IP Daily Chat Friday 9/20/2013

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  • Congrats to all on your weigh-ins today! Great to see everyone excited about their progress.

    I just started week 6 and am beginning to see my weigh-ins a bit differently. At first I would really get hung up on the number each week and whether I thought it was "enough" loss. I am finding that with more time passing and being on IP I am getting better at looking at the big picture and how my body is responding to the protocol over time. This is a big change in mindset for me and I think is healthier for how I look at my progress overall. Of course I still have moments of impatience when I think about how much further I have to go, but they are usually quickly followed by the knowledge that I CAN and WILL do it and be successful!
  • Quote: What a great Friday!!!! -3.4lbs at my weigh in. 3 lbs to my goal and starting phase 2.

    I am on such a high!
    Congratulations!! you must be so excited.
  • Quote: For an emergency like that, 2 packets would equal 1 dinner protein serving. Not to happen often but occasionally, in an emergency.

    Yup IP packets are expensive.
    You could get some EAS carb control shakes or some syntrax nectar (check online). There are other brands, too, that you could use for your extra packets. Not just for PMS days. people over 200 should be having more than 3 packets/day

    We are putting our bodies through a LOT on this plan. The skin is telling you that too. Mine settled down a bit but keep and eye out. Dry skin can be a symptom of thyroid. Most thyroid issues re-set on their own in Ketosis, except for a few of us.

    Try making the zucchini muffins. They're pretty good with the oatmeal. Recipe is in Recipes #4 thread. Packet hacks have saved me from hating many a packet. (Nothing saved the broccoli cheese soup for me, however. I just don't care for it)

    Really? I wonder why she only put me on 3 packets a day? Won't that slow down my losses even more?
  • I had a much smaller weight loss this week (2 lbs) but lost 4 inches of my waist! Time to bring out my smaller clothes! Yea!
  • Lunch today - roasted purple cauliflower and a Pumpkin Spice "frappuchino" made with vanilla pudding powder, Torani sugar free caramel, Splenda, pumpkin spice, cinnamon, nutmeg, ice and water blended in my Bullet.

    I AM IN HEAVEN - I must be a special lady to deserve such grand treatment, even by me!
  • Quote: Lunch today - roasted purple cauliflower and a Pumpkin Spice "frappuchino" made with vanilla pudding powder, Torani sugar free caramel, Splenda, pumpkin spice, cinnamon, nutmeg, ice and water blended in my Bullet.

    I AM IN HEAVEN - I must be a special lady to deserve such grand treatment, even by me!

    Num, num! Did you the suggested amount of water for the Vanilla pudding or less

  • Quote: I had a much smaller weight loss this week (2 lbs) but lost 4 inches of my waist! Time to bring out my smaller clothes! Yea!

    Great job!

    The loss of inches with the small amount of weight is my fav part of this protocol.

    I'm doing' the happy dance with you.
  • Quote: Great job!

    The loss of inches with the small amount of weight is my fav part of this protocol.

    I'm doing' the happy dance with you.
    This is why I think my coach messed up my measurements this week...no way I only lost 1/2 inch on my upper arms and no inches every where else with 19 pounds lost!! NO way. I should have done my own measurements. I will start today.

    Good job with the loss
  • [QUOTE=lisa32989;4844739]
    Yup IP packets are expensive.
    You could get some EAS carb control shakes or some syntrax nectar (check online). There are other brands, too, that you could use for your extra packets. Not just for PMS days. people over 200 should be having more than 3 packets/day


    I keep seeing this statement. I was never told this (although my coaching is almost non-existant). I have been on 3 packets a day strictly since day one - with a starting weight of 311, could this be an explaination for the dryskin and headaches (my only real side effects)?

    I also should add that I have been kept on 3 packets/day of unrestricteds only. The restricted stuff is not available for me to buy from my clinic until later.
  • Quote:
    Quote: Yup IP packets are expensive.
    You could get some EAS carb control shakes or some syntrax nectar (check online). There are other brands, too, that you could use for your extra packets. Not just for PMS days. people over 200 should be having more than 3 packets/day
    I keep seeing this statement. I was never told this (although my coaching is almost non-existant). I have been on 3 packets a day strictly since day one - with a starting weight of 311, could this be an explaination for the dryskin and headaches (my only real side effects)?

    I also should add that I have been kept on 3 packets/day of unrestricteds only. The restricted stuff is not available for me to buy from my clinic until later.
    OMG...are there ANY OTHER CLINICS near you???

    Your coach is horribly under-trained and using outdated info.

    IP used to restrict the restricteds at first but found better diet compliance if people used them from the beginning (and no statistical difference in average weight lost)

    And here are the weight ranges for extra packets (from an IP coach-friend, straight out of the coaches' manual)
    201-240 pounds = 4 packets/day
    241-280 pounds = 5 packets/day
    281-320 pounds = 6 packets/day
    Of course, still only 1 of those is restricted.
  • I keep seeing this statement. I was never told this (although my coaching is almost non-existant). I have been on 3 packets a day strictly since day one - with a starting weight of 311, could this be an explaination for the dryskin and headaches (my only real side effects)?

    I also should add that I have been kept on 3 packets/day of unrestricteds only. The restricted stuff is not available for me to buy from my clinic until later.[/QUOTE]

    This sounds more like dehydration to me. Are you drinking at least 8 glasses of water and taking your sea salt every day?
  • Quote: Great job!

    The loss of inches with the small amount of weight is my fav part of this protocol.

    I'm doing' the happy dance with you.
    Thank you!!
  • Quote: OMG...are there ANY OTHER CLINICS near you???

    Your coach is horribly under-trained and using outdated info.

    IP used to restrict the restricteds at first but found better diet compliance if people used them from the beginning (and no statistical difference in average weight lost)

    And here are the weight ranges for extra packets (from an IP coach-friend, straight out of the coaches' manual)
    201-240 pounds = 4 packets/day
    241-280 pounds = 5 packets/day
    281-320 pounds = 6 packets/day
    Of course, still only 1 of those is restricted.

    No - the one I go to is 40 miles away - the next closest one is 90 miles in the other direction. Maybe I will have to bite the bullet and take the road trip.

    Quote: I keep seeing this statement. I was never told this (although my coaching is almost non-existant). I have been on 3 packets a day strictly since day one - with a starting weight of 311, could this be an explaination for the dryskin and headaches (my only real side effects)?

    I also should add that I have been kept on 3 packets/day of unrestricteds only. The restricted stuff is not available for me to buy from my clinic until later.

    This sounds more like dehydration to me. Are you drinking at least 8 glasses of water and taking your sea salt every day?[/QUOTE]

    I posted on another thread that I am drinking 94oz of water every day. that's just water, I am not counting tea, water used for shakes, I'm subtracting water to equal my coffee intake etc.
  • Figgy: Do you know how to use the quote features in the bottom right-hand corner of each post? I just posted the directions on the 50+ thread

    Sorry for "calling you out" b/c many others have asked recently, as well, so hope you don't mind me "using your name"
    There are directions on post 1 of the daily chat also.
  • Quote: Figgy: Do you know how to use the quote features in the bottom right-hand corner of each post? I just posted the directions on the 50+ thread

    Sorry for "calling you out" b/c many others have asked recently, as well.
    There are directions on post 1 of the daily chat also.
    I don't mind you calling me out. Technically I DO know how to use the feature. But when I'm on my iPad like I am now, sometimes the screen shifts or autocorrects when I'm posting and I'll end up missing or deleting part of what I was trying to say. I was aggravated when I saw it happened above again. Sorry for the confusion.