Home of the 100% Vol 19

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  • Mompattie-so sorry for your loss.

    Monica- enjoy those days off! Thank God for nurses!
  • Quote:

    Oh man that felt good! You sure know when a girl needs them!!! This time of he year is still always so bittersweet. So sweet and happy my little boy is six!!! But my little girls anniversary is next week and she would have been 7! I can't believe how quickly time flies, but it still feels like yesterday when our world forever changed. Thanks for the HUG honey.
    to you and your family.
  • In the excitement of reaching the century club, I completely forgot my 4th 25lb reward. Something on the threads today reminded me so now I pouring over the spa website to decide what kind of treatment to book. They have a skin firming body cocoon with a full body massage combo that I've done before but sounds even more fitting now with all my loose skin. I'll keep looking a little more at the menu because planning is half the fun.
  • Quote: In the excitement of reaching the century club, I completely forgot my 4th 25lb reward. Something on the threads today reminded me so now I pouring over the spa website to decide what kind of treatment to book. They have a skin firming body cocoon with a full body massage combo that I've done before but sounds even more fitting now with all my loose skin. I'll keep looking a little more at the menu because planning is half the fun.
    You'll enjoy it even more with a friend! When is OUR appointment??
    Just remember to give me 26 hours of driving time -- better book me in for a "soothing cucumber eye treatment" too
  • Hi Shayla, and welcome! To all my other IP 100% peeps, hope you are having a wonderful weekend. I am one tired puppy for some reason (another body adjustment?) so I'm turning in early tonight. But I'll be back bright and early tomorrow checking in for my daily dose of support and friendship.
  • Everyone is such an inspiration
  • Quote: I was just getting over crying from last night, and you guys started me all up again!!

    However, I'm also "enjoying" the feeling of amazement about how close you can feel to people that you've never met thanks to forums like these. I really believe in my heart that I'll be giving Pattie a hug in person one day. Hey, it's only a few thousand kms! I'm sure one of us will be "in the neighbourhood" one day! (Or side by each on our cruise pool side loungers! I believe you ordered the massage from "Sven the Whoosh Fairy" right Pattie?[
    Ah yes, our cruise!!! Of course we'll be bunk mates!! And be having non stop lemon water delivered via the cabana boy!! And most certainly we'll be hugging one day!! I feel connected to all of you, this is an amazing board.

    Quote: Hi Shayla, and welcome! To all my other IP 100% peeps, hope you are having a wonderful weekend. I am one tired puppy for some reason (another body adjustment?) so I'm turning in early tonight. But I'll be back bright and early tomorrow checking in for my daily dose of support and friendship.
    Same here!! Night everyone!!

    Again, thanks to everyone here for all the hugs and support!!! Next week will be a tough one, but I am feeling strong, loved, and supported in real life and on 3fg (re-named 3 fat geese)
  • had a great DATE NIGHT with dear hubby, olive garden and les miserables!!! it felt good to be in control!!! this is the first time i have been to the moveis since i started IP and NO popcorn!!

    I took in my bottled water and some IP chocolate soy puffs, but was full from dinner and never even tempted to open the bag!!

    i made excellent choices at olive garden!!

    they have a new dish, lemon herb grilled chicken, and i had NO pasta, and it came with spinach, tomatoes and broccoli, and they added bell peppers in the place of the pasta!! and i had NO breadsticks and salad with NO dressing.


    it just feels amazing to go out normally, and stay on plan!!

  • Look at us!!! Behind the drivers wheel making awesome choices!!!! Great job!!!! And a date night, lucky you!!!
  • Quote: Look at us!!! Behind the drivers wheel making awesome choices!!!! Great job!!!! And a date night, lucky you!!!
    LE Joy!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mompattie: So sorry for your loss. Sending hugs your way.

    Quote: There is a woman who is due in 5 weeks in my Bodypump class that I am eyeing and seeing how she's made adjustments (incline bench for chest & tri). I use dumbbells for biceps and do the hammer curl/half curl+twist option - definitely worked different muscles than just doing the bar for lifts.

    I had been mixing in a bootcamp style class that I am dropping for exclusive Bodypump now, it's more stable and a class I can keep up with throughout the pregnancy. There is no way I could have maintained the jumping around, burpees, instability
    I'll have to try using dumbbells for the biceps track. That's a really good idea. I actually think that once I get to goal weight I will be joining a crossfit gym because I love lifting weights. I'm tempted to join now, but I know the workouts would be too strenuous while on this diet.

    Quote: had a great DATE NIGHT with dear hubby, olive garden and les miserables!!! it felt good to be in control!!! this is the first time i have been to the moveis since i started IP and NO popcorn!!

    I took in my bottled water and some IP chocolate soy puffs, but was full from dinner and never even tempted to open the bag!!

    i made excellent choices at olive garden!!

    they have a new dish, lemon herb grilled chicken, and i had NO pasta, and it came with spinach, tomatoes and broccoli, and they added bell peppers in the place of the pasta!! and i had NO breadsticks and salad with NO dressing.


    it just feels amazing to go out normally, and stay on plan!!

    I love it! Doesn't it feel good to be in control? I'd say that Italian restaurants are the toughest to do with IP, so I'm glad you were able to find on plan food. And kudos for resisting the breadsticks! That is not an easy feat.
  • Where is wuv? I haven't seen her on any of these boards for weeks. Does anyone know what is going on?
  • Quote: You'll enjoy it even more with a friend! When is OUR appointment??
    Just remember to give me 26 hours of driving time -- better book me in for a "soothing cucumber eye treatment" too
    Maybe you should wait for spring and a little easier drive. By then I was thinking for goal I would one of those full day events with the fancy little spa lunch thrown in.

    Quote: had a great DATE NIGHT with dear hubby, olive garden and les miserables!!! it felt good to be in control!!! this is the first time i have been to the moveis since i started IP and NO popcorn!!

    I took in my bottled water and some IP chocolate soy puffs, but was full from dinner and never even tempted to open the bag!!

    i made excellent choices at olive garden!!

    they have a new dish, lemon herb grilled chicken, and i had NO pasta, and it came with spinach, tomatoes and broccoli, and they added bell peppers in the place of the pasta!! and i had NO breadsticks and salad with NO dressing.


    it just feels amazing to go out normally, and stay on plan!!

    Sounds like a great date night!

    I had dinner at my brother's tonight and was shocked they got all the right food stuff for me. He was a little perplexed as to what to serve me for dessert but finally understood that I didn't really need anything as I was full from the huge steak, salad and broccoli at dinner.
  • Quote: Where is wuv? I haven't seen her on any of these boards for weeks. Does anyone know what is going on?
    I believe she is working two jobs now (busy lady) and is on Facebook more now.
  • Quote: In the excitement of reaching the century club, I completely forgot my 4th 25lb reward. Something on the threads today reminded me so now I pouring over the spa website to decide what kind of treatment to book. They have a skin firming body cocoon with a full body massage combo that I've done before but sounds even more fitting now with all my loose skin. I'll keep looking a little more at the menu because planning is half the fun.
    Sounds wonderful!! I've been thinking about a new hair cut and some highlights ... Think I'll be scheduling when I finally get to goal!

    Quote: Oh my! Anyone who thinks you "get over" a loss like that has never really experienced loss.
    I'm so happy you have your little guy to celebrate his birthday now!
    Celebrate and remember. Bittersweet. Enjoy his birthday!
    What I always tell people is that you never get *over* it. You just somehow manage to get *through* it. The pain never goes away, it just becomes a little duller ... a little less sharp ... over time. Hugs, Mompattie.

    Quote: had a great DATE NIGHT with dear hubby, olive garden and les miserables!!! it felt good to be in control!!! this is the first time i have been to the moveis since i started IP and NO popcorn!!

    I took in my bottled water and some IP chocolate soy puffs, but was full from dinner and never even tempted to open the bag!!

    i made excellent choices at olive garden!!

    they have a new dish, lemon herb grilled chicken, and i had NO pasta, and it came with spinach, tomatoes and broccoli, and they added bell peppers in the place of the pasta!! and i had NO breadsticks and salad with NO dressing.


    it just feels amazing to go out normally, and stay on plan!!

    Sounds wonderful!! We've been having to stay out of the house more since our house in on the market and it seems that people are just streaming through constantly. Today we're going out to brunch and then will see Life of Pi. Thankfully it's now easy for me to handle eating in restaurants. Yesterday I ordered a Chopped Veggie Salad w/grilled chicken, no dressing (brought my own) and no croutons but it came with a bunch of stuff not on the menu. So, I picked out all the olives, avocado chunks, and white beets and gave them to DH. I normally ask a lot of questions about what's in a dish but somehow neglected to do so this time. Live and learn ... I'll be packing veggie munchies for the movie. First time we've actually been to a theater in eons!!!