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Old 10-09-2006, 08:54 PM   #61  
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Today was a trip to the shrink's office. Wednesday will be the counselor. Fun Fun. Today I told the shrink that about 2 weeks ago I was really depressed. She said that is about the time we had a lot of rain and several cloudy days. She asked if there are a lot of windows in my home, which there aren't. She said I most likely suffered from seasonal affictive disorder (SAD as they call it). She told me I needed a light box and would have to sit for 15 -20 minutes a day with it. I couldn't believe insurance company is going to pay for it (100%). My insurance company contacted a vender and one is being shipped out to me. Oh I hope this helps. I have always had a hard time in the winter....I blamed it on not having any family and the cold would make my fibro worse. Only time will tell if this will help any.

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The Ultimate Goal
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Old 10-09-2006, 10:18 PM   #62  
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Meme, I have long arms, so maybe it would work for me. lol

Chris, I've heard of that! I hope the light works!!
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Old 10-10-2006, 07:33 AM   #63  
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I have heard about the light box, also. Way to go on your weight loss and program.Chris.I lose weight on WW. My pants are tight again-but I did walk yesterday!! And was good. Problem is my IBS is so much better -I'll take that-plus I am sleeping. Now Brad isn't=go figure. Guess I will have to move back in den. Dog woke me up because the door was open!!! Brad!!!!
What a gorgeous day, yesterday. Didn't you have Columbus Day off, Tammy.
Gotta get some things done. I need to do a good part of my Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving so we can leave the presents for these kids here-I have cut way down. I finished the quilt for Debbie yesterday.
Joanne, you are going to be surprised at how quickly you can see after the surgery. Bye for now, Mima
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Old 10-10-2006, 09:43 AM   #64  
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IBS--isn't it so fun...not. I have gone from eating no fruit to eating 3 servings of fruit a day most days (banana for breakfast and a apple and grapes in the evening). An it has played havoc on my IBS. I am so constipated. If I take something for it I go too far the other way. The cramps are unbearable at times. I keep thinking I am going to give up the fruit but I know it is helping me loss weight. I gave up my nightly big bowl of ice cream for an apple and grapes with vanilla yogurt to dip the fruit into (helping me get another serving of dairy as well). I am in the process of changing doctors so I will have to wait it out till November 2 when I see my new doctor.
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Old 10-10-2006, 11:01 AM   #65  
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Do you girls remember the old dance "the twist"? I wonder if that would work as well as a expensive machine. Come to think about it,I might throw my back out!
Tammy- I don't think I can have any icecream in the house right now.. I will have to get some next week as my daughter and son-in-law will be here.No cookies or chips though. I have banned them. My hubbie was eating them like crazy. Then crying the blues because he has gained weight. TOO BAD!
I am going to try and get on T/M for 30 minutes... I will set my time at 11 am at least 3 times a week... Then work up. I need all the motivation I can get...
Mima- Every year this time I say I am going to shop early for Christmas.. Haven't really made it yet.
Meme-It is no wonder you are tired as much as you do for everyone.. As They say"There is a star in heaven with your name on it."
I need some advice...I have been going to a church down the street from me.. The problem is that the preacher is so boring that I am not really getting anything out of it.. He teaches,not preaches. The ladies in front of me this week went to sleep. Most of the members have left. There was 24 people ,including children ,there sunday.That is about the limit every sunday. I feel sure not more than 3-4 people really understood what he was talking about..My son and DIl go there too. She said he is too deep. I may have to find another church.I feel bad because I got my son to follow us there. This is something I guess I need to really think about...
Hello Happy- I guess you are having some really cold weather now. It was nice outside today. It is supposed to get in the 80's today...
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Old 10-10-2006, 04:44 PM   #66  
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We don't get Columbus Day off. We are off on Friday for Teacher's meetings though. We don't have to go because we went an extra day at the beginning of the school year instead.

Joanne, I'm with you on throwing our backs out!! lol Let's Twist!!! That's a tough one about the church. I think maybe I'd shop around for a different one. I know this winter I plan to go to a church that is closer to where I live. I've already told our preacher that. He's ok with it. He said to come and visit him sometime.

I have a couple of Christmas gifts purchased, but I should get started on the rest. Last year we went to Georgia over Christmas, and that was our gift to each other.
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Old 10-10-2006, 07:19 PM   #67  
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Chris- Fiber is the answer.. Not every day if your IBS acts up. More fiber will help with your weight loss too. I am trying to increase mine. I have found that when I was upset that if I got out of the house and walked ,it was so much better for my nerves..I hope the light helps you.
Tammy- I am going to discuss my looking for another church with my Daughter -in- law. My daughter already told me to look elsewhere.The people at this church are really nice and have tried to make me feel welcome. It is just the preacher. I don't think I can sit through many more of his speeches that he just reads.I want to hear a sermon from the Bible and the Heart..This church is just 2 blocks away. It is kinda sad there. I was told that most of the members left because of him..I can understand that..I went to a Baptist Church(that is what this church is) in Cedar Keys. What a difference! I really enjoyed it. My hubby and I agreed that that preacher should give lessons to the one here.
Mima- I can hardly wait to get this eye surgery over with.. It is no pleasure watching TV. Some days it is difficult to read. That is a part of my things to do every day that I enjoy and have all my life.
I walked my 30 minutes today...I hope to be motivated to do that every day possible.
I had to buy a new vacumn cleaner. I ordered a kenmore. I had the last one 11 years. It still can be used to clean the car.The new one should be in Thrusday..
Hello Everybody...Joanne
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Old 10-10-2006, 08:12 PM   #68  
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Joanne, if your DIL feels he is too deep or boring, too, then I guess I'd ask them if they would be interested in trying another church some Sun. morning and see what they say. You wouldn't have to miss every Sun. at first. Just visit around a little and see what's available. That way, if you decided not to leave, you wouldn't have 'burnt your bridges' so to speak. I decided a long time ago that life is too short for me to sit Sun. after Sun. and be bored out of my mind by a preacher. Why go to church if the services aren't up-lifting, the lessons informative, the sermons challenging and the fellowship good - (or at best some of the above). I'm blessed with the place we found ... and only 5 minutes from our house ... has ALL of the above so far. We are looking for a new minister so I hope it stays that way! With the men we have doing the 'culling', I can't imagine they will bring us someone unacceptable to approve. He will have to be voted on by the whole congregation and the one coming this weekend said he would have to have an 85% vote before he would come. They say he and his wife are really good in the music field, they are supposed to do most of the music Sun. I'm looking forward to hearing them. I think she has a degree in music. I may be out of a job if we get them! (Like I care!!!)

My IBS is bothering me big time, too. I was beginning to think I might have colon cancer or something big but I guess it's the same ole same ole - just a lot worse than usual. I have ALL the symptoms this time. I got so sick last night at dinner I couldn't finish eating. Had half a burger and had to stop. Then I was hungry again a few hrs. later but still sick, too, so didn't eat anything else. I was up until after 6 A.M. this morning ... cramps and also achy all over. I finally slept for a few hrs. then felt like I'd been run over by a Mac truck when I got up. What a life, huh? Better'n some, though. Still thankful for what I have!!! Hubby is at the dentist so I made soup tonight. Maybe that'll go down better than burgers!

Tammy, wish you were on Fall Break this week or next like our schools are. You could come on down to TN and chill with me! We'd go shopping at Opry Mills and have a grand time. The kids have all gone to Myrtle Beach this week so I'm 'home alone'! And enjoying every minute of it, too ... no one to make demands! (just the customers)

I don't know about the twist. I'd be afraid I'd twist something out of place!

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Old 10-10-2006, 08:58 PM   #69  
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Meme, loved the lady with the twist!!! Looks like all of us, I'm sure!! I wish I was on fall break too!

Joanne, I don't think I would be able to sit and listen to him either, and I've never heard him! Hooray for the new vacuum cleaner!! Isn't it funny how we get excited about new appliances? Good for you on getting your walking in today!!
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Old 10-10-2006, 09:27 PM   #70  
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Well yesterday I walked for 5 minutes 4 times on the treadmill and tonight I am paying for it. My back is hurting real bad. Only did 5 minutes on the treadmill today. But I went to Wal-Mart and did some house cleaning. I should know I can't do all that in one day.

I will have to look into getting some Benefiber. That is about the only way I can increase fiber. I don't like most veggies.

The company that my insurance carrier has contacted to supply the light box called today. It is a special order and can take 6-10 weeks to get instock. So in the meantime I will try to get outside more.
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Old 10-11-2006, 06:09 AM   #71  
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Chris-I have just gotten over a year of IBS-What works for me is Peppermint oil capsules after every meal , generic colace for constipation, and now I am getting acupuncture. I don't eat the skin on fruit but I have wicked diverticulosis so I don't know where the IBS ends and the diverticulosis begins. Very low fat-that's what used to get me. Too funny-they put the acupuncture needles below my knees.
Joanne, that's exactly why we left Brad's other church. I believe the teaching is for Sunday school . The new pastor is awesome!! I pray you find a new church . By the way, both churches were Baptist so there are certainly different ones. We go to a Southern Baptist in FL. You will find one-FL has the best churches and so many.
Going to try to get a lower premium on our FL insurance. Ours is almost 1300 for a small mobile home/ It's only 550 for our big house in MA.
Going with Auntie today afyer the chiro. I have a sore spot in my back. Giving out Christams gifts on thanksgiving!!!
Bye for now-hope you had a nice holiday, Anne. Ps-my toe is so much better. Mima
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Old 10-11-2006, 08:41 AM   #72  
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ps for Chris great website
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Old 10-11-2006, 11:25 AM   #73  
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Hi everybody.

Mima - I guess your Thanksgiving isn't that far away fron Christmas. We had a good time. We went to my DIL mother's for dinner. Turkey, Dressing, Yams, veggies,mashed potatoes, buns, cabbage rolls, Pumpkin Pie and Blueberry Cheese Cake. I, myself, had turkey,veggies, cabbage roll and NO dessert. Didn't miss it at all.

Joanne - If you are not happy in your church, then it is time to find another. If you get nothing out of the sermon, what is the point? Some people are more gifted at speaking than others.

Meme - Glad your headache left and it sounds like you were back to your usual busy self. That's good. That exercise chair looks brutal. That would do me in for sure. No twisitng allowed for this body. It gets all the muscles in spasam and locks the Facet Joints.

Chris - good going on the weight loss. It feels good to be able to shed a couple of pounds every now and then. SAD is quite common where I live. It is now getting dark by 6:00 p.m. and not light until after 7:30 a.m. Soon it will be in the throws of winter and it will be dark by 5:00p.m. and not light until around 8:30a.m. The snow helps make it brighter. They say that the light helps.

Try pace yourself on the treadmill. Exercise is good, but not when it hurts you. I once did a couple of exercises one evening and once in the morning and then couldn't do ANYTHING for 8 weeks, between FM and OA. Get the
"Walk Away the Pounds" program. You just walk in place or just take a few steps forward, backward and sideways.

I have to stay away from Bran, oranges, most fatty foods, including baking, and a few dozen other things, or the IBS kicks in.

Tammy - glad you had a good day at school. I hope somebody comes along and buys that house. It is a pain trying to keep up two. I would be worried about somebody vandalizing it. You can't insure a vacant house in Canada.

I am going looking for a good masseause today. I have gotten the muscles on the right hand side, from just under the shoulder blade right down to the waist and into the ribs, in some kind of knots. I did go have a massage on Saturday, but that was in Edmonton and I need somebody here. They really hurt.

Hope you all have a good day.
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Old 10-11-2006, 07:05 PM   #74  
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Happy- Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving.. Yes I am going to look for another church..I am not getting anything from the message.
Meme- Good advice,I plan to go this Sunday. I will talk to my son and his wife after.. If they are happy there that's for them to decide.. I suspect that they may be feeling the same as we are.. My DIL mentioned that the mimister was just so deep.I like your twister..That dance was the thing about 35 years ago.. It was a lot of fun.. I doubt I could do it much without damage.
Mima- There really aren't that maney churchs close by me.. There is a Presbyterian a couple blocks from me.. I don't know much about them other than it is another religion.. But ,I feel it isn't the name but the message.I may visit them..
Tammy- I know the homes are not selling down here. As a matter a fact there are a lots of people losing there homes now..There are a lot of homes forsale. Between the taxes,insurance,and and payments they just can't maintain and hold on.It is a shame,but, a lot of people bought over their heads.But, never-the-less I hope you sell yours.
Hello Chris- Try some hifiber cereal. That is what I do 4-5 times a week. I don't want to get into the laxative habit,so I don't take them..
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Old 10-11-2006, 08:34 PM   #75  
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Chris, sorry that you overdid it and are hurting. Wish that light box would come in sooner for you.

Mima, glad that toe is better!! Do you have my Christmas gift yet? I'll be glad to get it at Thanksgiving!! lol

Anne, your meal and the meal for the rest both sounded delcious. A group of teachers used to do that "Walk away the Pounds". We would get together a couple nights after school. It was so much fun. We are able to insure the empty house. It is located in a nice neighborhood, and our old neighbors keep an eye on things. We also have the police dept. checking it out during the night. It helps that Tim is friends with a couple of them. I sure hope you are feeling better! It made me hurt just reading about the knots!

Joanne, the home for sale in this county where we live is amazing. It is just hard to believe, and there aren't very many selling. We feel fortunate to have had an offer on it even though they need to sell theirs first. Their home would be nice for a couple just starting out or someone ready to downsize.

I just finished a box of one of the Kashi cereals. Normally I have to put sugar on cereal, but this was fine just with the milk. Of course, I can't remember which one it was right now. I'm sure I'll remember when I get to the store.

Water aerobics was really fun tonight. I was so tired, and I was getting slap happy. Oh my! We all had the giggles. Our ages range from one woman in her mid-30's to another woman in her mid-70's. Next Wed. is our last class for this session, so after that class we will go to the bowling alley and have pizza. LOL We did that last year too. It's fun to just sit and talk. We only get a couple pizzas for all of us, so we don't eat too much. Tonight we were talking about getting pitchers of margaritas. If I would do that, I'd be under the table!!

Got a note from the principal today. He is planning to observe me next week. I don't do my own plans, I do what the other teachers are doing except I work with the lower kids, so I can't even let him know what I'm planning to do. Oh well.
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