Intuitive Eating #14

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  • I am giving up the diet mentality! I have had enough! So here I am. Have lost 2 lbs in 3 days. It's amazing how when I sit and listen to my body I can really figure out what it wants/needs. No food is off limit so my bingeing has been non-existent because I know if I want a cookie I can....but I have found myself eating fruit instead. Since I have scrapped the dieting mentality I haven't been as obsessed about food. I am not eating at a certain time because that's what I am "supposed" to do....I am eating when hungry. So far so good!
  • You have a good attitude Babygrant, and it sounds like you are well on your way! I too try not to eliminate any foods. I do have to limit carbs because of my diabetes, and carbs are my real weakness. But I will eat most anything I want but in limited quantities. Hopefully, portion control will bet us where we want to be!
    Good Luck!
  • Well my only issue is that I have an anxiety/panic disorder so I really need to be careful with too much sugar/caffeine and really have to try my hardest to eat healthy. But on my fridge I have a copy of my medication perscription so whenever I go to the fridge I look at it and stop to listen to my body as to what it's craving. I can usually make a healthier choice listening to my body. I don't want to be on medication forever (after a few doctors have told me that I'm going to be a lifer on medication) so listening to my body is what I'm trying to do.
  • Quote:
    Strangely, since I was having some people who had never been here before, several things went terribly wrong.
    I know the feeling. We usually have a few extra that we don't see often. Everything went pretty well, however.

    I got the gout again and that makes me very tired. Just started exercising again today.
  • Awww, I'm sorry Carolr. I hope your gout doesn't bother you too much.
  • Carolr - So sorry that the gout is acting up again. My Daddy just found out that he has gout. They gave him some kind of medicine that seems to help control it. And is better. His doc says he gets it once a year and really doesn't know what causes it and has to take the medication for it too. Are you on the medication for it? Hope you feel better soon.

    A quick one here today just to say that I'm still here. I think I've found a way to combine WW/Lower carb with IE. It just takes time to figure it out and tweak it. I still like IE and think I need some help getting to know when I am hungry and when I'm satisfied. I am hoping the portion control of WW will help with that. I think it is like learning how to walk. You have to take it a step at a time.

    I think I saw some Newbies and or some I haven't seen a while here so WELCOME or WELCOME BACK which ever applies.

    Got a busy day as DGS therapist comes today and schedule is a little off today. Will try to get back here soon. Y'all have a good one.
  • Computer died. Using DD's computer. Hope it's just the cord.
  • Oh Carolr so sorry. Hope it is just the cord or something simple.
  • Works again but for how long I don't know. Told dh I should get a new one. ha
  • Well Carolr, if you DO need a new computer, now is the time to buy one if you can fit it into the budget. They are really priced to sell for Christmas. Sometimes it's hard to fit in something for yourself when you have a lot of gifts to buy. DH just got a new camera on Black Friday and I got diamond earrings. They are our Christmas presents to each other. The price was right!
  • Carol, other people have been telling me that. I just ordered a battery for this one and it was only $22 and that's with shipping. So we might not get one right away. I think I'm finally down to 148 but you know how it goes up and down sometimes. Looking froward to when I can put that balance beam on 100 which would mean I was definitely below 150.
  • Yesterday I went 6 hours without eating just because I wasn't hungry. When I did eat everything tasted so good. Just haven't had strong hunger signals lately. Anyone else had an experience like this?
  • There have been times that I haven't thought about eating because I was busy doing something. And yes, I notice how much better the food tastes when you finally eat. But there's so many times that I see something and just pop it in my mouth without thinking. That is the norm for me, unfortunately. I have to work at not doing that.

    I know how you feel about the scale. I don't know if I will ever be able to put the beam on 100. I will be very happy to get to 160.
  • Quote:
    But there's so many times that I see something and just pop it in my mouth without thinking. That is the norm for me, unfortunately.
    I know all about that. Right now I'm baby sitting a 4 yr. old and a 2yr. old. I remember eating to calm myself years ago. I remember it so well now.
  • Hi Slmn11 and Carolr. Well, I've been trying combining WW/LC and IE. I was doing pretty well until the last few days. I thought doing the WW Pts plus with low carb and IE would help me with portion control, but obviously it hasn't. While I think I need to lean more toward lowcarb, I also think I need to just stay with IE. I am eating healthier because 19 month old DGS thinks he has to eat what Nannie eats so many times my choices have him in mind. LOL I can't figure out why I keep thinking I'll find a way to diet my way out of this situation. How I wish I could just get on IE and stick with it.

    I know the feeling of popping things in my mouth and the scales. I wish I could pull myself from the scales, but I seem to have this fear of going higher. Guess I need to work on that.