Home of the 100% Vol 19

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  • Quote: I know it is so frustrating to "watch a train wreck about to happen" and then listen to everyone complain that it is happening, when they were the person in control. I feel for the coaches caught in the middle. That is how I feeling about my DB and SIL. They don't have the money to be wasting on the program. They were driving me crazy over the holidays because I don't understand why they still eat the IP products if they don't follow the rest of the program. I asked them why and they said it was to keep in the habit. The habit of what - overeating!! I can see IP's point of if you are not going to follow the program then open that appointment up for someone who will commit. They have been attending for the same length of time that I have but they lost only a fraction of the weight because they don't stay with the plan more than a few days at a time. They are people who let every little event or stress derail their plans and goals. End of rant.
    Does your clinic carry the new rotini pasta??? My coach hasn't heard of it and the owner who orders the food orders just the basics!
  • Hi everyone. Finally have a chance to get on the boards today after a crazy week. I snapped a couple of progress pics of myself this week, and I have decided to post them, along with a (sort of) before pic. I still like my anonymity, hence the headless pics. The before pic is from about 5 or 6 weeks into the diet, so I was probably about 330. It was taken by my friend at the gym. I can't believe I wore that tight of a shirt to the gym! Yikes! The second two pics were snapped this week. I still have 75 pounds (at least) to go, but the jeans are size 18 and the sweater is an XL (I'm even fitting into some L tops). Prior to IP I was in size 28.

  • Quote: Hi everyone. Finally have a chance to get on the boards today after a crazy week. I snapped a couple of progress pics of myself this week, and I have decided to post them, along with a (sort of) before pic.
    OH, WOW WOW WOW!!! YOU LOOK GREAT!!! Thanks for sharing the pictures, they are inspiring!!!
  • Quote: Hi everyone. Finally have a chance to get on the boards today after a crazy week. I snapped a couple of progress pics of myself this week, and I have decided to post them, along with a (sort of) before pic. I still like my anonymity, hence the headless pics. The before pic is from about 5 or 6 weeks into the diet, so I was probably about 330. It was taken by my friend at the gym. I can't believe I wore that tight of a shirt to the gym! Yikes! The second two pics were snapped this week. I still have 75 pounds (at least) to go, but the jeans are size 18 and the sweater is an XL (I'm even fitting into some L tops). Prior to IP I was in size 28.
    You look INCREDIBLE! You have done a great job. Congratulations. Thanks for posting the inspiring pictures.
  • Finally catching up from the last few days...

    Quote: I would love to pull up the recipe for you once I'm back at the computer that has it. But it is made with tofu so you may not want it.
    Can you post the recipe? From the way you described it, it sounds good.

    Quote: Stepped on the scale. 200.0 and I laughed. Damn Murphy! BUT then I got "nekked" and made it to 199.8! So as I said in the daily (for those of you avoiding there)
    Feel free to sing along with me and John Mayer ....(cause my body IS a One-derland people!)

    There is no proper icon so this will have to do "I, Diane, do solemnly pinky swear never to be over 200 lbs while standing butt nekked on a scale ever again"
    Yahoo! You didn't have to chop off your hair to reach onederland! Victory is yours!

    Quote: Off to my PT session. The foot is very slowly getting better.

    Molly, glad to hear your foot is getting better. Hope retirement is treating you well. You are so close to goal!

    Quote: Weigh in done, I'm down 0.8lbs and 1.75 inches! I've been upping the exercise (and feeling AMAZING) so I didn't expect any big whoosh. Maintenance is so close I can smell it!!! I checked my BMI again today, I'm only 0.2 points away from being at a healthy BMI!
    That's a lot of inches! Congrats!

    Quote: WI was tonight and I lost 2.9lbs and 3.25 inches. I couldn't believe either number because I am expecting things to drastically slow down. I'm now only 9lbs to goal!
    Congrats! Only 9 lbs to goal! There are so many people so close to goal/just reached goal. I hope you all stick around while maintaining.
  • Quote: Congrats on your wonderful WIs, Stargirl and KitKat.

    KitKat, the situation you described with your coach is sad. I am beginning to see IPs perspective on terminating people who go off protocol, though. Don't like the word cheat, I think of it as deviating from protocol which is like a carefully balanced exact science. I think some don't get that the plan doesn't work the same way if you "cheat", and maybe won't work at all. It is an expensive plan. If one isn't following protocol, IP can't ensure they will lose weight consistent with typical plan results and get their money's worth. IP and clinics have to protect themselves/reputation from people who alter the protocol, still expect the great results that IP promises, and then get upset when it doesn't happen. I don't think coaches should scold over minor deviations and lecture clients like children. But if someone really won't follow protocol, what to do? Two chances is very strict, but where to draw the line? 6? 10? If they say 10, will some automatically assume they can go off protocol 10 times with no impact?

    In a perfect world, all coaches would be great and could motivate clients to stay 100%, and all clients would get whatever support they needed (here or otherwise). But in the real world, what is the best solution? I really don't know but I see IP's dilemma. I read the archives a lot and see many posts that talk about cheating early on with dead tickers after only 5 or 10 lbs lost.
    I agree!! It was in my packet that I received when I signed up that you were allow two times of not following protocol and you would be asked to leave the program.

    There are so many people that don't take it seriously, think they can modify, etc., and then will blame the diet when it doesn't work.

    Also, the talk of terrible of coaches - - - I am sure there are coaches that aren't great and centers that aren't the best, just like with anything in life there are doctors, clerks, teachers, engineers, etc. that dont' always excel in their jobs either - - - but I honestly think - - - it is what you make of it - what is the dieter putting forth? I also sense that there are times, people dont' ask the questions or ask for further clarification and then blame the coach/center.
  • Quote: Does your clinic carry the new rotini pasta??? My coach hasn't heard of it and the owner who orders the food orders just the basics!
    I just texted my coach. She says they are able to order it but last shipment it didn't come in, I think she is implying that they have had it. Do you want me to grab you some when they get it in or I could just PM you my coaches number and let you know when they have it.
  • Quote: Hi everyone. Finally have a chance to get on the boards today after a crazy week. I snapped a couple of progress pics of myself this week, and I have decided to post them, along with a (sort of) before pic. I still like my anonymity, hence the headless pics. The before pic is from about 5 or 6 weeks into the diet, so I was probably about 330. It was taken by my friend at the gym. I can't believe I wore that tight of a shirt to the gym! Yikes! The second two pics were snapped this week. I still have 75 pounds (at least) to go, but the jeans are size 18 and the sweater is an XL (I'm even fitting into some L tops). Prior to IP I was in size 28.
  • LosingLawyer - I love your pics and your anonymity! Keep up the amazing job!
  • LosingLawyer~You look AMAZING!!!
  • Quote: Hi everyone. Finally have a chance to get on the boards today after a crazy week. I snapped a couple of progress pics of myself this week, and I have decided to post them, along with a (sort of) before pic. I still like my anonymity, hence the headless pics. The before pic is from about 5 or 6 weeks into the diet, so I was probably about 330. It was taken by my friend at the gym. I can't believe I wore that tight of a shirt to the gym! Yikes! The second two pics were snapped this week. I still have 75 pounds (at least) to go, but the jeans are size 18 and the sweater is an XL (I'm even fitting into some L tops). Prior to IP I was in size 28.
    Wow you look great, if your ticker did not say it I would never know you still had that much to lose you look great!!!!
  • Quote: Wow you look great, if your ticker did not say it I would never know you still had that much to lose you look great!!!!
    Hey Monica! I agree with you! LosingLawyer, is your ticker broken? Cuz you really look so great!!!
  • Quote: Hi everyone. Finally have a chance to get on the boards today after a crazy week. I snapped a couple of progress pics of myself this week, and I have decided to post them, along with a (sort of) before pic. I still like my anonymity, hence the headless pics. The before pic is from about 5 or 6 weeks into the diet, so I was probably about 330. It was taken by my friend at the gym. I can't believe I wore that tight of a shirt to the gym! Yikes! The second two pics were snapped this week. I still have 75 pounds (at least) to go, but the jeans are size 18 and the sweater is an XL (I'm even fitting into some L tops). Prior to IP I was in size 28.
    WOW!!!! Those pics are amazing! And I agree with others - I never would have guessed that was your size, you look much smaller!
  • Quote: Wow you look great, if your ticker did not say it I would never know you still had that much to lose you look great!!!!
    Quote: Hey Monica! I agree with you! LosingLawyer, is your ticker broken? Cuz you really look so great!!!
    Quote: WOW!!!! Those pics are amazing! And I agree with others - I never would have guessed that was your size, you look much smaller!
    I agree too!
  • Quote: Hi everyone. Finally have a chance to get on the boards today after a crazy week. I snapped a couple of progress pics of myself this week, and I have decided to post them, along with a (sort of) before pic. I still like my anonymity, hence the headless pics. The before pic is from about 5 or 6 weeks into the diet, so I was probably about 330. It was taken by my friend at the gym. I can't believe I wore that tight of a shirt to the gym! Yikes! The second two pics were snapped this week. I still have 75 pounds (at least) to go, but the jeans are size 18 and the sweater is an XL (I'm even fitting into some L tops). Prior to IP I was in size 28.
    You look FANTASTIC!!!!!!! And I agree with everyone, you look so tiny!!!! Way to go girl!!!!

    Quote: I just texted my coach. She says they are able to order it but last shipment it didn't come in, I think she is implying that they have had it. Do you want me to grab you some when they get it in or I could just PM you my coaches number and let you know when they have it.
    That would be great if you could grab me one!!! We should really have a coffee soon!!!