Aussie Chicks

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  • Not such a good day today either...but I think that is because I have allowed myself to ease off the diet for the remainder of this week.

    Went to lunch, had a serve of fish and chips and enjoyed every last crumb!

    After lunch I decided I'd be fine with just a small snack in the evening...I ended up cooking up a huge serve of pasta with a tomato and bacon sauce. I ate the lot of that too. Sad thing is, I wasn't really hungry then either

    I seem to be eating for the sake of eating again. This was my initial problem that got me so fat in the first place!

    I am going backwards right now

    I need to get in control again. I NEED TO!

    Monday is the new start.

    Monday is the beginning of the new me.

  • Me too Lindor. My body has settled on 90kgs now, I dont know whats going on. I'm almost desperate enough to try Tony Fergusons shakes. Would probably suit me actually. Except for the cost.

    I honestly dont know what to do anymore with my weight. Its really getting me down and I feel like giving up. Sigh.

    Back to it on Monday.
  • Don't give up Kathy

    I understand where you are...but we have to believe in ourselves. We have to believe that we can do this!!!

    All those 'shake' diets seem to cost a fortune?!

    I think it sucks that people are making money out of our weight issues!

    I have just tried sticking to portion control with my diet. I want to continue eating what I enjoy, I just need to control the quantity. There is no way I'd making it by following a strict diet regime. I enjoy my food too much - and lately too much of it!!!

    I was back at work today so managed to stick to a half hearted routine.

    So it was a pretty good day dietwise. The only 'bad' thing I had was a hot chocolate drink about an hour ago. And that was a 99% fat free one so it wasn't too bad. Today has restored a little hope that I might be able to get back into things on Monday.

    I really need to work on exercise too. Been ages since I really did anything energetic. But, I have been feeling very tired of late so not sure how I'll go with that in the near future.

    One thing at a time I guess
  • Hey all

    Lindor Monday is another day and sometimes we deserve some time off the diet to refocus. Maybe that is what is happening with your body.

    I have been reallly good this week(shock), exercised on my mini tramp and went for a couple of walks. I am pretty good at maintaining my weight its the losing part I have struggled with lately. I wish I could get that feeling back when I lost my bulk of my weight but that just isn't there any more....who knows why???

    I have been so determined this week that I was dissappointed that we had to go to a wedding yesterday in Brisbane and i was worried about the food at the wedding. My husband gets annoyed with me and says stop worrying and eat anything....i know what happens when I do that though.

    Well I had all good intentions to stay on track as best I could. I had no alcohol apart from a few sips of champayne to toast the happy couple but I did have a small bowl of apple crumble and custard. I stuck to the water and cold meats and salad. I suppose thats not too bad...I could have been totally decadent. One good hangover today. The wedding was beautiful and the bride exquisite. Actually the groom is our friend and he lost 80kg for his wedding...still has about 80kg to go....a big boy but gee he has done well. His bride lost 30kg for the big day and she was so skinny...i was not really...

    So that is my blub for the day. I have just finished mowing the lawn and some gardening,,,,might go an water the flowers so as not to is always harder on the weekends...anyone else think so.

    Keep up the good work girls....if we don't thats ok too(but only for a little while eh)...xxxxleeny
  • Congrats on your good week Leeny

    It's a plus to know that it is possible to get back on track!

    So tomorrow is Monday! I am all ready for it. I feel determined. I started this in January...I want to finish it! I am going to finish it!!!

    I allowed myself some pancakes for desert final luxury for a little while. And that is what I have to remember, it is only for a little while. Then it is all in moderation once I reach goal, right?

    I have lots of water in the fridge. The weather has warmed up a tad, so I should be able to get back to drinking the cold stuff again. I should now be able to start resisting the comfort of warm deserts and meals. Back to the fresh fruit and salads again.


    I am going to restart my ticker with tomorrows weight...and then it will be down, down, down.


    ...have I convinced you all???

    Have I convinced myself???

    Time will tell I guess.

    I have my fingers crossed for me and for everyone else
  • I have been bad!!!

    But I am not going to let that get me down. I am going to let it motivate me!!!

    For the first time in two weeks I weighed myself this morning. I was worried...and it seems I was right to worry

    Leeny, no need to be jealous anymore

    I start anew at 86kgs!!!

    My goal will still remain at 62kgs.

    So here we go....
  • Hi everyone,

    I have been catching up on previous posts since I haven't been here for a couple of months. Will not bore you all with the details as we all have our own dramas.

    But it's obvious that we all have our good and not so good moments and still keep going. Hoping that you all can keep me focused and be my 'voice of reason' when mine has disappeared.....

    Anyhow I'm back again and I'm not going to worry about yesterday and just concentrate on today!
  • Welcome back Jo, Good to see you back again.

    I'm back on plan today, been eating protein only so far today, and am planning some prawn fritters of some sort for dinner. Not that I'll be here at dinner time, I'll make some for myself to take to school with me. I thought I'd put it through the blender and then dh only has to cook them up with some veges if he wants to. I'll let everyone know how it goes.

    So girls lets get back on track!
  • Hi! Sydney-sider here and new....well, kinda anyway!

    Am glad to be on here and cant wait to get to know everyone! Does anyone get together for walking or anything? Would LOVE a walking buddy if you're near Liverpool/Moorebank area?

    Have a wonderful day!
  • Jo!!! Welcome back!!

    I think we are all making a clean start, so your timing is perfect! I got my fingers crossed for you.

    Plumptobump...welcome! If I could just walk to Sydney I think I'd be able to cure my weight problem before I even manage a walk with you!! I don't think anyone else in this country could get any further away from Sydney than I am

    So how's day one for me been??

    Started off ok with a bowl of porridge and a coffee for breakfast, a cup of soup for lunch, and apple for afternoon tea....a frozen McCains meal for tea, an orange for desert...followed by a 150g bag of smoked almonds.

    Not too bad I guess. And at least there is room for improvement on that tomorrow right?? No nuts tomorrow!!!

    Thing is, when I reached for the Almonds this evening I had just eaten tea and I wasn't even hungry. I just wanted something to crunch on!

    Anyway, I am not beating myself up over the Almonds. It could have been much worse going by recent history!!!

    I hope everyone else is doing ok
  • Hey there everyone

    I had an APPALLING weekend, drank too much on Saturday night, ate fish and chips AND McDonalds over the 2 days and did NO EXERCISE!!!!

    Geez, and I feel sad that I'm fat

    Anyhoo, today is another day so I'm looking forward to going to the gym after work. I'm actually feeling really positive which makes a nice change and I honestly believe it has something to do with the weather cos I feel way more enthusiastic about exercising now that it's warmed up a bit.

    Lets all keep posting on a regular basis so that we can help eachother to stay on track
  • Aw Lindor - thanks! Wish you could come walk with me....By the way, if my only problem was almonds, I wouldnt be here, so please dont beat yourself up about it!!

    Littlekiwi - I hope you enjoyed your alcohol and McDonalds...I must say that I miss them a bit! And I certainly wish I felt enthusiastic about exercising!!!

    Well, me, I am having a bit of a problem - I have been doing so well on my "diet" (am doing a modified version of Tony Ferguson), but as Im still breastfeeding, I am not able to go as strict as I would like and I think that will show on the scales this week. Im not ready to wean, so thats not an option, but I just wish I wasnt stuck worrying about whether my body will produce enough milk for Carter. Ah well, its a season and Ill never get this time back with him, so will have to get over it!

    Anyway ladies, have a great night! Any walking buddies needed in Sydney, let me know!

  • Britt,

    I'm a little too far away to join you in walks unfortunately.

    Today I was good, stuck to plan and didn't eat much. After a couple of weeks I'm going to decrease my diet coke intake, and increase my water, and wean myself off the black stuff. I have a sugar withdrawl headache tonite after having a sugar binge on the weekend. But when I got on the scales this morning, I know "Dont weigh yourself every day!" I was down 1/2 a kg. Woohoo.

    Came home early from school, as most of our class had done contract law, so ended up having dinner, but usually I just have a snack in the evening now. My main meal is lunch time these days if its a school night.

    I was sooooooooooo tempted to go to maccas, but talked myself out of it. ITs not WORTH it! its not WORTH it!
  • Hi all, for those who don't know me I'm your foreign correspondent!! I live in England but am originally from Tasmania.

    I'm trying to get back into the groove after my trip home. I went to Melbourne (7 days) Hobart (2 days) Adelaide (4 days) Indian Pacific to Sydney (1 glorious day and night in first class ) and Wollongong 2 nights.

    I ate pretty well considering. Not a single cherry ripe or packet of Samboys, no MacDonalds..... we won't talk about cake though! I love some of the new fast food places like Healthy Habits and Boost Juice.

    My mum walked straight passed me at the airport! I've lost 30 kilos since she last saw me. That was a lovely moment. And finding out I can fit into her dresses (lovely for me, not so for her!)

    I had such a great time, it's been a bit hard to fit back into English life again, but work has helped. My colleagues took me camping a couple of weekends ago.

    I'll try to pop in more often to get my fix of Aussie-ness!
  • Kathy .. MACCAS is not worth it! I know, tempting and all .. but I agree it's best to talk yourself out of getting it. I know I do .. often! haha! Don't weigh yourself everyday but yipee that it's showing a loss.

    Britt .. your bub is so cute! Ohh and welcome to the board. You are sorta kinda close to me, I'm in the Fairfield area. I grew up at Liverpool though and am there often because that is where my family still lives - and my daughter (almost 1.5) goes to childcare there with my neice (2.5). I am waiting to lose weight for my lil one to - and me too of course

    Lindor .. glad we're all making a clean start then. Looks like I peeked in just in time. Makes it easier. You're day one food intake was awesome, you're doing WAY better than I am in the food department. I wouldn't beat myself up over the almonds - at least they have nutritional value. But I know what you mean about grabbing something to crunch on right after dinner ... it's a habit I need to break also. Ahhhhhhhh ..... anyhow, glad you are still here and going strong. You're such an inspiration

    LilKiwi .. You're APPALLING weekend is over, so dont' stress about it. Today is a new day, and we just have to balance it all out. So for a couple of bad days you'll end up having a few good days to. So keep at it. Hope you got to the gym after work - that will start you out right again. I'm going tomorrow ...

    Kykaree .. wow how awesome would that have felt with your own mum not recognising you with all the weight you have lost And you did soooo well not to be tempted by the 'I'm on holidays' excuse (which I have used often). You should be proud of yourself - and you got to visit home and family to, even better. Stop by here whenever you need a fix of 'home'

    As for me, just plodding along. Am starting my exercise program tomorrow. Am thinking of going back to weight watchers to, just so that I am accountable, learn new skills, recipes etc and can weigh in each week. Still deciding due to money factor .... but will see what happens. It's more than likely I will join up again though! I know I need an extra boost to get started - can't do it myself just yet.

    Will check in with you all tomorrow. Take care.