Another spin around the world #8

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  • Rosie you snuck in there while I was busy typing!! lol I wish you could post some pics so we could see a peek into your life! Good idea about hanging one on the fridge! Maybe I should do that too!!! lol But you have some great memories of happy times too.
    English & Welsh here so don't know what a ludafist dinner is but it sounds great! i am trying NOT to look too closely inside incase I see something I don't like! Yes....2 weatherfronts are converging and one is already here. we'll see what the other brings with it when it arrives. But the one here now should push Wilma even more off our coast....hopefully. It won't be anything like the poor other states have suffered though. Blessings to you also.

    Ceejay~ there should be no shortage of water anywhere this the states at least. How goes the hose? Holding tight now? If I were you and Shad, I would be packing and re-packing all the time till the trip dates!
  • PainterWoman-does outer choices reflect your inner values. Food wise it does for me.

    Holly-Congratulations on the on plan day. I'm still trying.

    Happy-3 cats. My cousin has one of the prettiest cats I've seen in awhile. If and when I retire I may have a pet. It's blonde almost the color of a Siamese. He keeps trying to give her to me.

    Mel-We all need to be ourselves even though some may judge us. Sometime's I feel like the "black sheep" of the family.

    The exercise routine has been completed, 45 more minutes. This is something new for me. I got to bed before 10p.m. and got up this morning feeling more rested and raring to get started. My goal is to go to bed between 9:30 and 10:00 p.m.

    I' ve made up my mind that I'm giving Lisa another month and then I'll tell Tim the whole story. All she is doing is key punching. I left some mistakes and she found all but one and that's good. She flat out told me that I would be checking her work. I told her when I'm off I will not be checking it that would be her resposibility. I can't trust someone like that. She is just wanting to play. I hate to keep reminding her that everything has to balance. I showed James this morning that she is really penciling in some of her work. I had to readjust the fluoride yesterday. I looked this morning on her log sheet and the setting was the same as the day before. I'm bringing that to Tim's attention when he return's tomorrow. One more thing, this morning she told me that her iron count had changed. She's trying to make herself look good. Week end shift has the same iron readings that I do. Ugh. She always has lower counts than anyone. I think this would be an example of does outer choices reflect inner values. I know this shouldn't bother me but it does, and thank goodness it's been an hour since I've had my synthyroid cause I'm wanting to eat. big time.

    I'm feeling a little devilish. I've just made up my mind I'm going to give Lisa some tests over what she is doing.

    Have a good day. Got to get started on mine.
  • CeeJay... Glad to read that you have some resolve.
    Y'all can read about how cr*ppy mine has been at: PM's welcome... You'd think I forgot my meds. Well, maybe these realizations are in lieu of a kick in the pants. I'm off to listen to my client as apparently I have no advice that I can take.
    Hugs to all. PW
  • Switchin to glide
    Antonio was on Good Morning America for 5 minutes at the end of the program, of course I put the show on at 7am, so I waited two hours basically for those 5 minutes. He was gorgeous but that Charlie guy kept talking over him, even my husband noticed He is on Regis and Kelly tomorrow morning, better let him talk or I will be emailing I did my four miles WATP tape yesterday. I have had a craving for hot chocolate at night which I have been allowing, might switch to tea again. I think it was hormone induced

    My song for the day is "Switchin' To Glide" by The Kings

    Nothing matters but the weekend
    From a Tuesday point of view
    Like a kettle in the kitchen
    I feel the steam begin to brew
    Switchin' to Glide
    Energy can be directed
    I'm turning it up I'm turning it down
    Even love can be affected
    Harmony's the sweetest sound
    Switching to Glide..Balancing in my head..inside of me...
    taking the glide path instead.
    Everybody gets the no-no
    Hear it ringing in they ears
    Lots of ways that you can go GO!
    Look around NO disappears

    PW-Big hug for what you are missing, wish the hunger wasn't so powerful but I totally get the feeling. What am I doing in the fridge question, what I want isn't in there In response to your question do outer choices reflect the innner values? well now, if I were a logical, self controlled individual I would be trim and content. As I am a sensitive, worrying, confused person in reality I am fat and a borderline nutter. So yeah, if I could make better choices in terms of my personal care maybe I would be a more outgoing, connected person.

    Holly-Totally on your wavelength with the Tuesday, want the weekend vibe. I hope you glide into Saturday with a big smile

    Mel-now I want a hightech pumpkin Yes, I agree we don't need to delve too deeply into the depth of our feelings, sometimes it is just nice to feel okay and functional with analyzing why. I hope you are toasty warm and enjoying some good views. I have a DVD collection of "Thomas and Sarah" the continuation of the "Upstairs, downstairs" couple. If you want them I'll send them to you, I doubt I will watch them again, although it was great seeing the series which didn't get an airing in Canada.

    Happy-aw, we had a cat come to live with us that way. Her name was Brownie and she was a terrific kitty. She was fixed and had just lost her home, she hung around all summer and we finally brought her in this time of year because we didn't want her to be scared of the fireworks and the coyotes were being more visible around. She just died last year, my kids still miss her. She was a tortoise shell tabby and so sweet for a wild cat Are you sure hubby can't just have her in one room? out:

    Ceejay-Lisa sounds like she is going to be out on her *** did you mention to her that she "should" be writing things down that need checking regularly? That systems are in place and she needs to establish a routine? Has she ever had a job before? By the sounds of it she is very cheeky and a bit irresponsible, is she related to the boss? Good luck, I hope she enjoys being tested as much as you enjoy the testing

    Rose-yep, my mom's family was from Norway. The only tradition we have kept though is making Vina tarta (wine tart) a layer cake with prune filling at Christmas time. It takes hours to bake the cake layers but everyone in my family loves it. I have never made Lefsa, a type of bread right?

    Shad-is going to Japan! suitcase surround her. checking tickets are in her coat pocket constantly. Writing a list of things for dear son because she is sure that he will forget everything she has told him the minute she closes the door Sunday kitty will be aloof and make doo doo in all the wrong places while she is gone. Shad will be oblivious, in a silk komona, sipping lovely green tea and listening to the lilting tunes of traditional Japanese music before she cuts loose on the city and she and Chris laugh until their sides hurt have a wonderful time!!

    Tig(hope you are safely out of the storm)
    Teel(are you looking at this, how about an update on how things are going? you alright?
    Linus(are you sleeping? are you enjoying the different energy flow of your home? are the rest of the family being useful?
    Linda How are you fairing in the world? Been coating anyone with olive oil?
    Madcat is it a blustery day in your neck of the woods? are you contemplating flying a kite?
  • Meadow~I partied with the Kings once.
  • Just a quickie wave and hug for all you lovely world travellers! I miss the journals but just can't make it there.
  • Quote: Meadow~I partied with the Kings once.
    and... come one, pm me some details
  • The last day of counting
    Yeah come on Holly, tell us all about it. Inquiring (or is that dirty?) minds wish to know. You can't just make a statement like that and no expect a reaction.

    Nice to see Ruth pop in. I do miss the Delta daily doings, but can't handle any more threads right now. I just don't have the time. I'm so sorry to hear that Harry is going downhill so fast. It seems that the decline is quicker once they reach the long stay homes. My thoughts are with you Ruth. But as you say it is nice just to be on your own and get your own sh*t together for a while.

    Way to go on that exercise Meadow. Maybe we can arrange for AB to be on the show for 5 minutes 3 times a week, just so you can get the exercise in! Hot chocolate is not bad as long as you don't load it with full cream milk and cream. Be good and you can have one several times a week.

    PW - I still think you are being a bit hard on yourself. However if you want my advice, then here goes. If you must eat sweet stuff, then use fruit. (It may help if you get the fruit out of a packet (dried) as well) It is high in sugar and in carbs as Happy pointed out the other day. Start with the really sweet stuff and work your way down to the 'almost vege' stuff. Eat whole grain breads or Swiss grains stuff. Add dried apricots, raisins, sultanas and currants to the muesli stuff. That way you are at least switching off refined sugar stuff. Many times, cravings are something the body thinks it needs. So you have to weigh up the needs and wants. Ensure you drink water (so - put diet lime juice or lemon in with it). There are ways around this and I'm sure you can find them yourself, but just in case the need is there - pretend the can is a butt. There at least my legs have had a workout.

    Oh that was good - Sumbit instead of Preview - well done Shad.

    Ceejay - that exercise is getting really good. Keep it up. I'm not sure that I am the 'black sheep' of the family - more like the pushy big sister. Don't let the cousin talk you into any pet you don't want. If your lifestyle is not such that you can sustain the animal, then both of you suffer.

    Rose - tomorrow is the day for the wide blue yonder - Thursday at 9.00am my time. I shall be in Japan at around 7.00 that night. I have a stopover in Cairns for an hour or so. Boring but must be done. I change from domestic to international at that point. Wonder what the Cairns Customs will be like. Usually they are so laid back, they are almost laid out. Find out tomorrow.

    Running out of time here. The powers that be have decided to bring down some people from the sticks for training. NEXT MONDAY. M is going to do it, but she has little idea of what she has to train, how much she has to do and how she is going to do it apart from the stuff she knows well which is but a small bit of the stuff that has to be done.

    So having said that. I'll be off to write out a check list, show her how to do a couple more things and then sort out my own cr*p before I finish today.
  • Shad, oooh I thought I missed you, then realized it's past 9am your time but on WEDNESDAY rather than Thursday. I would say sayonara but that it not what I want to convey. Have a safe trip, a pleasant journey, discover new places and things and people but most of all savor every moment with Chris. Hug often, transfer a bit of your healing powers to her. And give her a hug from us for good measure. We will miss you and anxiously await your adventures and pictures. I will try to be good while you are away.

    Excuse me for being rude, my Sox are on. Game 3 of the playoffs. Only the first inning and they are ahead. GO SOX Later chicklettes...
  • I was at the Monster Mash Bash, there were many bands,somehow I partied with these's a bit of a blur but fun, much dancing involved....good time had by all.

    Best wishes to Chris, Shad. Be safe and enjoy!!!!!

    OP today but not pure SB-phase 1. I had a 1/2 cup of ww pasta with dinner.I still rocked!!!

    nighty night.
  • Have a wonderful trip, Shad!
  • Sox won in a nailbiting, record breaking (for duration), heart pounding game that I didn't even see the end of. I dragged myself to bed at 1am, about 30 minutes before they hit a home run to end the game. 3 game sweep - going to be hard for the other team to catch up. Go SOX!!!

    After watching a baseball game for 5 hours that meant I didn't get much else done last night. DH and I attended a healthy back class at the chiropractor. Learned what I hope will be some good techniques for stretches. He also gave us a chart with trigger / pressure points and showed us accupressure. I am skeptical but open minded. Would rather avoid drugs of any sort if at all possible.

    We were running short of time before the doc so we decided to go out to eat beforehand (good thing or I would have been too tempted by the pizza they served afterwards ) I had the most divine artichoke lemon chicken. I had a tossed salad which pretty much filled me up so I only ate half my dinner which will be tomorrow's lunch. I can't say ummm enough.

    PW one of the diet desserts that I adore is berries - strawberries, blueberries and even peaches, bananas - sliced with a few spoons of vanilla yogurt. If you can do the fat free, sugar free yogurt all the better but I settle for the fat free stuff. The tartness of the berries brings out the sweetness of the yogurt - a nice combo and good for you stuff too. My doctor said to avoid fruit juices or if you must - cut them with sparkling or plain water. A glass of orange juice takes something like 8 oranges to make. You'd never eat 8 oranges in one sitting. She said to eat an orange instead. Less sugar overall, more fiber and vitamins. Better for you. I rarely drink juice anymore - if so it's a 6 oz glass at best.

    For me sugar is bad - a definite trigger food. Sugar begets more sugar. That's why I can't seem to stick with South Beach or Adkins. I can't tolerate sugar substitutes and I could never seem to stay on plan. And to me you're either on plan or you're not. I will try it for 30 days and if I can't stick with the basics, then I tell myself that plan is not for me. Best one so far is Mel's Michael Thurmond, eat right for your body, eat clean no processed foods, lean protein, no salt, low sugar. I had made a nice food chart for reference that I had on the inside cabinet, need to find that again and give it a go. The hardest part is that diet supports 5 or 6 mini meals which I can't seem to stick to when I'm away working during the day.

    Gotta get going now. Again have a wonderful time Shad. We will miss you and eagerly await your return. See and do fun things on our behalf
  • Good morning.
    I had to scrape frost off the windshield this morning. brrr. No wonder I was wanting heat last night. I got to work with 5 minutes to spare. I'm usually here by 15 til 7 a.m. Will need to start allowing some time for this.

    Shad have a safe trip. Enjoy.

    Not much time to talk this morning.

    Made another nsv last night. I honestly got to bed by 9:30 p.m. That's how it will be from now on unless it's a week end. I feel a lot better because I'm getting more sleep.

    Got up this morning and weighed in at 182 so that means I've lost 2 of those 3 pounds I gained. Also did the 45 minutes of aerobics. Tomorrow since it's a day off I'm going to make it 60 minutes. I drank some orange juice last night and this morning my fasting blood sugar was 105. I'm trying to keep it in the 80mg range.
    Doc wants it in the mid 70 range.

    Yesterday I had another good work out here at work by helping to unload the chemical truck. I volunteered to stack the lime but my department manager said no to let the guys do it. I didn't fuss. The day before I had rotated the chemical drums and they weigh 600 pounds each and chlorine cylinders that when full weigh 300 pounds to make room for the new chemicals. I use a truck dolly for the 600 pounds and roll the chlorine cylinders.

    Need to start my day.
  • CJ- you sound great today!!!!! great morning exercise!!!

    About the sugar chat. I am not into sweets really, although I do like and eat them, for me it was bread, crackers, bagels, english muffins and FRUIT and lots of it. I have definitely been out of control with this. I am reading and following south beach right now. it is the first "diet" plan i have ever followed. it was super hard to get started. This is my 3rd OP day in a row. EVER, with anything.I do feel different and less obsessed with the next munchy. I aim for 5 cups of veggie, lean protien, no breads for now and next week I will add in 1 fruit a day.
    On the south beach thread here, they have a list in the stickies with the amount of sugars in fruits etc. It was a real eye opener for me. I got bummed at first becasue for years I was doing what i thought was best and my choices are relatively healthy BUT it was all very high glycemic AND I was not losing weight. I will see how it goes.

    What to do? What to do? I woke up confused as to what day it was, who went to school, and what was on the agenda. Icky. So, after a coffee it was all clear. It IS Wed, DS goes to school.
    My list-
    Make changes to School council minutes and email to R; prep notes for Official Board meeting at church at 7:30 tonight; fine tune photo directory bill etc for same meeting; stamp and date Avon books; put away my laundry; wash the kids laundry; tidy my bedroom; sweep kitchen floor; clean up sandbox toys and put away for winter( kids will help);plan my meals;call grandma; email H for plans for costume party at church of Fri; come up with a spectacular craft and baked treat!! for same party; breathe and smile a LOT!!

    A great morning so far. Everyone is happy and cooperating and being kind!!!!!

    Daily Journal
    1.My renewal statement for the day. I CAN do this.
    2. Weekly weight. 230
    3. Exercise-type, how long, what level. oops
    4. % fat, carbs, protein.
    5. # meals and snacks. 3 meals 2 snacks
    6.# fruits, # of veg. 3 cups veg
    7. How many glasses of water.8
    8. Time of last food intake, time I went to bed. LAST FOOD 6PM!!! ,BED 11:30PM!!!!!!!
    9. Why and when I ate due to stress or emotions.~ I didn’t
    10.General feelings about food, exercise, life.~ I ate a 1/2 c of ww pasta with supper, not SB phase one but still a great choice and portion control!!!!! Life is glowingly delightful.
    11. Any really good events or feelings today.~ sure. I felt monumentally calm all day. I did some church and school council business. I had good interaction with the kids.I ate very well. I had mushy convo with DH.I put in a $800 Avon order!, I watched Gilmore Girls. I slept well.
    12. Overall, how did the day go.~pretty darn wonderful.
    13. How can I improve for tomorrow. um, keep on this wave.
  • Holly, how can you consider yourself on plan when you're on South Beach and you're eating pasta? Did they change the food choices since I last looked? I remember that because I too was surprised that it was far more difficult to give up the breads and pasta and rice rather than the candy, sodas and baked goods you normally think of when you think sugar. Seems like South Beach is one of those plans that have to stick true to or you don't get results. However, it is your choice what you eat.

    Ceejay, I cringe when I read that you are rolling around 600 pound drums. Even with a dolly. My husband used to be immensely strong - I remember him lugging around 400 pound acetyline (sp???) tanks up and down the stairs at work when he was still doing electrical work in factories. 3 back surgeries later the disks keep popping even tho he quit that a long, long time ago. Not sure if it's a degenerative condition due to aging but I have to believe all that heavy lifting didn't do him any good either. And I think of my 2 friends who are nurses who now suffer the effects of lugging patients around for 30 years. Please be careful!

    I'm going to try and get in some mini trampoline time tonight. My back and legs are still bothering me and I'm so very tired of it by now. Got to work through the pain and get things stretched and lubricated and moving along. When I read Shad's post the other day that she was sore from the gym but worked it out by a few hours of hard labour in the garden, I realized that it's time to stop being a weenie and get off the complaint wagon. I was supposed to meet a friend for lunch today and he had to reschedule which left me with not the greatest options for eating lunch. I had a small mini cheese pizza - still hungry but I tried to minimize the damage. I have some fruit I brought as a snack and a yogurt for later. I've got to stock up on a few emergency rations - they've got some good low fat soups out now, maybe I can find something that isn't too bad on the sodium too. I went to put my extra waters in the community refrigerator here. There was a quart of milk that had an expiration date of September 4 it was darn near cheese. Ewwwwwwwww. The people at both of my offices are pigs. They leave all sorts of junk to fester in the refrigerator until someone gets mad and tosses it out. We have a few ignorant people who take all but the last 2 spoons of coffee and then leave the pot on the burner to boil out, stink and ruin the pot and maybe start a fire some day. And heaven forbid that someone wipe the inside of the microwave when they splatter it or wipe up a liquid coffee spill or coffee grinds. Last week I spent 15 minutes cleaning out the microwave oven because it was so filthy I was not going to put my lunch in there. I'd rather bring my lunch to work because it is one of the few times I am very strict about packing a good for you, healthy meal. But it's gross having to eat around here. ok, personal rant over. I'll go take this tension out on my work.

    Glad you didn't get blown away Tig. Has the nor'easter hit you Mel? batton down the hatches matey. And how are your choices today Miss Painter? Hellos to the rest of the chicks.