Core Chat: November 3-November 9

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  • Thanks everyone for all the encouragement.
    I was able to sorta cheat some while mostly eating heathy
    for months and maintain but I guess in the last few weeks
    I have cheated too much.
    Today I have gone back to strict core and I have been full with protein
    and using some benefiber in my drinks. Now I remember how much better
    I felt on core which is extra motivation.
    Getting to sleep has been an issue and after not sleeping much for 3-4 days
    I will sleep til noon and that throws me off even more. So I went ahead and got a sleep rx today hoping I can use it to get a regular routine and not
    need it often.
  • Hi
    Just wanted to say. I hope everyone has a wonderful relaxing weekend.
    Remember to take time for yourself. I need to work on that one myself.
    Did get some cross stitch dug out. Now to start working on it.
    Have some errends to run tomorrow. So maybe tomorrow evening I can start working on this piece I have started. I wanted to give it as a Christmas gift. Thinking if I do start on it now. Should have done by then.
    Ok. Night everyone.
  • Good Morning ladies

    Hope every has a nice weekend. I woke up with a tummy ache so I'm going to be very care what I select for my menus. today. Last night we had a condo meeting at a neighborhood nursing home conference room and they served cookies, browns & coffee. I didn't eat during the meeting but brought them home and ate them. Than last night the tummy ache started.I think I not used to having SUGAR as I'm a splenda type of gal.

    COCO-Leo doesn't like the way I go down stairs with the laundry basket under my arm.He afraid I'm going to fall and break my hip,but I have no other choice but to go down that way.That what help me with the munchies other than last night, is my craft works,if I don't keep my hand busy I get in trouble seeing those food commercials on TV.

    Oh I take time out for myself now that I'm not feeling well and I have my crocheting out to keep my hand busy so I don't partake into the goodies.

    RHONDA-Yikes I know the comfort foods[baked goods] you talking about. Doesn't this board have them in the core recipe section.I looked at the WW site and couldn't find anything Core Friendly. Why does WW do that to us, its seems like we are the lost orphans,on such a healthy plan why can't they come up with a baked good recipe for the core plan.Now now that you mentioned it I have seen her post either.


    NANCY-Glad that you have a plan and it sounds like a good one.Sometimes out body do strange things with the intake of different foods.I find if I don't have enough protein I start craving carbs and when I crave, I'm not talking good carb but the bad one sneak in somehow.
  • Hey chickies!

    Apologizes for being MIA these past few weeks. I have been up to my eyeballs in school work. Every week seems to be getting rougher. Only a couple of weeks until break! I fell off the wagon the last 2.5 weeks in October with my birthday, stress, and extra trips to the bars w/ friends. I got back on track last week and when I weighed in today I was down 2.2 for the week and 48.2 pounds total. I'm about 12 pounds away from my goal then have to maintain it for 6 weeks. I'm going to work extra hard these next couple of weeks and skip going to the bars. I'm so determined but with the holidays coming up it's going to be a challenge. Going home for Christmas my ma likes to have baked goodies and crap around the house. Does anyone have a recipes for low fat desserts?

    Sounds like the rest of you are doing well. We all struggle, that's just a natural part of the process. Whether or not we get back on track is the most important part and you all have been doing GREAT!

  • Hi All:

    Sammi, sounds like you're doing well. Congratulations. Christmas will be a challenge for us all. Look at the recipe section, you'll find Core desserts.

    Maryann, yes, there are lots of Core baked goods. I like them so much, I have to not make them!

    I've just returned from a Joan Baez concert. I love her voice and stage presence. This is the second time I've seen her in Toronto. She ended with Amazing Grace which she had the audience sing with her. She stopped singing and you could hear hundreds of people singing in this theatre that was built in 1896 with the greatest acoustics. There weren't many dry eyes in the house.

    I did OK with food today, but did eat a very small piece of non-Core lasagna that I made for DH. It actually didn't appeal to me very much, thank goodness. I've lost 1/2 pound this week and want to get more off by WI on Tuesday.

    Have a good night!

  • Where is everybody?!

    I hope you're all having a good day.
  • Hi Everyone
    Just checking in for a few.
    Not much happening here today.
    Went to church. Then went out and ate. Then went to see hubby's sister. And then went and seen her girls. They live right across the street from her. Anyway. They put up their Christmas tree. And wanted us to come see it. This is their first Christmas in their own house. Their parents own it. But they are living in it.
    Then went to Wal Mart. Son needed to get stuff for his bucket for the week. And then came home.
    Boy sure is a drop in the temp. Feels like snow. Guess there is a chance of some snow flurries.
    Well not sure how WW will go tomorrow night. So guess I will find out.
    Well I will get off here for now.
    Hope everyone is having a great evening.
    Thinking of each of you.
  • Hey ladies.
    Got a question. Forgot to ask it in my post.
    Wonder why nuts are not core.
    Is it because of the fat.
    I thought nuts are healthy for you.
    Seen where they say 8 english walnuts can be good for the heart.
    Any ideas or thoughts.
  • Nuts are healthy for you. You simply have to watch the calories. I don't know why they aren't core. I eat almonds and just count the points. Almonds are the least fatty and among the best for you. Walnuts are good too. Two Brazil nuts a day give you a day's supply of selenium also.

  • Is FF cool whip core? I've had people tell me yes and no... thanks!