Who started IP in August 2013? Let's support each other!

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  • Schenectady - You have great stats. Very impressed. You are so upbeat with your posts. Thanks
  • Thank you ladies
  • WI5 for me - down exactly 20lbs and 17.75 inches! let's see what the next week brings.

    I ended up switching over to alternatives and ran into a problem. I have known all along that my home scale is 7lbs off (heavier) than the scale at the clinic. My home scale had a tendancy to give different readings, back to back. So I bought a new scale, did some testing between old and new and had to adjust my weight. I will use this new (higher) number.

    But at least I had been recording my weight at both home and the clinic so I had enough data to make a calculated measurement. I will be using the new scale exclusively from now on.
  • I have been out of pocket for a week now, but I had to share some good news. Went on my first out of town trip to the in-laws, and I did eat several things that were not on plan during that time. I did try to behave myself; for instance, when I was at a Mexican restaurant I ordered a fajita taco salad and just ate the meat the lettuce and veggies. No chips or salsa, which was really hard! Anyway, I just weighed in and I had lost 5 pounds in two weeks! Very, very happy with that result. I was so afraid I would gain. Any loss is super!
  • Quote: I have been out of pocket for a week now, but I had to share some good news. Went on my first out of town trip to the in-laws, and I did eat several things that were not on plan during that time. I did try to behave myself; for instance, when I was at a Mexican restaurant I ordered a fajita taco salad and just ate the meat the lettuce and veggies. No chips or salsa, which was really hard! Anyway, I just weighed in and I had lost 5 pounds in two weeks! Very, very happy with that result. I was so afraid I would gain. Any loss is super!
    Glad it worked out for you and hope you enjoyed your visit! But, back on plan now, right??? We've got to stick together here!
  • On week 4 and for some reason I am hungry all the time! Drinking all my water, plus extra. How can I stop this hunger without cheating? I have not been this hungry since the first few days. Help...
  • Quote: Schenectady - You have great stats. Very impressed. You are so upbeat with your posts. Thanks
    That is so nice of you, MsKitty to say that. I have worked hard and been 100% OP.

    However, fate struck me the blow we will all face at some point or the other with the scale going in the WRONG direction!

    So I am being meticulous about eating exactly to the plan, no even teeny little variations. I am hoping tomorrow he needle will turn in the opposite direction.

    That is not a complaint - it will be what it will be I am still charging on ahead and enjoying shopping in my closet. Two more sizes and my closet will be empty. You know what that means -SHOPPING - even if it is only at the local Value Village thrift.
  • Vachinyc,

    Thank you, for the rtd idea. I will buy some tomorrow and try it.

  • Quote: On week 4 and for some reason I am hungry all the time! Drinking all my water, plus extra. How can I stop this hunger without cheating? I have not been this hungry since the first few days. Help...
    Pickles work for me - it seems to disrupt the sweet hunger pangs.

    If that doesn't help, I take one of my chocolate pudding mixes, some Walden Farms peanut spread, and my morning cold coffee. I whirl it through the blender with ice until it is very fine (sometimes I add WF chocolate sauce).

    Then I set it in the freezer for a little bit and I have a very cold, tasty treat.
  • Hi everyone,

    Have been a busy bee at work the last few days and haven't had a chance to post, but have been reading your encouraging posts when I get the chance! Thanks for keeping the good vibes rolling!

    My 5th weigh-in was today, down a little bit more to bring my total to 13 pounds so far! Not too shabby for just over a month. I'm actually excited for my annual doctor visit at the end of January. I don't think I'll be at goal by then, but if things keep progressing as they have been, I'll weigh a lot less than I did at last January's check-up! I'm encouraged by the positive effects IP is having on my health!

    Happy dieting to all!
  • Quote: On week 4 and for some reason I am hungry all the time! Drinking all my water, plus extra. How can I stop this hunger without cheating? I have not been this hungry since the first few days. Help...
    The same thing happened to me this week!!! It only lasted two days and nothing really helped it. I chewed gum to help myself not be tempted and I did pop a couple of the peanut soy puffs even though I had already had my restricted for the day!! Better today so who knows. It's probably hormonal or something. Good luck!
  • Wine Festival Weekend!!!
    I am volunteering this weekend at the Maryland Wine festival, and it will be sooo hard not to go taste everything when my shift is over! But, I know I can persevere, I feel great, am wearing size 12 jeans for the first time ever, and just am amazed at my progress!

    If anyone out there s from maryland and coming to the festival, look for me in the Detour Winery tent from 10 until 2 tomorrow!

    Here is a pic from today

  • Everyone sounds like they are doing great. I'm stuck. 2 weeks of nothing. I was drinking a lot of water with Crystal Light which I have ditched, and I was still having diet coke, which I have also ditched. And no more yummy bars for me as I've cut out restricted products. I know I'm smaller because the jeans I pulled out of the closet for this cool weather are now baggy- but I wish that stupid scale would budge!!!

    Midgie Moon- I was just in Carroll county today for a Field Hockey game!
  • Quote: Everyone sounds like they are doing great. I'm stuck. 2 weeks of nothing. I was drinking a lot of water with Crystal Light which I have ditched, and I was still having diet coke, which I have also ditched. And no more yummy bars for me as I've cut out restricted products. I know I'm smaller because the jeans I pulled out of the closet for this cool weather are now baggy- but I wish that stupid scale would budge!!!
    2 weeks in no change in scale OR measurements?
    A stall would include both (and be longer than 2 weeks - as frustrating as that is to hear)

    Good idea to ditch the extras. Some people are more sensitive.
  • Week 4 WI -- down 2.6 lbs for a total of 21.6 lbs (I see the ticker rounds things), and a total loss of 22 inches! Yay!

    I hope you are all doing well.