What are your personal motivations?

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  • I've had a lot of motivation along the way but the biggest now is that I want to have a baby.
  • My biggest motivation in maintaining a healthy lifestyle is so that I can come from a place of truth and experience when I encourage my patients to adopt healthier habits. Otherwise I just feel like a hypocrite. Also, the weight loss has been great for my running in terms of increasing speed and decreasing injury frequency.

    For the ladies who hope to conceive in the future your weight loss is going to vastly increase the likelihood of having healthy babies and reduce the likelihood of pregnancy related complications such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia (complication associated with high blood pressure). Keep up the good work you are far from "crazy".
  • My reasons are pretty shallow. I want to be healthy, I want to make varsity for lacrosse this year and actually be able to play without getting exhausted halfway through, I want to be able to wear cute clothes. I love clothes and it would make me so happy if I could wear all those styles that look awful on chubbier girls. Another thing that really motivates me, is I work at a summer camp and I would love to return next summer at least thirty pounds less. We swim every day there and I always am wearing shorts over my swim suit. I want to be skinny enough to feel confident without them. Also, I just want to feel pretty.
  • I would love to lose weight because I have never been at a truly healthy weight. I feel as if I am wasting my 20's away with my insecurities instead of really living my life. I am also worried about the health related issues and specifically how they will effect me if I don't lose the weight. I have a 3 yr old son, of whom I adore. If I can't be his role model, then who can? I know I can do this....
  • My reasons are 100% vain. I'm not doing it because I'm afraid of disease or anything like that. I'm doing it because I know I'm gonna be hot when I'm smaller. Haha, and as much as I hate to say it, I want to wear those A&F and Hollister clothes cause some of them are just are darned cute! When I get to my goal weight...I'm gonna be a Playboy bunny for Halloween and carry a picture of how fat I used to be. It'll be hilarious.
  • Totally vain reasons. I went to the pemberton music festivle this summer , and lot of girls sat on guys shoulders, while watching the shows. One fellow asked me, but i was so worried about my weight that I declined. I regret that , so next year I want to be skinny enough to have the confidence to be on a guys shoulders without thinking I will crush him.
  • My top reason would be that I know how to take care of myself (and hopefully influence my future family..) in a healthy way. Working out and eating right feels like work to me right now...I want it to get to the point where it comes naturally like second-nature before I get married and decide to have a family. That way I can pick back up with healthy habits and perhaps that would rub off on my husband...or at least I'd be able to say "no" easier to HIS dirty habits! LoL

    Also, I loooove clothes! I love fashion! I want to be one of THOSE girls that can pull ANYTHING off!
  • I really just want to be more comfortable in my own skin. My weight keeps me from associating with good friends that I miss very much, and I almost never want to go out because of how I look. I hope that losing weight and getting in shape will give me some strength to start finding some self confidence.