Getting out of the 190's??

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  • I have gained 69 pounds when i moved to the USA in 2006 ....I havent been under 200 pounds in 5 years!

    lost an other pound down 196.2
  • congrats on losing another pound, Bree

    I weighed in at 189.4 this morning, but I'm going to wait a couple of days and see if it sticks before I jump threads. Happy Friday everyone!
  • congrat kisskiss
  • Hello chicks

    Bree, I've been looking forward to joining you in here in what feels like forever! Though in reality I'm sure it wasn't THAT long Loving the new pic btw

    198 today and one stone gone Man, am I happy to be here! Once I get through this thread I should finally be into some smaller clothes, I'm still wearing the same ones I started out in on 10th Dec last year...
  • the shiv congrat!!!!!!

    Iam happy to see you on this thread!! Iam sure the others will join us in no time as well!

    are you going to reward yourself ?

    194.6 this morning
  • They're doing really well! Thnknthin is a hair's breadth away from onederland by the look of it, Mozzy is down out of the teens, underwater is so close as well... There will be a stampede into this thread, I think!

    I can't think what to reward myself with as I'm having a really hard time financially right now. Feeling smaller will have to do to go on with! My next milestone though is 175 and I have a whole host of rewards lined up for that... 1. Going back on the pill; 2. Most of my clothes fitting again; 3. Dyeing my hair blonde again and 4. Getting the nasty layers cut out of it (I've been growing out damage for 2yrs so that has been very frustrating!)

    I think I'll post progress pics in the mini-goal thread at 196, that'll be a 16lb difference. Gotta see a change in my shape then, surely.

    How are you getting on? I see your numbers are still going down nicely!
  • Gah! 200 today. Do I get booted back out of this thread now?
  • it should be water weight you couldnt have possibly gained 2 pounds in a day! you are not going anywhere lol.... just drink a lot of water and watch your sodium intake ..
  • Very frustrated this morning. Had my weekly weigh-in and was UP 1.4 lbs!

    I took one "free meal" this week (I typically take a free meal once a week) and have been under 1200 calories every other day. I've been diligent about getting my water in, eating all of my fruits and veggies, not eating sweets... And yet I'm still up.

    I was stuck at home with a sick baby for half of the week, so I wasn't able to get to the gym. Perhaps that's the difference? Anyway, I'm feeling a bit blue that the scale isn't headed in the right direction.
  • I am struggling to move down. My weight is coming off super slowly now. I added in some more exercise and I'm hoping that will help me push through.
  • Beware - this is the begining of the stampede into the 190s. There is a big group getting ready to come over!

    Joining you here at 199.2!

    Bree! Great to see you again. Shiv, keep your butt put lady!
  • Hi Kat! Mass exodus!

    I have decided there is only one way out of this thread. Had a c**p day, generally. Eventually I got the weights out and worked it off, should have done that in the first place. Next time I'm complaining about some inconsequential thing, I'll just do 20 press ups. That'll give me something to cry about. Weirdly enough, I feel awesome afterwards
  • Haha, I just re-read my post from yesterday and I'm happy to say that I'm done with my pity party. I think that the 190s are just a particularly sensitive spot to be in. None of us want to cross the threshold back into the 200s, but when you don't have a signifcant "buffer," even normal fluctuations can be an emotional blow.

    Anyway, I went to the gym last night and suprise, I was down to 197.2 this morning. I'm going to try a little experiment and actually weigh myself every day.

    Looking forward to the incoming Onderlanders!
  • Kat117 congratulation!!!

    the shiv glad you are feeling better ,do watever it takes to stay focused!

    allieballiebee its good that you picked yourself up right away!!keep it up !...don't look back when we said bye to the 200"s it was for good ...we are all heading to the 180's!!!! woohoooo!!

    This am weighed at 193.8
  • Quote: Haha, I just re-read my post from yesterday and I'm happy to say that I'm done with my pity party. I think that the 190s are just a particularly sensitive spot to be in. None of us want to cross the threshold back into the 200s, but when you don't have a signifcant "buffer," even normal fluctuations can be an emotional blow.
    ^^^ This... x 100... bazillion.

    I was 198 again this morning, so all good. Then I was at the Doc's this afternoon and got him to weigh me there, and asked for a weight I'd need to get down to so I can go back on the pill. He told me as long as my BMI is between 30-35 that's fine, especially as I'm going to go beyond that, long term. I'm going to stick with my mini-goal of 175 I think, although I might start it earlier as I'm going back to uni in October and want to try and get the "settling in" period of the pill out of the way before then. We'll see. Anyway, with my clothes on I was 206!! I weighed myself in the house straight after with the same clothes on and was 202. So my scale is 4lbs too far the wrong way.

    I could really use the buffer right now. I'm just trying to remember that I've still lost 14lbs and will lose more, I mean once I'm at 130 or so I'll be going to get my bf% tested and everything, so I just need to use my home scale numbers as a guide. Still, it did sting to see 206 on that scale... Felt like I'd managed to undo 2 months of hard work. Anyway, long term. I just have to keep thinking long term.