Sugarbusters Weekly Support Board 2/13 - 2/19

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  • Happy Valentines Day!!!

    I was tickled to see that this morning I'm back down to 224.5 which is only .5 higher than my low last week. I know part of it was my bad eating, but most of it apparently was water retention. I visited the bathroom much more often yesterday than usual!

    Monet- would love to be able to spend more time in my warm bed! We have a week off next week for Winter Break and I will be doing that some mornings for sure! dh says we are going to keep an eye on the weather and if extreme north Georgia or North Carolina has any snow, that one day we will head north and play! He works in Ellijay and says we may end up playing in the Pepsi parking lot!

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Good morning ladies. I totally blew it yesterday with my starchy carbs after I tried so hard not to go over 3. By the time I got home from work yesterday I was starving...I didn't have enough veggies at I munched away on triscuits while dinner cooked. Doesn't help that TOM is right around the corner and I'm craving salty stuff anyway. After dinner we went to TCBY and I got some No Sugar Added frozen yogurt with NSA hot fudge. It was to die for.

    I'm back on track today. I borrowed mom's blender so that I can have my protien smoothies for breakfast, so I had one of those this morning. Snack will be a hard boiled egg. Lunch will be a salad from Quiznos, probably the black and bleu without the bleu cheese crumbles (yuck!) and maybe an apple if I'm still hungry. Snack in afternoon will be apple or egg. I have no idea what I'm doing for dinner...most likely it will be chicken.

    Quick question - can you fry chicken as long as it's breaded with WW flour and fried in a healthy oil (canola)?
  • oops I posted my reply on the exercise board. But just wanted to wish everyone a HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!!!!!

    I went with several ladies frm work Fri to Tenn. shopping and literally we shopped till we dropped. There they go 8-10 in. snow, then come home to NC in my area and had none!!!!!!!!! My daughters were mad I got to see snow and they haven't seen any all winter yet.

    Hope everyone is good.

    Talk later off to work, huhcrystal
  • NICOLEE: Yes, you can fry chicken if you use ww flour and use a healthy oil. Blot it well, and take off the skin first. Its not the BEST way... I get it all prepared, then put it on a really well sprayed cookie sheet, spray it with non stick cooking spray and bake it at like 450, turning it half way through. It turns out pretty good, but you have to spray it really well with the cooking spray. I got the recipe originally from the In the Kitchen With Rosie, the book written by Oprah Winfrey's chef with Oprah's favorite recipes. Its a low fat cookbook, but adaptable.

    SOLLY: I just pressure cook the chicken in chicken broth to keep a strong chicken flavor. I finely chop the chicken, and add finely chopped celery, onion and water chestnuts. I don't add anything else but homemade mayo and salt. I used to add some curry powder, which IS good, but the fam likes it plain better.
  • Monet: Glad to hear that I can do that. I use the boneless and skinless breasts...I never have liked skin. I've also done the baked fried chicken before...I just wanted to make sure that it would be okay. I'll have to look for that cookbook.

    Hugcrystal: Where in TN did you go shopping? Pigeon Forge?
  • quick question to the masses...

    I've been on a real green tea kick lately. Like, 2-3 cups a day for the last month and a half. I found a Lipton version that is honey flavored...but with not natural honey, so it's not real honey.

    Anyhow...I've noticed a decrease in aches and pains in the morning when I get up, slowly but surely, I've been feeling great! I had a slight cold last week, but I'm really thinking that between the green tea and the Zicam Cold Remedy I took, it staved off a full-fledged cold even. Anyone think I'm nuts? My husband calls me a hippy because I usually light some incense (that I got on Venice Beach when we went to california...) at the same time I'm having my green tea. Next thing you know, I'll be wearing flowers in my hair and smoking funny stuff, he says.

    BUT, all kidding aside...I'm thinking the anti oxidants in the green tea has been having a rather positive impact on my body. What do you guys think?
  • TECH: I agree totally. I am a firm believer in herbal remedies. I think a lot of the benefits of green tea being touted by the media are a bunch of hooey, but it DOES have benefits, especially when you are patient and give it a month or more to work. Many herbal remedies are like that...for instance black cohash for menopause, and saw palmetto for prostate. The German commission on herbal medicine has solid proof for many herbal remedies.
  • I just got in from school. Class was fun. The kids were painting their paper mache sculptures today. When they were done painting, they made Valentines with pop out hearts for their parents. I was supposed to go outfit shopping after school, but we rescheduled for Thursday since Tom forgot to leave me the gift card I was planning on using for my outfit. I am still unsure of what I will get, but I am hoping to find some thing in a nice pants suit. I want to get black, but maybe that is too severe. Ruth, her matron of honor, is wearing red, and the tuxes are black with dark gray vests. I am thinking maybe purple, but I don't want royal blue, as that is the color I wore for Ruth's wedding. I am feeling rather fat these days, so I am NOT excited about clothes shopping.

    I need to think up something nice for dinner. What I really want to do is take a nap, but I guess I will head out to the grocery store and get a few things I need, and make quiches for breakfast for the guys. I suppose I could serve that for dinner too.....

    I will check in later!



  • IT'S BOB AGAIN!!!!

    Thought I had better drop a note since I haven't really given y'all an update on Kate lately!

    She's doing really good. The Aide will come three times a week to give her a bath and wash her hair ( I'm glad for this because I would be afraid she would fall and there I would be...) the Physical Therapist comes every day for a while and the Ocupational Therapist, three times a week. She has exercises to do in bed so there won't be too much strain and she won't overdo (hopefully). This morning when I didn't answer her at 7 a.m., she got up and made it into my room because the door was shut...when she didn't find me, she went looking for TIPPY...found her in her bed asleep in the living room. She called me when she got up and I filled her in about getting up early! My Boss is letting me come home early Mon, Tue and Wed, so getting there at 6:30 will only leave another hour to make up.

    SO...What's everyone doing for VD??? My JERK is in KY but I got flowers this morning so it wasn't a total washout!

    I'm off to fix some supper....Hope everyone has a great evening with THEIR SWEETIES!!!

  • Pretty good VD here! I made ww spagetti with ground turkey, a large salad, and garlic bread made with leftovers I made in the breadmaker this past weekend. I had a half a slice of bread so thin you could almost see through it. The kids got candy at school and from friends so of course I had a couple of "kisses", but dh and I have a small box to share together. Actually it has a "funky" taste to me, so not too hard to pass on! I think I will be able to pass on all of it tomorrow and get on with it!
  • Hope everyone had a good VD. I got a lovely box of chocolates from a vendor and after being so bad over the weekend, I was able to pass it on to a young man I work with without sampling even one piece and it didn't bother me. I also got a nice tulip arrangement from my boss.
  • Hi all
    Howdy everyone,

    Sorry about no in depth posts have just been in and out helping out my mom feeding her crew. They are building a house and we are helping so as soon as we drop off my oldest Danielle at school we head for moms. And by the time we get home I have just been to tired to get on here. I am still on track but have been fighting 2 lbs that I either lose or gain in a week. Its been this way for a week. But I have noticed the inches going away in my bras and my clothes. I would like those 2 lbs gone permently. I am eating to much bread this weekend. Am going to cut back like I was before. And only have oatmeal in the mornings for the week and have a slice or 2 of starch on the weekend. Only if those 2 lbs leave and take 3 more with the. I did get some of the Uncle Sams cereal and noticed its better than before. Had to force myself to eat it

    Menu for the day was:

    Breakfast-Oatmeal with blueberries, 2 eggs, 3 slices turkey bacon
    Snack-1/2 apple

    Lunch-one grilled porkchop, 1/2 cup dry beans cooked of course, 1 cup greenbeans
    Snack-sugarfree ice cream about 1/3 cup

    Supper-chicken with onion rings and a small salad

    Happy Valentines Day everyone!!!

    Hubby had a beautiful card for me this morning and also bought me a satillite radio for my car.

    Bob-So glad Kates doing better have been fast reading post so I saw that a couple of days ago and said a prayer for you two.

    Techwife-I love green tea with sugar free honey its great!!

    Monet-Hi to you!!!!

    Still don't have the energy to post to everyone but I just wanted to drop by and say hello to everyone and Dripping!!!!!

    Well gotta run will try to get on tomorrow nite and post a little more.

  • Good evening everyone. I wanted to make a nice dinner for Valentine's Day, so I fixed my boys Lion's Head, and Bean Curd and Parrot. I will translate: The Lion's Head is pork meatballs kind of stewed, then served with shredded nappa cabbage. Bean Curd and Parrot is tofu, sliced and browned, then stir fried with spinach. The spinach is the parrot...since it is green with pink stems. The Chinese are very creative with their names. I usually don't do soy, but once in a great while, since I love this particular dish, I make it as a treat. We also had brown rice, and I had some 100% fruit juice.

    James and I headed over to Walmart where I picked up three skeins of yarn to make a baby blanket. I have been working on one for weeks and weeks, and I just can't bring myself to finish it. I don't feel like I am making much progress! So I got bigger yarn for a quicker project, and will try and finish it up fast. The baby is already 7 weeks old!

    I am ready for bed, so I will bid you all sweet dreams!
  • Good morning! I guess I was the last to bed, and the first one up!!! Today is all day I am just flying by to wish you all a good day!