Weight Loss Buddies

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  • I would like to join
    I need to be held accountable.....where do I sign up I love the idea of mini goals
  • Welcome tiffanyrae and dancer!!!! glad to have you. join right in=)

    lindy-You are doing awesome. so you messed up one day. I know you're still the most focused of us all. you amaze me girl! have you still been doing your exercise routine?

    I'm getting ready to go into work.. ugh night shift. Hopefully I'll be able to stay awake and stay away from junk food. They always want to order pizza on night shift. I won't do it! I don't even crave pizza anymore. Today I had a turkey sandwich, soup, mixed fruit, english muffin, bowl of cereal. I think I will pack another turkey sandwich and drink lots of water. I'm trying to give up pop all together even though its diet. I just don't think it helps me at all. I'm an addict!!

    Well, I'll check in tomorrow. Bye girls!

    Oh by the way.. I weighed 207.2 today. I was 209 on sunday.. either it was all water weight or the changes I've made so far are beginning to show. YAY! I should reach my goal. It is well within reach. There's no reason that I cannot.
  • Welcome Dance and Tiffany! What programs are you guys doing to get to your goal? Dance, Im kinda mad at myself because I really wasnt craving those things. I went into the gas station to pay for gas and fell for subliminal advertising, simple as that, lol. There are certain foods that subside your cravings, you should google it. Like grapefruit and berries crave my sweet tooths and carrots and peas stop my salt cravings. Anyway, Im totally down for a challenge...bring it! Lol. I was in a challenge with someone else in this forum and she just dropped off - she couldnt handle my awesome drive, lol - I kid...I kid...Im really not that conceited.

    Neesy - remember, I went from drinking 6 Pepsi's a day and tackled it. Every once and a blue moon I might get a slight craving and I give in and ya know what, I always realize (most of the time) that it was too sweet. You should try the Crystal light raspberry lemonade, anytime I craved a soda I would drink one of those. As far as exercise, Im definately still doing 6 days a week but I CANNOT...I REPEAT CANNOT...do that 30DS. I was on the verge of dying and was always so tired and didnt enjoy working out. So now I just stick with my 45 minutes at the gym and 1.5 mile walk/run. Thats plenty for now. Lol.

    Anyway, glad to hear we got some updates in here.
  • Hi Ladies;

    Lindy your doing fantastic and I know you will be in the 80's THIS WEEK! I know it!! Your on a roll, so don't stop doing whatever it is your doing.. .LOL

    Burgund glad your vacation is going well and your sister is doing better. It actually is a blessing your there while she had her surgery, as I know she loves the extra support. Don't worry about your weight, have fun, and keep walking. ...LOL

    Neesy good to see you back. I know life is busy, but it is nice to see you on here. Congratulations on the 2lb loss, wow, your near the 100's!!! Good for you!

    Take-a-deep-breath hope your doing well, we miss you and your wonderful writings on here!

    Brown eyes we miss you too and hope your doing well.

    Tiff Tiff your my rock! LOL......you are amazing with all you do and you seem to handle it all so well. Congratulations on your weight loss and look forward to an update!

    Well, first, thank you Lindy, Tiff, Neesy for the well wishes with my daughter leaving. Boy, I miss her so much. She is doing good and kicking butt on base.....LOL. Actually right now she is having to run 10 miles carrying 80lbs and 50 pushups, situps, obstacle courses and whatever else they through at her. She is in **** - literally. She will manage, but the most she has run is 5 miles carrying 57lbs. Sooooo, we will see! The reason for the tense workouts is after leave they put them in a Hold pattern where they do stuff like this for 3 weeks, then they go to a Class up for 3 more weeks of the same but different stuff, then they go to duty. Crazy right???

    I'm am doing good, but I think Tom is coming because I am wanting chocolate sooooo bad. It's like all I can do to behave with my foods. I hate this because I was so content till yesterday. I have been exercising but I need to do more though. I will check in tomorrow. Nite.
  • Morning ladies...well...I was smart last night, after my binge, I went to the gym and burned 500 calories, I did 300 in the morning, so all in all, I burned off at least my box of whoppers, lol. So, I hopped on the scale and Im still at 191! Yay! I ate chinese, which is loaded with sodium so Im hoping if I stay on track today and drink plenty of water, I will see another drop by Friday, at least 190.

    Mygrits - that is an insane work out your daughter is training for. WOW!!! Im sure if any of us went for a couple weeks, we would come back 20 pounds lighter. Oh, Mygrits, do you drink tea? I overheard the trainer telling one of their clients to drink green tea when they are craving chocolate. Not only is the tea good for you but it subsides cravings, then again...when TOM is here, there is nothing keeping me from my cravings, not even if I had to enter a war zone to get to my Cheez Its, lol.

    Anyway, I went to the gym this morning and am SOOOOO freakin tired. I have a big cup of coffee sitting next to me. I did something different today. I raised the incline on the machine to 10 at 3.0, man oh man did I feel it in my buns. But its a good thing. I needed to increase my intensity because my body was getting too used to it.

    Anyway, Ill check in later. The plan is to stay on track. I did oatmeal this morning, coffee now, oranges for my snack and I have chicken with green beans for lunch. Thereafter, I need to figure something out and fast.
  • Good morning (on the West Coast)! I was wondering if I could join you ladies on this weight loss journey?

    I lost 40 lbs over a year ago and stopped the portion control and wasn't exercising any more. I'm back on the wagon to finish what I started.
  • Wow...we have Canada, England, East Coast, Down South and Mid-West (up North), sure....of course you can join from the West Coast, that will make us a full circle group - lol.

    Whats your plan weigh? Tell us a little about yourself.

    So far so good girls. I did have some Gobstoppers again but included it into my calories, so Im only at 500 for the day, not bad.
  • welcome all newbies...im on my phone so I can't look back at all your names. but all of you are surely welcome to join us. we seem to hve lost a few of our old posters recently.

    today I am officially off atkins...its tom for me now and atkins and tom do not mix well. I am going back to the old plan. it was working great so why not.

    I had another amazing run last night. I did 1.44 miles in 25 mins last night which works out to 17.36 minutes. hmmm that doesn't sound very good. but it sure did feel good! I can't wait to go back tonight! today is a cardio day so we do an hour. we are trying to get into the routine of weight training and 30 mins of cardio on Tues, thurs, and sat...and then 60 mins of cardio other 4 days...butme and routines don't get along very well. oh well. we r trying which is all you can do. wedding is now tentatively planned for augst 8th in gatlinburg,tn with like 20 closest family.

    food today:
    granola bar & banana for breakfast
    sliced chicken breast, gouda cheese, bacon sandwich and small granny smith apple for lunch

    so I am at about 750 for the day so far...sounds good to me!! talk to yall laters....

    oh and lindy great job counteracting your slipup with exercise. I love doing it that way. you sound like you love the same foods as me....chinese and japanese top the list
  • Tifftiff - That's great news about your run! Way to go!! Speed is not what matters - I always joke that little old ladies with walkers may pass me when I'm running, but it still counts as running! Sounds like you are doing an amazing job of sticking to your plan.

    Food for me today -
    Breakfast - whole wheat english muffin with natural peanut butter, apple
    Lunch - mixed berries, veggie split pea soup
    Snack - lf yogurt, walnuts
    Plan for dinner is lentils, sauteed spinach and chicken breast.

    Since Tifftiff got us started, what's everyone else eating today? Any fun meal suggestions?
  • Tiff- That's great! August 8th! We both have August incentives. We can do it girl! Congrats on your run.

    I didn't do well food wise today. I slip back into my old routine too easily. i'm off thursday/friday so I'm going to go running on those days and just eat subway or something. I'll be okay. My official weigh in day will now be sundays. Well, catch you all later.
  • Dancer, your whole day of foods sounds delicious, nutritious, and so well-rounded! I have a hard time getting well-rounded foods in. I tend to be carb-centered (yet another reason atkins didn't work). Carbs are easy and I'm not the best cook. I'm not sure what dinner is yet. Probably a lean cuisine. I ended up eating 2 granny smith apples today and omg were they good. They are the perfect combo of sweet and tart and at the perfect point of ripeness. I seriously haven't had apples that good in a LONG time. Good thing a I got a whole bag of them. I hope they still have them at the store next time I go, because I think I will be eating several a day for a while.

    Way for August motivators, Neesy!

    OK, time for a rant here. So you know how I lost a ton of weight really fast last week? Well it's back, plus a few more friends. I have NO idea what is going on. I mean it is my TOM, but I am not one of those people that puts on like 10 lbs on TOM. I just don't lose that week. But somehow, I have. Since Sunday, I have gained 10 lbs. I weighed 288.2 Sunday morning. I just got on the scale and it said 298.8. Sunday, I had a pig out fest, but not enough to put on a pound and Monday I weighed 290. Monday night I had 1.5 pieces of pizza, 2 cheese sticks, and a reeses blast from Sonic, but I had only had like 400 cals that day. So, yet again, not enough to gain even a lb. Both days were like maintenence level of calories I think. Then yesterday, I had like 800 during the day and a ice cream sundae for about 600, so that's 1400 cals. Good amount for me. So, I guess going through all that, it MUST be water weight. That still doesn't make it feel any better. All this water BETTER be gone by Saturday. I don't want to have a gain this week on my weigh-in day! I am going to ramp up the exercise all week and try my darndest to get it off. I'm not missing any days at the gym this week!
  • Tifftiff - That must be frustrating!! Something to consider that I've seen from other posters is that exercise (such as your recent runs) can make you retain extra water in the muscle fibers temporarily. Maybe that's part of what you're dealing with. I'm sure it will come right back off. Totally agree about apples - and so portable : )
    Food choice-wise, I'm trying to have more lentils, split peas etc. to get in more protein and fiber without tons of calories and to keep me too full to get the munchies. Will let you guys know if it works at all : )
  • Thanks for the welcome ladies!

    A bit about myself: My name is Maryam and I'm a 29 yr old gal from Southern Cali, been married for 6 yrs now (no kids). I've been overweight most of my life and have bad habits of overeating and not getting enough exercise.

    Currently I'm incorporating more protein in my diet -- something loosely based off Body for Life and the Insulin Resistance Diet. For exercise I started Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds (I'm on the 2-mile right now).

    I hope to get to know all of you ladies better !
  • Morning ladies - I am already lovin the newbies, they are so active! Dance, I agree - your meal plan is so well balances, Im jealous. I am in some serious trouble starting Saturday with my vaca, seriously, you guys have no clue. My plan is to try and run A LOT while Im there. This is food that I never get so of course Im going to eat it, the test is - can I eat it within reason?!

    Tiff - 10 pounds, really? There is no way thats weight gain in fat, its definately water, at least most of it. Ya know what I notice though. Once people are on Atkins and then they come off, they pack on the pounds big time. Ive read about this and seen it happen to friends of mine, maybe your body is reacting to that? Idk- just saying. Im sure it will be off by the end of your TOM.

    So, I did really well yesterday, minus the Gobstoppers and last night when I got home, I had to bring my daughter to vacation bible school, which is from 6-830 p.m. Well, she ate already before I got home from work, so I was planning on grabbing a salad from Wendy's for dinner, well when we got there, they needed some help because one of the volunteers called off, so I offered, time passed and it got so busy that I didnt have time to eat dinner. When we left there, it was 845 and my rule, no matter what is to not eat after 7 p.m. I NEVER break this rule under any circumstances. So what do I do this morning, I wake up and natually am starving, I feel too weak and tired from skipping a meal, so I dont go to the gym and instead of making a healthy breakfast, I run through McDonalds!!! AND GET THE WORST THING ON THE MENU!!! A steak, egg and cheese bagel with a hashbrown and a medium coke! I went on their website and my whole meal came to 1250 calories!!! OH MY GOD!!! Yes, I am using a lot of exclamation marks but that is exactly how Im feeling today. So, in my head Im trying to figure out how the rest of my day is going to go for my little snafu. Time is of the essence right now because Im not going to have any tomorrow to pack, so I have to finish everything up today, this includes vacuuming and mopping my floors, doing 4 loads of laundry, finishing packing me and my daughters stuff and possibly trying to make a trip to the gym....uh..yeah. This looks likely. Im debating if I should ask my boss to leave early or take an extended lunch and try to do the packing and laundry (at least half of it) while on lunch.

    Sorry for my rant, I just cant believe I did that. Ill touch base later.
  • Howdy, all!
    Lindy - Where are you going on vacation? Is it all inclusive? Don't know if it works for you at all but I've (in the past when I was skinnier) picked up healthy snacks (almonds, fruit, carrots) at a local market wherever I was (from big cities to beaches). Have a great time in any case!!

    Maryam - thanks for telling us more about you. Keep us posted on how you're doing!!

    Just got back from an hour's jog (long for me!!) and am going to stick to plan today again, no matter what : )

    Take care, all!