LAWL Losers & Friends - September 05

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  • Star,

    Thank you! You are too sweet !!

    I am going to give the spinning class a try, hopefully I will be able to hang throughout the class . Thank you for the information on it!

    Oh and I am now in a size 14, down from a tight 18 (I should've been wearing a 20, but refused.)

  • Hey chicks.. .

    Star, good to see you again.

    Athena, sweetie, you look FAB -- so glad you could surprise your DH! The 190's were great (after the 200's) and I'm working on staying in the 180's, while I'm on the way to the 170's. .

    Shennie -- woohoo WTG . . .

    You all know I love Dog -- I missed him last night, but I try to catch the team every week. . . I got thrown off with BL, which I only caught bits of -- glad that the women won, though . .
  • Julie - I hope you can catch a rerun of the Dog from last night, it was really intense with the police department in full force with dogs. They let Bounty hunter search from the sidelines, then when the police and dogs gave up search OUR 'Dog' tracked the guy down. It was so awesome......I didn't mean to give the show away but it was so 'on the edge' of your seat, it won't make a difference...
  • Star, thanks for the Dog update, you know I love that guy with the mullet cut/waterfall ...

    Had not realized that Beth had a tummy tuck - is this something that showed up recently?

  • Julie - I too, love his doo.....
    Beth got her tummy tuck after the first season.....but with her chest it's kinda hard to see her tuck....
  • She sure wears clothes to show off her chest, doesn't she . . .There's sometimes I'd like to be a woman like her - tough as nails, and not afraid to show it. . .
  • I saw Dog on a Montel Williams show and that was the first time i ever heard of him. I like his focus, he's a softy. The doo i could do And i thought i knew his wife, but it isn't her, she's a twin to a girl named Jeannette that i know. My parents get his show, i'll have to look out for it.

    Move is going slow...and i just about fainted today when i reserved a trash goodness, had no idea it's so expensive. Nothing positive to report, but woo hoo to all you losers. I hope to be joining you again, as a loser that is, soon...
  • Hey Michelle - did you have your yard sale?? I guess the big day is just around the corner now. . .

  • No Julie, it rained all weekend, well pretty much and i wasn't ready. It's this Sat. still not ready....
  • Michele - Good luck with the garage sale and the move.....
    Julie - Beth is so top heavy that she would have a hard time covering those babies....
    I have heard that Dog picks out all her outfits (figures boob exposure). She is tough and I have heard her give some really good advice to street women.
  • Michelle, fingers crossed for a good weekend for you - -have the leaves started to turn there yet?? Have no idea how the leaves are in other places. . .

    Star, I've heard her give the same sort of advice. I think one of the things that I like is that the main characters have lived some tough lives, and try to give back.
  • I put my resume out on Monster last week. This week, I've had 7 companies call, I had an interview yesterday and have an interview set up for tomorrow, and now I have a job offer from my interview yesterday. I should be excited, but I'm torn. I have been a stay-at-home mom for 3 years now. But now that Carson's in that special class for autistic kids, and my other two are doing fine in school full time, I feel like I don't really have a life. So I decided to see if there was anything out there for someone with my skills. Apparently there is... So, I could be working in downtown Minneapolis for Target Corporate office... But that means I have to buy all new work clothes because they have a formal dress code there. It also means it may be harder to stick to a diet. But it might be easier. I let myself get so hungry today that I ate a DingDong and a snack-sized bag of Cheetos for lunch. I haven't done anything like that in a LONG LONG time and I don't like that I did it...

    Anyway, how do all you working women stick with the diet, get all your protein in, at work? I can't believe this is all happening so quickly. I'm just floored. I got the salary I asked for and everything. Yikes!

    Part of me feels guilty, though. What if Carson doesn't like going to daycare after school? Hopefully he would. He seems to like being around other kids...

    Sorry to go on and on and on, but there's nobody home for me to call, so you guys get to listen (read) me whine.
  • Hi girls---I LOVE DOG!! He's my hero!! Gosh, it's my 4th day of la weight loss. I've lost 2 pounds, woohoo. Today, i got the push to buy all the la lites at one time. Damn!! I couldn't believe that! They wanted something like $1500 and i just sat there a laughed my hiney off. I said no thanks. I did buy the "carb enders". Anyone doing those?

    I will try and post more and hope to get to know you girls better soon!

  • congrats on the new job offer!

    I work 9-5, go to school 2 nights a week from 7-9:45, have sunday school teachers meeting one nigth a week and choir practice one night a week so you can stay OP while working, it just takes more planning

    Most days I do fine with staying on plan and actually do a better job at work than at home, because I usually only have one choice on what to eat (what I brought to work with me )

    Here are some general tips I would give you and as you get use to your new schedule you might not have to be as anal as I am

    Plan your meals at least 24 hours in advance. This would include meals for the family if they are going to be different than yours, so you won’t feel pressured for time at the last minute or have to figure out what to eat at the last minute (that always spells PIZZA for me )

    Pack your food to be eaten at work the night before (AM snack, lunch, PM Snack?)

    I try to cook an extra serving of dinner to have as lunch the next day…it helps with planning and save time.

    I am not sure how much of a morning person you are, but I know something always pops up with my son in the morning, so I try to have my breakfast ready to go (English muffin already separated, butter measured, fruit measured etc.)

    Keep some sugar free gum or candy in your desk for have to have sweet moments (it stops you from going to the snack machine)

    Don’t know if you eat on schedule, but since I get so busy at work, I have a reminder for my snacks in my outlook task folder so at 10AM and 2PM I have a pop-up that reminds me to snack. I usually remember lunch because everyone goes at the same time.

    Have snacks that are easy to eat at the desk (grapes, crackers, apple, lites…etc)

    When there is party that I know will be going on I have a heavier lunch before going to the party so I stay full.

    Keep your water close by and keep drinking!

    sorry that was so long.....

    Mary, of course he will be in our prayers.take care
  • Congrats
    Jenn - congratulations on your job offer. I can understand your apprehension. About the diet, I tend to do SO MUCH better at work than I do in the evenings and on weekends. I have my routine set, and I bring at least a portion of my food everyday. If I don't bring anything, I am GUARANTEED to go off plan.

    I work downtown too, and my building is connected to a mall to boot. There is a lot of temptation in the form of restaurants, candy sales, donuts in the morning, cakes every other week, ice cream socials...I really could go on and on...but for me the office temptation is minimal because I made up in my mind that I will not participate in any extra activities at work that involve eating, other than going out to lunch with my colleagues occasionally. And when I do go out, I already know what I plan to order. I never even pick up the menu.

    When I am home all day, I find myself prone to snacking before I even know I'm doing it. I'm working on that, but 99.9999 percent of my off-plan eating occurs at home. HTH