New 21-Day Challenge!! -- Please join me!!

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  • COOL, curly!! Now there's a woman with initiative!!

    theresnoway........WAY!!!...yes, welcome, like I just said to silver, any time you want to join is OK! 100 situps I think is very doable, but it's YOUR challenge! Best of luck!
  • Hey everyone! I used to post on these forums a loooong time ago but fell off the wagon. I think I'm finally feeling motivated to get back on again though!

    My 21 day challenge will be to walk at least 30 minutes each day. I also thought that since I'm such a diet coke freak, I'll add on to it that I will only drink 1 can or less of diet coke each day.
  • Wow, another unusual handle!! Welcome, kiss! I'm glad you're feeling motivated again. Isn't it strange why we go through these slumps, some very loooooong........ Well, your challenge sounds good, walking and diet coke cutdown! Good luck! Keep us posted.
  • Quote: I also thought that since I'm such a diet coke freak, I'll add on to it that I will only drink 1 can or less of diet coke each day.
    Ha ha my first thought was to do away with my "diet pepsi" that was only a thought cuz i'd never make it!
  • I'm in
    I really need to do this goal making thingy....keep myself motivated and so for the next 21 days I will

    1. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
    2. Attend curves at least 5 times a week
    3. Take my vitamins daily.

    onward day one!

    I can do this!
  • Just checking in everyone! Nice challenges we have set up here. I am on day three and just finished my 4 mile walk. My legs feel like tree stumps, and I am hoping that this will get easier. Good luck and I am looking forward to some of you checking in here. Have a great Memorial Day.

  • Trixi -- Welcome. Good luck on your water and vitamins. The 21-day challenge is not just a challenge for 21 days. It's something you must do every single day. The idea is that when you do something EVERY day for 21 days it becomes a habit, or very close to becoming one. So, drink that water, take those vitamins!

    Sub -- on Day Three!!!!!! You can do it!! Yes, it will get easier. Walking is a totally natural thing. Your muscles will get used to it and you'll feel so much better. Good luck!
  • Thanks for the encouragement Red. How are you coming along on your challenge. I have to say that I am really enjoying this, and I have told my friends and family that I am on this challenge so that I won't slack off. I am so tired right now. I think I am going to take a late evening nap. Hope to see some new posts soon.

  • Day two for me, did good yesterday and have already taken the vitamins today. Going to curves again tonight and will drink the water (even if it makes me have 102 trips to the loo) I agree Redballon, I am doing this in order to create daily habits. Next 21 day challenge for me will be no caffinated coffee or alcohal (thats going to be a killer) it makes this challenge seem easier.

    Take care
  • back to the beginning.........
    Hi people. Not doing so well here myself but am determined to keep trying! Back to Day 1 here. No slacking. Am doing the calorie plan, 1500 cals plus extra for exercise (if I do it!) Come on, everybody! Where are you all?!

    sub -- As you can see, I'm not doing very well. Pigged out yesterday. Unusual sugar binge. Ughh. Feeling very lousy this morning but am determined to get on the ball again. How are you doing? I hope better than me.

    Trixi -- OK, a successful kickoff! Good for you! Get through this challenge well and your next one will be easier. Why don't you start cutting down on caffeine now to make the next challenge easier. Otherwise you'll get bad withdrawal symptoms. I know! I'm a caffeine addict! No, alcohol, yes, that's a killer with me too. Too much temptation there for socializing and kicking back...oh well, I'm no longer into the mega amounts of beer that I used to be. In any case, good luck!

    Everyone, come in and start over if you've fallen off track. Look at me, I sure have. That's the challenge. You keep trying till you count 21 straight days of staying on track!!

  • you are not alone red' ... saturday I drove 10 hrs, climbed up a mountain trail and walked a total of @ 10 miles ... well sunday i felt good walked in the evening... and yesterday I crashed!

    So i just got back from walking 3 miles and this will be my "day 1" again!
  • Hi there curly! Glad I'm not alone. It was starting to feel very lonely here. Could hear the soft sound of the wind blowing through the emptieness and all....
    Well, you did great but I'm glad you're willing to go along with the game and start back at Day 1. It's just that, a game plus a way to make new habits. When I used to do these challenges I was a real stickler for perfection. Hated to start over, would rather stretch my rules and definition of what "falling off the wagon" meant than start over. But now, I'm realizing that for me there is more meaning, more importance in the ability to start over, to keep going, to persist. I'm not expecting to be able to do something straight for 21 days unless it's super easy and at this stage, I want something more challenging. There has always been great motivation in challenge for me. So, that's why I'm back with the harder challenge of a calorie limit (I can have anything but I know I won't be able to do it unless I eat healthy food).

    Good luck on your second attempt, curly! You will achieve liftoff soon!
  • I just signed up for America on the move, u can record your walking and other activites .. I am walking across the united states... they even give u a certificate when u are done!
  • curly, I've seen that American on the Move thing. Looks like fun! Good luck!

    Ok, I'm wrapping up Wednesday here. Haven't added up the calories but I think I did pretty well, 'cept for exercise. Working, working all day, sitting in front of this dangawful computer! Oh well, at least I have a means of making money!
  • Feels kinda of weirdo that your finsihed your Wed and I am just

    Day three for me and I did really well yeasterday. I was starving in the afternoon and had to run out and get something to eat so I could go to curves and not die. So instead of the slice of pizza I would usually get I choose a nice greek sald which tasted yummy.

    This morning I felt soooo sick of eggs that I had soup (homemade, carb friendly) for breakfast. I feel that I have enough energy to start the day.

    Hope you all are doing great. redballoon I just know that I am going to have a few day ones in my time and will look forward tot he encouragement you provide.

    Take Care