No bingeing in July

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  • 3PT for overcoming binging
    Congrats everyone on keeping your binging under control.

    There's a great tool that I saw on youtube called 3PT Three Point Tapping for overcoming binging, cravings and addictions. You tap acupuncture points while reciting affirmations, and your need to binge can reduce instantly. Try it. It works!
  • So far so good!!! Had a close call on Thursday; felt really overwhelmed and stressed. I started eating but I stopped so I did not binge just more of an overeat.
    Here's to a binge free weekend!!!
  • Well I did have a rather unexpected and sudden ben and jerrys mammoth sundae. Was it a binge? ummm sort off but I probably would have called it more of a binge if I had eaten fried chicken, chips AND a ben and jerrys sundae.
  • I've been up and down with my non-binging success. On the up side, my binging has been small and not thwarted my weightloss efforts. However, I dislike this behavior in myself.
  • 10 days! I really have a good feeling about July... I've been less restrictive which I think has helped and also been more organized. I also haven't had any family drama lately which I'm sure is the biggest contributor.

    Inglesita- thank you for your example and encouraging words.

    Sounds like everyone is having their ups and downs... But I think as a whole this thread is going pretty well for July. If nothing else- were checking in here and putting at least some effort into fighting this demon!
  • Binge free 6 days so far, weekends are when I ALWAYS binge, I plan on getting through my first BINGE FREE WEEKEND in over a month! No 10,000 calorie day for this girl, yay! Today I struggled because I had frozen yogurt but I kept within my calorie limit for the day of 1,500 including that frozen yogurt... the sweetness kind of threw me over the top and now I feel like I need sugar like crazy, unfortunately there's a bag in my house filled with 8 packs of cookies waiting for my daughter's 1st birthday party this weekend, so tempting, but I'm not going to eat them! I can do this!
  • PHEW, in response to my previous post ^

    just avoided a binge. hit my 1,530 calorie limit for the day and wanted to make 100 calorie blueberry muffins for breakfast tomorrow... made them, they were sitting there and I scarfed down 2 then started going for the cookies and was getting into that 'binge mode' where I was thinking about going to little ceasars and getting myself a pizza and eating all of the cookies, and just talked myself out of it... only hit 1,750 calories for the day... i'm getting stronger I can feel it, this is SO HARD right now, but the fact that I even am avoiding this is progress for me.
  • Two days, no binge
    Two days, no binge - weekends are always a little easier for me because DH is home. We went to the farmers market and when we got home, I overdid it on peaches and tomatos - felt somewhat out of control, and eventually reined it in - so I am being kind to myself - started tracking/journaling my food and exercise again last night. I think this will be the start of something big.
  • 7 days binge free!! One thing I am ecstatic about is not having little horns (ginormous pimples) growing out my forehead and chin which I always get after binging on chocolate etc. I'm so happy. Happy with my grocery shopping, lots of healthy wholesome food to get me through the week and some dark chocolate just in case. Ready for battle! Lol.
  • Natashawashburn- congratulations!! I'm willing to bet that you're feeling pretty great today!

    Princessbgirl- I'm glad to hear things are going to turn around for you and DO be kind to yourself- there are much worse things than peaches and tomatoes out there. ;-)

    Jerita- Ooh my face clears up when I'm eating the right foods also! It's a nice extra motivation!

    I'm still hanging in here! Today is my last long run before my race in two weeks... I've been cutting out sugar but I used to drink rockstars occasionally before I ran and it would literally shave 60 seconds off each mile when I did... I really want to beat my record from my last race so I'm trying a pre-run rockstar... I'm slightly nervous that all the sugar may trigger a binge, and I kind of feel like I'm cheating on my running... But if it gives me some speed it will be worth it!! ;-) Im just going to have to really control myself tonight!
  • Yesterday was 12 days binge free. I'm trying to eat more and lose the weight more slowly, I think it's helping. Going for day 13!
  • You rock
    Quote: Yesterday was 12 days binge free. I'm trying to eat more and lose the weight more slowly, I think it's helping. Going for day 13!
    Thirteen days is amazing - fantastic!
  • Im committing this month. I started using the skinny wraps and thats my big motivator after seeing what its done to me on my first use.
  • So... My daughter's 1st birthday party is this Saturday and I've been buying sweets like CRAZY for decor... I'll be baking 48 cupcakes, a blueberry pie, and I've purchased 2 boxes of doughnuts, 5 bags of candy, 4 boxes of cookies, and some other weird treats... We'll only be having hot dogs, chicken, chips, potato salad, fruit, pasta salad, and barbecue type things and my with the mindset I'm in I'm PLANNING a binge for Saturday, which is bad... I keep trying to justify binging in my head "Oh it's her first birthday party, you can have a million doughnuts and cupcakes and hot dogs" and at night I've planned a HUGE stuffed cheeseburger meal all in my head, I wish I could get away from all of these thoughts... Do you ladies do this? Plan your binges? Plan to binge? It's so aggravating because I know I'll feel like crap afterwards. :/ UGH, why can't I just be a normal human being, eat a hot dog, have some fruit and a few chips, and maybe a cupcake or two? My mind has been racing all week just daydreaming about all of the food I want to stuff my face with as soon as the party starts...
  • natashawashburn - If I'm having a tough day I will think about what I'm going to buy and go eat in my room alone. Just try to think of how badly it will make you feel afterwards. Right now, for me I'm thinking I've gone 13 full days without bingeing and I don't want to ruin that. Also my mom is visiting and staying in my room, so I couldn't even I wanted to. Right now I'm really concentrating on just eating healthily, eating when I'm hungry and listening to my body. My weight loss has stalled, but I'm hoping it will pick up again since I'm not bingeing. We will see. As long as I'm not gaining because that triggers restriction which triggers bingeing for me.

    Be strong ladies, we can do this!!

    Working on two weeks binge free today