October Goals

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  • I will join in also....
    Current 183.2
    Goal For October 175.2

    Oct 4: 183.2
    Oct 11:181.3 (-1.9)
    Oct 18:
    Oct 25:
    Oct 31:
  • Starting weight: 250 (Sept 30)

    Goal weight: 240

    Oct 1: 248.2 - Off to a good start
    Oct 4: 247
    Oct 11:
    Oct 18:
    Oct 25:
    Oct 31:

    Exercise goals: Keep doing zumba 4 days a week and try to add in some walking videos on the days I don't have zumba.

    Note: I know 10 pounds is a little more than normal, but I think I can do it.
  • Hello everyone, I hope all of you are doing good. I can't believe it is already the 8th and my birthday is a couple of weeks away. I am still looking forward to it even though I know I will over eat and probably have a gain. That is life, and since this is a lifestyle change and not a diet then things like that will happen.

    PUPMOMS: I agree with you that paying money is a big motivator to stay on track. I have never heard of Dietbet....what is that all about?

    DrivenByAmbition: I will be 52 in a few weeks and I have done the diet rollercoaster for so long. I lose and regain everytime that I have lost BUT I want this to be the last time that I lose this weight. I want to make lifetime so that I can have WW to help me stay on track.

    Starting weight: 189.2 (9/28/13)
    October Goal: 181.2

    10/5: 187.0 (-2.2)
  • Stuck stuck STUCK!

    CW 252.4 same as last week.....ugh.
  • how is everyone doing?

    llioness, keep going...don't let this discourage you
  • NewMe (disclaimer: I've never participated in a DietBet) It's a website where a group of people can each go into their challenge and put, say, $20 up a piece into the pot. The challenge will be something like "Lost 4% of your body weight in a month" and if you succeed, you split the pot with all the winners.
  • Hmmm...I don't know if I would want to do that, lol! (Dietbet) Maybe if I get stuck and the scale is not moving...I might consider that to give me a push! I know the next few months will be hard with the holidays
  • Quote: how is everyone doing?

    llioness, keep going...don't let this discourage you
    Thanks! I am not. I get stuck every few weeks or so, usually around TOM and always around the next lowest decade. Its all good.

    I made my hubs hide the scale last night, I get a bit obsessive!

    I also have changed up my workout..added the dreaded evil elliptical trainer and cardio before and after the weight training. Here is to hoping!
  • Quote: Thanks! I am not. I get stuck every few weeks or so, usually around TOM and always around the next lowest decade. Its all good.

    I made my hubs hide the scale last night, I get a bit obsessive!

    I also have changed up my workout..added the dreaded evil elliptical trainer and cardio before and after the weight training. Here is to hoping!
    fingers crossed for you!
    i need to get exercising... i have plantar fasciitis and it's been acting up, and i feel like i need to get a handle on the food thing for a couple of weeks (which may or may not be a total cop out excuse!)
  • I had Plantar Facitis a few years ago. It sucked! So I totally feel your pain.

    When I started WW back in January, I didn't work out for the first few weeks maybe a month. I did sporty outdoors stuff on the weekends for a few months and probably about the 20lb list mark I started going to the gym.

    Exercise makes me feel good. I am sure it us doing something as far as loss and toning (although I cannot see it) but I do it because I like the sweaty high I have after. Weird, I know.
  • omg it totally sucks. i'm originally from NYC, so i'm used to walking super fast. i'm at a snail's pace at the moment...lol

    i know EXACTLY what you mean about the "high". I did weight watchers a couple years back and started doing couch to 5k. i loved running for the runner's high i'd get after about 20 minutes.

    exercise definitely does something- what was your routine when you started going to the gym?
  • When I first started, I would do 30 minutes on the recumbant bike about 4 times a week. Then about a month of that and I added weight training and 35 minutes.
    When I first started I couldn't go 2 minutes on the elliptical, now I can do 30 pretty easy, and I do 3 miles in the treadmill. Sometimes c25k. I mix up my routine a lot, and if we are particularly busy outdoors with hiking or camping I take it easy at the gym. Summer we run at the beach. Although it's more of elephant walking lol!

    My current routine is 33 minutes cardio on the elliptical, 30 weight training alternating zones daily, followed up with 30 cardio on the bike. Every. Single. Weekday.

    Weekends are a 2 hour hike and/or 2 hour bike ride or kayak through the marina
  • October start weight: 140.0 lbs
    October goal: 132.0 lbs

    10/8: 138 (-2.0 lbs)

    October loss: 2.0 lbs
    Total WW loss: 62.0 lbs
  • Well, birthday celebrations are over and my body is hating me. I feel yucky. Ready to go back towards serving control. Ready to show a loss this week.
  • Hello all! I've just rejoined WW. So...why not set some goals? I'm down 46 lbs already....lots more to go but...1 at a time.

    Oct beginning weight 202.8

    Oct 15 198
    Oct 22 196
    Oct 29 194

    Total weight loss goal for Oct....8 lbs.