A New Year = A New You! January Daily Accountability Check-In Everyone Welcome

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  • Quote: Okay, last night's WW mtg was better than I had hoped for. I started actually doing WW last week, but didn't do my first weigh in til last night so I was kinda bummed that my 5.2 lb loss for last week wouldn't count toward my goal....but I explained what I had been doing and THEY ALLOWED ME TO COUNT IT!!!! I was soooooo glad!! Sooooooo....that pumped me up a bit!! lol On the down side, I went slightly over my target of 1242 calories....went over by 50, but I don't include my exercise......so I'm probably good. I know, that's pretty messed up..... I didn't technically get to work out yesterday (work then an extra long mtg didn't let me get home til after 9 p.m. last night, put the kids in bed and then crashed myself)....I figure it all works out.

    I'm lovin this board! I know I keep sayin' it, but it helps me day to day to stay focused.....and I need that. I can't figure out why I ever stopped coming to begin with.

    Have a GREAT day everyone!!!
    I completely agree about the board helping us to stay focused and motivated. I think if you workout you should eat a little more anyway, that is something I learned from livestrong.com. When I put in the calories I burn it adjusts my intake. I am not saying you should eat as much as they say but a little more is helpful to your metabolism. Congrats on the WW weigh in.
  • Quote: Stacy - Awesome workout!

    Pint - Thanks for the info about the BL workout on the Wii. I'm gonna look for it on Amazon. Be careful in that ice/snow mess! I can't believe NC is getting hit this hard...crazy! When I lived there I think it snowed like 3 times, one time though we did get about 6 inches and ice!

    Gaining - I'm so glad to hear your meeting went well! Yay for the 5.2 pounds, that's GREAT! Over 50 calories...no biggie, that's awesome! And eating 1200 is hard! I hear ya about this board, I LOVE it! I seriously don't think I could have done this all without my ladies here at 3FC, specifically this board!

    Krampus - I think you did pretty well! It's hard sometimes when you miss a snack or meal, kinda throws your whole day off.

    Vixsin - 12 inches + another 6 coming?!?! Holy cow girl, that's crazy!!! I lived in Michigan for 20 years and I don't remember THAT much snow! I hear ya about the run, I was planning on going tonight, but it's snowing and it's like 20 out! Too cold IMO to run outside......so I'm going to do other things today and go Friday when it's 36 out!

    Novelista - for avoiding the temptations!! That is so hard when you're not at home!
    Down 0.6 this morning!!! 150.6#...getting SO close to the 140s! Maybe by this weekend? I hope I don't jinx myself now. Hope you ladies have a great, OP day today! Off to work on some homework and start a paper! No running today, elliptical instead. Stupid treadmills in our building are on the fritz still, BUT the elliptical works! Running Friday and Saturday when it will be MUCH warmer out!
    Lindsey that is so exciting to be so close to your goal. I am envious!
  • Quote: Happy very snowy morning everyone!

    School has been canceled today, so I have all four kiddos at home and probably won't be around as much. Dh is also home, but he's working from home.

    Yesterday my calories were 1,554. I was in my calorie range, but I ate WAY too many carbs! With the switch to a more vegan lifestyle, I'm finding it hard to keep the balance with carbs. I need to push a lot more fruits and veggies and get creative.

    Wow, it's snowing so hard here, I can barely see the house right across the road! We're supposed to get 18+ inches of snow today.
    Holy snowy day! It is supposed to snow here tomorrow, Friday, Monday and Tuesday. We never have school closures though Nice job staying in calorie range don't sweat a bad carb day....it happens. Enjoy your kids and hubby.
  • Quote: Okay guys....I'm starving today for some reason. I've had over 500 of my 1242 calories for the day already and I'm shaky. I've hit the elliptical for a little bit, but wanna do more....if these shakies go away. I don't wanna bomb the day out of fear that my blood sugar is dropping. Suggestions? According to livestrong about half of my calories today have been carbs..the rest are a mix of fiber and protein. I'm thinkin' I need a BIG OLE rich, gooey dessert! HA!! Just KIDDIN'!!! What I need is suggestions from my wise friends at 3FC!!! Gimme what'cha got girlies!!
    Gaining eat more protein. It usually helps me with hunger if I eat some sliced meat or raw almonds. Let me know if it works for you.
  • Hi everyone - Sorry for the many posts. It seems to be an easy way for me to keep up. Just trying something different.

    Didn't make it to the gym today. Car was in the shop and hubby did not feel like going today. I guess I could have done my Shred DVD but I don't think it is really good for my knee. I have done well eating today Oatmeal w/ honey for breakfast, sandwich for lunch and tonight is Wendy's Wednesday I will be sure to pick something healthy. No frosties for me :-( I am a little sore from yesterdays leg workout....I LOVE IT! Have a plan to get back to the gym tomorrow for cardio, back and biceps. Looking forward it, I miss the gym when I don't get to go. Oh Well sometime I have to be a little flexible.

    Have a great night everyone. Again I say I love this group.
  • Wysteria - I'm so sorry to hear about your day!!! No one deserves to be treated like that! I agree with the other ladies, maybe be on the look out for a new position else where, somewhere you can be appreciated!

    Rachael - We'll see what happens when I get to my goal. I have a feeling I'll want to lose more. My goal weight has changed so much, it was 135, 145, 125, 130...basically, I have NO clue where I want to end up. BUT, at 140 I'll be at a healthy BMI of 24, and we'll go from there!
  • Quickly posting my info while I have my calorie counter on my screen.

    Exercise: jogged/walked 2 miles

    Breakfast: Oatmeal, brown sugar, 1 tsp earth balance, splash of almond milk, coffee
    Lunch: Grilled veggie/soy cheese sarnie (vegan bread that I made, so yummy!)
    Snack: handful of cashews
    Dinner: Vegetable curry, brown rice, homemade vegan naan bread
    Dessert: Mini Kinder bar

    Calories: 1,187
  • Hi, everyone! You guys are all such inspirations. I must say, I am in a very good mood. I just accomplished my mini-goal of running a mile without stopping I wasn't expecting to get to that point for another week or two, but my legs held in and I made it.

    My calories have definitely been on the low side this week. I've been consuming maybe 1100, and since I'm exercising pretty vigorously on top of that, I'd say I haven't been getting enough. It's hard because my sleep schedule is all mucked up--I'll wake up at noon or one, then not go to bed until 4 a.m. You'd think this wouldn't affect my amount eaten, but I find that early in the morning, I'm not too interested in food. Gotta straighten this out lest I fall into the opposite extreme of way, way under-consuming. I'm not just aiming for weight loss here, but balance.
  • Shells - Homemade vegan bread? You have the recipe for that?

    Eury - Congrats on running a mile without stopping!
  • 1-12-11

    Water - not enough

    Steel Cut Oats

    Cheddar Cheese

    Philly Steak Sandwich
    French Fries

    Lindt Chocolate Truffle

    Zucchini Spaghetti
    SF Fudge Bar

    Approximately 1600 calories
  • Hi Everyone!

    Eurydice Great job on the mile run!

    Diana (LA) I think the culprit could have been the breakfast.

    Total Approx 1440 Calories

    Breakfast (365 Calories + coffee)
    spritz oil in pan
    egg 70 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 calories
    Handful of spinach
    2% Reduced Fat Cheese 40 calories
    high fiber English muffin 100 calories
    1 teaspoon jam 20 calories
    juice 75 calories
    coffee w/sugar and cream

    Lunch (375 Calories)
    Earth Grains Thin Bun 100 calories
    3 Slices Hormel Natural Choice Deli Turkey 60 Calories
    Mustard/Lettuce 25 Calories
    Oikos Strawberry Greek Yogurt 4 ounce container 90 calories
    1 Apple 100 calories

    Dinner (700 Calories)
    BBQ Grilled chicken breast 400 calories
    Steamed broccoli 100 calories
    Grilled Green Beans 100 calories
    Sugar Snap Peas 100 calories

    TF Fire 60
  • Okay, semi-seriously went over my calories tonight for supper....but I did it intentionally (not that that makes it okay.....but it was a splurge.) I had grilled shrimp (2-3 servings), medium baked potato, salad, sauteed green beans and a pkg of crackers. Not horrible, but definitely an overdo. I overdid one night last week, too, though....and still had a great loss. I'm not upset with myself over it at all. I actually made up my mind to indulge....no guilt! And now I've repented () so all is right with the world again (and I KNOW I won't wake up hungry tomorrow! haha) So there. I said it.

    Night everyone! It's beddy bye time for me!! Sleep well and let's have a kick hiney day tomorrow!!!!
  • Okay, so I just checked and I think I may have only gone over my calories by about 150 at most. Not bad at all for a splurge!!
  • Quote: Okay, so I just checked and I think I may have only gone over my calories by about 150 at most. Not bad at all for a splurge!!
    NOT BAD at all!!!!
  • Hey lovely ladies!

    Here's my check in for today...

    B- strawberry oatmeal 180, whole wheat toast w/PB 150 (330)
    S- slim fast chocolate shake 200
    L- turkey sandwich on whole wheat 160, applesauce 80 , LC cheese wedge 35 (275)
    S- 2 rice cakes 90
    D- beef pot roast 230, mashed potatoes 200, mixed veggies 50 (480)
    64 oz water
    20 minutes on the elliptical (burned ~200 calories! )

    Too cold to run until about Friday...so more Jillian Michael's NMTZ tomorrow! Night ladies! Hope everyone had a great day!