, right before bed, and I don't know why. I also am feeling really lonely (I live alone, in a new city, 3000 miles from family and old friends) and my new friends kind of suck. I am toying with the idea of online dating, just because ALL the guys worth 5 minutes seem to be married. But then again, school is really hectic right now, so it's probably not a great time. AHHH I don't know. Maybe I'll wait for school to settle down a bit (by May-June, probably) and by then I'll be closer to goal as well!