Moving out of the 150s challenge.....

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  • I'm so behind what I was hoping to weigh by now The first like, 11 or so lbs came off so easy and now it's really slowed down.

    all the same... I'm down to 156.5.

    I'm kinda bummed out because I was hoping that when I went home for the winter break my friends and family would see a big difference. And now I'm worried that they won't

    I'm really happy for everyone who's seeing those numbers decrease keep up the hard work ladies, its really paying off !!
  • Hey everyone... I barely weigh 159 now so I'm officially in the 150's now. I haven't eaten well lately so I'm working on getting back on track!
  • Yay Megwini!
  • Still hanging on to 153! I'm a little worried though about going to Puerto Vallarta next week. I want to enjoy it, but I also don't want to gain a ton of weight. I'll be down there Sunday through Sunday. Does anyone have any suggestions????
  • Welcome, megwini!!! Congrats on making it to the 150s!
  • congrats on making it to the 150s megwini!

    Before we know it we'll all be celebrating the 140s !!

    I weighed in at 156 today, half a pound loss
    It also means that I am now exactly 20 lbs overweight. And for some reason losing 20 lbs doesnt seem all that daunting to me anymore.

    This is my first attempt at healthy weightloss and I'm really seeing the benefits!

    Stick with it ladies !!
  • Aw thanks... I did good 2 days ago... yesterday I was at 1700 cals until that night when I got invited for bubble tea... I have a weakness for smoothies and bubble tea and ice cream and such... I can pass anything else up but not those... so I went and got a small, but because the pearls alone are like 400 calories, a small bubble tea is like over 600 calories... good thing I don't drink it very much!!!! I did feel more in control though yesterday, and it was JUST the bubble tea. I'm aiming for about 1600 cals today, hopefully!
  • 155 lbs today!

    I went to the gym yesterday for the first time in a few weeks :S I've been so busy with school and I've hardly had time to sleep, never mind go to the gym.

    I wish this whole weight loss thing was a faster process

    Hope everyone else is doing well !!
  • Hello everyone! I took the plunge and I would like to join the 150s thread!! i've been dreaming about joining this thread for months!

    I'm happy to report i am at 158.7lbs

    I was scared to leave the 160s thread, cause i thought i might jump back into the 160s again. but i've maintained it for 4 days now so i hope its real!

    i really worked out hard last week to get into the 150s,

    but last night i had a major binge on doritos and other junk food! ate 1000 calories over my limit.

    so then i had to workout for 2 hours to burn it all off! as i didnt want all my hard work for the week to be thrown out the window. luckily this morning it didnt

    but boy did i learn my lesson, a few times during my workout felt sick. its so true what they say, that eating right will be like fuel for workouts.

    A big hello to my former 160s girl-friends Fat pants (although i really ought to call you skinny pants! hehe i followed you here aswell and Megwini - followed you here aswell!!

    I look forward to getting to know all you inspring 150 girls!

  • Welcome, Echo! Maybe we can follow each other into the 140's too!
  • thanks Megwini!! yeh i will definately be up for that!!
  • A big Echo!!! So happy to see you over here! Congratulations on making it to the 150s!!!
  • aww thanks so much for the lovely warm welcome SKINNY pants - so nice of you to say !!!
  • Howdy ladies... hanging in there at 155 this morning... I hope to be out of the 150s by the start of December. Thanksgiving won't derail me!!
  • wow thats awesome Skinny pants!! and looking super hot in that dress! very nice!! va va vooooom