Tbl-black Team!!!

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  • It's that time of the week again....
    **Please have your weigh-in posts updated by 11:00 (central time) tonight!**

    I'll post a list a little later today of people whose weigh-ins have not been updated yet.
  • Wish I didn't have to!! Had a HORRIBLE week, diet & water wise. It wasn't so much that I ate poorly, I just didn't eat enough & I most defiantely didn't get in the water I needed. I was lucky to drink 3 glasses of water in one day this week. I was so off schedule & it shows! I am not letting it get me down though, I HAVE lost inches & I KNOW the 4 pounds is water/fluid. I am back on track, so expect a BIG loss next week!! (I will beat the weight off of me if necessary!)
  • I got 3 pounds off this week...it may be dumb, but I was hoping for more.
  • My friends mom gave this to me and I thought it was interesting and I would share..

    Here is the estimated number of calories burned for 30 minutes at a moderate activity level at a weight of 200-250:
    Vacuuming: 113
    Swimming: 402
    Stair climbing: 408
    Scrubbing floors: 252
    Raking: 228
    Preparing dinner: 98
    PLanting flowers: 216
    Painting house: 228 (I beg to differ on this one, I was sweating pretty bad the other night painting my apt.)
    Mowing: 216
    Laundry: 96
    Ironing: 102
    House cleaning: 162
    Grocery Shopping: 162
    Dusting: 106
    Window washing: 204
    Washing dishes: 102
    Washing car: 204
    Walking dog: 198

    and the list goes on.
    I dunno about you but I did a lot of these this weekend... hmm.. I wish we could count this on our flight to weight loss thread!

    3 pounds are awesome. You always wish for more, but in reality 3 is GREAT and you should feel wonderful..

    I wish I would loss 3.. or even one would be ok ..
  • Thank you for posting that Valentine!! I'm going to print off a copy to hang around the house. I'm a housewife and have often wondered what kind of calories I burn when I have cleaning day on Fridays! Well..... now I know! I wish we could count them too... I work up a sweat cleaning... and it's an ALL day thing... laundry, dishes, vacuuming, windows, dusting, sweeping, mopping... etc etc.
  • Yeah,thanks for posting that! And I know 3lbs is good...I feel better about it now, I just have a tendency to put too much pressure on myself.

    London--you'll be OUT of the 200's soon! Woot!
  • thanks for the post Valentine!! Think of all of those calories we are burning and not even thinking of it...wonder how many I burned cleaning my son's bedroom for 2 hours yesterday My 8 year old is now grounded for a month after being asked repeatedly for a month to clean his room. I've got lots of toys for goodwill
  • ***we interrupt your program for this special announcement**

    Okay... 2 1/2 hours until the weigh-in deadline...

    Here is the very short list of people who have not updated their weigh-in posts yet:

    Gretchy (1/2 freebies used)
    HRBABE (0/2 freebies used)
    HeatherMC (0/2 freebies used)
    SouthernSweetheart (0/2 freebies used)
    WannaBThin (1/2 freebies used)
    Bdandy3 (1/2 freebies used)

    Please have your weigh-ins updated by 11:00PM (central time) tonight!!!

    ***now back to your regularly scheduled program***
  • Congrats on the 3 lbs. Cassie!
    I am up a bit this week, which is actually a victory for me. We did a wine & dine vacation and I only gained a half a lb. I can't even imagine what it would have been had we not split every entree and hiked over 20 miles!
    So, all, in all - even with a gain - it was a good week.
    I'm already back on plan and expect a loss for next week.
  • Quote: Congrats on the 3 lbs. Cassie!
    I am up a bit this week, which is actually a victory for me. We did a wine & dine vacation and I only gained a half a lb. I can't even imagine what it would have been had we not split every entree and hiked over 20 miles!
    So, all, in all - even with a gain - it was a good week.
    I'm already back on plan and expect a loss for next week.
    Way to go!! That is the way to do it. My husband and I split almost every meal now when we go out. The servings seem to get larger and larger which isn't needed. If he wants something I don't, I am not afraid to ask for a half order or order fish (salmon) and steamed veggies and I am fine with that (hubby hates fish, the only time I get it is when we go out to eat). You HIKED over 20 miles?!
  • Well I missed weigh in. I have been really sick and in bed the last couple of days. So needless to say I couldn't get to the computer nor did I feel like it ( I don't have a home computer, so I have to get on at work or from my parents, which is about a 15 to 20 mins away). I didn't have a real great week. I didn't work out like I should have because of my back pain from a car accident clear back in Aug. '06. Some weeks it is wose than others and this was a bad week!! Eating could have been better, I need to get to the grocery to get lunch stuff I can eat insted of the fast food! Hopefully I can get back on track this week even though TOM started today! I won't get to exercise tonight because my friend is going to dye my hair after work. I don't have to be at work until 10am the rest of the week so hopefully I can get myself moving in the mornings and get my work out done and over with! So here's to a better week!!
  • HeatherMC - wow..... I think that bad weeks are going around! I'm having one myself. Maybe it's the time of year.... at least I know it seems that way here. We went from bright-sunshiney days to dreary looking cold days. I LOVE that the cooler weather is here, but I notice a change in my attitude when the sun isn't around. Glad you're still around though! You'll get back on track! Just enjoy your night of pampering (hair dying!) and get back on track tomorrow! Tonight is TBL night.... all I have planned is sitting my large rear in our big comfy chair and enjoying TV!!!!

    CountingDown - a wine & dine vacay? WHERE DO I SIGN UP!!!!???? Sounds like a blast!! Hiking 20 miles??? sounds not so much like a blast! lol

    Andi - hubby and I split meals too. I'm amazed that I get so filled up with splitting meals... but before we'd split meals, I'd eat an ENTIRE entree'. I can't even imagine how many calories I was forcing into me body!

    Cassie - 3 pounds is AWESOME!!! That's how much I lost last week... it's the most I had lost in a single week ever! So congrats!!!!
  • Sorry, I missed WI totally was away from computer and scale and totally off plan (in fact I still haven't weighed.) So I'll have to use one of my freebies.

    Congrats to all the losers!
  • I made it to the 250s today YAY! Finally. Ive ate alot of things I shouldnt have today, but Im still within my calorie range.

    Congrats to all that lost this week!! WOO HOO!!!
  • Congrats on getting into the 250's Alana Jo. It won't be long before you're in onderland!