Slow Carb Diet - Thread 3

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  • Chickadeee, I need more vegetables too. I stayed away from salad and such after my tooth, but it's time to get back to it. I just need to get to the grocery store! Your menu is always interesting. You eat so well!

    Carol Sue, you are quite capable of sticking to an effective plan! This is a great plan and you can do it! I do think you are right that perhaps the little things add up, not just for you, but for everyone. If we just keep taking it one little thing at a time, we're going to see results!

    Mars, thank you for that! No, I don't beat myself up. I just try to do better and today has been better! Hopefully it will show on the scale tomorrow! : Good job adding sauerkraut!
  • I am trying something different today. I ate an egg as soon as I got up at 6AM. I usually postpone breakfast until around 10, but then I eat a bigger breakfast. I am going to see how long that egg holds me. I want to see what happens if DH gets up and makes breakfast. He usually makes some for me, too. My blood sugar was lower yesterday. When that happens I consider that I ate better.

    Yesterday I didn't eat my normal egg breakfast. I ate veggies around 11.

    Brunch cabbage, onion, garlic, spinach, kale and collards topped with Feta

    Lunch 1/2 C lentils

    Dinner, hot sausage and cole slaw

    Snack 2 mini dark chocolate bars

    We have a vet appointment at 11:30 so I won't be here at my normal lunch time. I don't know if I will get hungry before then, but I want to wait until I feel actual hunger before I eat again. That egg and my cup of coffee satisfied me for now and my stomach has stopped growling. I have to remember, small meals.

    I had to come back and add lunch. I forgot that I ate those lentils. I have another 1/2 cup defrosting for today.
  • I love reading everyone's meals. Carol Sue I thought from an earlier post that you were carb counting, and that you had a 40 carb day back there. Interested to read how your meal experiment goes. I'm tracking and seem to be hitting about 60 net, not counting Carb Day.
    Weight up a little today, 169.8. I slept really well and feel energized. I will not worry about scale for now. I'd like to get through a carb day without eating sweets before I think about trimming calories.

    B omg it was good! big omelet with mushrooms, raw onion, avocado, sauerkraut, whey shake/coffee
    L will be big salad, beans, chicken, evoo
    D cabbage salad, carrots, chicken, avocado
    S soynuts, whey shake, probably some asparagus
    2L herb tea-flavored water/stevia
    Exercise tbd, 5 flights stairs and 3 miles of walking around at work.
  • Mars, I very rarely track. I do remember one day that I did and was in the 40 carb range. Normally, I just try to avoid obvious starchy carbs, such as sweets, potatoes, pasta, rice, bread. I am not always successful. When I do track I use Fitday, which gives pretty good counts.
  • I just realized the probable culprit in weight uptick: a taste of the Peach Balsamic Vinegar that be came almost 1/4 cup. Darn it was good, and wanting more more more should have alerted me that there was sugar. 9g/TBS. No wonder I slept so well. Goodbye to fancy Balsamics for me! I had a few in the fridge and they were bugging me. When I go no sugar, I need my kitchen to be in sync!
  • Carol Sue, I love that you are experimenting to see how it works for you! It makes perfect sense to me, and I hope the smaller meals help even more with your blood sugar!

    Mars, I'm glad you discovered the hidden sugar. Sneaky little bugger, lol! I hope the scale starts coming down for you very soon!

    Chickadeee, I caved! I busted out the Mio flavoring this morning! I felt like I just couldn't tale another sip of plain water, lol! Oh well! I'll try again another time!

    As for me, I am back down to 201.5 and my mood has improved today, so I just plain feel better! I don't know if you ladies know that I suffer from occasional depression and anxiety, so sometimes just out of the blue, I will feel stressed out. The last two days I felt anxious and I couldn't put my finger on why, but today all is well! I find it interesting that my weight went up the last two days and dropped today. I've heard stress hormones will play havoc with one's weight and that just may be true!

    Week 5: High 206.5, Low 204.5
    5/31--(202.5) 206 Carb Day
    6/1--(203) 206.5
    6/2--(202.5) 206
    6/3--(202) 205.5
    6/4--(201) 204.5
    6/6--205.5 Carb Day
    Week 6: High 206.5, Low 204.5
    6/13--204.5 Carb Day
    Week 7: High 205, Low 201
    6/20--201 Carb Day
    Week 8:

    Today's Meals:
    2 eggs fried in coconut oil
    3 slices of bacon
    Mio water

    smoked sausage
    roasted veggies--yellow squash, zucchini, vidalia onion, red-yellow-orange bell peppers
    Mio water


    4 heaping tbsp of Oikos plain Greek yogurt (ick!)
    Large field greens salad topped with skinless dark chicken meat and walnuts, with ranch dressing
    Mio water

    Today's Exercise:
    2-mile walk around track, 10 minutes on elliptical (5 minutes, twice), 3 sets of 12 reps each on 8 leg and waist machines
  • Jac: But you know what, you did it for awhile, so you know you can do it. Little steps, that is what makes life enjoyable.

    Carol Sue: I don't even what to think about tracking anything, too much work for me.

    Mars: Balsamic Vinegar - oh I have a favorite their too, Raspberry it is so good, I try not to buy it. (I should have bolded the word try!)


    B: Eggs, cheese, coffee
    S: Cucumber slices
    L: Chicken sandwich on a almond bun
    S: Yogurt
    D: Stir fry veggies, cottage cheese, avocado, hot dog

    I just drank two big glasses of water, I feel like a fish tank.
  • I usually make my own hummus. It's so easy and I know what's in it. A can of chickpeas makes enough for 2 8oz containers. I usually make it plain, or with a bit of garlic, then I divide it in half and add roasted red peppers to one half and some ground chipoltle to the other. I was lazy this week so I bought a container of Chipotle Hummus at Aldi's. All I can say is, I can control the amount of Chipotle that goes in mine! LOL It is HOT. Thing is, I'm getting used to it and it's half gone. Good thing I like to eat it with celery stix.

    I bookmarked a good article about exercise.
  • Chickadeee, yes, and I will try again, sometime!

    Carol Sue, yum! Your homemade hummus sounds wonderful! And thank you for that article on exercise. I had just started trying to add the elliptical a little bit tonight (I'm awful at it, but I figure I can take it 5 minutes at a time) and I see that's recommended in "level 2" in the article. Good to know!
  • Jacqui, when I went to cardiac rehab I did the treadmill and the bike but did not advance to the elliptical. I did discuss it with the physiologist though because I was thinking of getting one. He told me that overall, the elliptical is better than the treadmill because it works muscles that aren't worked on the treadmill. He told me to start out at 3 minutes and add as it felt comfortable. I have done 30 or more minutes. But I don't go fast. I feel that going slow is better than not going at all. When I would do 3 minutes, I would tell myself "I can do 2 more minutes." and so forth. That's how I increased, gradually.

    I am reading a book I got from the library. I had read about this book on another forum. It is Fat Chance- Beating the odds against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity and Disease, by Dr Robert H Lustig. He says that the chances of losing weight and maintaining are slim, as we see by the number of people who lose and regain, or struggle so hard to maintain. He says that the key to it all is to lower your insulin levels, since insulin is the fat storage hormone, and many people have high insulin levels and don't know it. He also says that buttock fat is good fat, as it helps us live longer, but belly fat is bad fat as it surrounds vital organs. So I guess JLO is going to live a very long time. LOL I looked through this book when I first brought it home but picked it up again and started getting interested, so I renewed it and plan to read it more thoroughly and see what he suggests.
  • Jacqui, Your good wishes for weight drop worked. :1.2 lbs lower today, 168.6. I walked a lot at work yesterday and used stairs, 9764 steps. It felt great! That was a motivating read about exercise, Carol Sue. I'll be a level 1 for awhile, and even that will take some pushing.

    Chickadeee, All I can say is I'm glad I haven't run into Raspberry Balsamic! The website where you can see if something is allowed says unlimited balsamic is okay, so maybe yours is okay. I like Trader Joe's white balsamic & I think it has no added sugar.

    Yesterday's menu was the same as the previous days, with a bigger-than-usual avocado. So I'm extra happy to see the scale go down a bit. Good thing it's almost time for breakfast. I am getting hungry reading about Carol Sue's hummus and chickadeee's chicken sandwich on almond bun (and Jacqui's Mio ).

    Re elliptical, Jacqui, 5 minutes is a great start. I found I got a back ache if I did it too long in the very beginning. You'll build up endurance surprisingly fast.

    B will be omelet with avocado, mushrooms, sauerkraut, whey shake. I need to find a coffee lightener to replace my protein shake, which is on the sweet side.
    L salad with chicken & beans
    D turkey chile
    S maybe cabbage/evoo steaks
  • I was reading this slideshow about portion control and was very interested when I came to the correct portion size for pasta. It does not look like my plate of pasta. LOL And I didn't think I was eating a big portion. LOL I know, I shouldn't be laughing.
  • Mars, yay! I'm so glad the scale moved for you! It moved for me too, but in the wrong direction, lol! I think I have a love-hate relationship with the elliptical. While I'm on it, I hate it. After I'm off it for a few minutes, I want to get back on and go longer. I do hope it gets easier! I think it's a good source of exercise.

    Carol Sue, I was eating much larger portions until I started setting down my fork and taking a drink of water between bites. Now I fill up too quickly to eat large portions like I used to. My portions now are much more in line with what the slideshow presents.
  • My scale is back up to 202 today. I thought that might happen because last night I upped all the weights at the gym so that I could really feel them. I had been taking it easy after having my tooth pulled, but I have to start providing some real resistance if I want it to make a difference. I felt that difference in the soreness of my muscles today, lol, so I'm probably holding a little extra water today to help with that.

    Week 5: High 206.5, Low 204.5
    5/31--(202.5) 206 Carb Day
    6/1--(203) 206.5
    6/2--(202.5) 206
    6/3--(202) 205.5
    6/4--(201) 204.5
    6/6--205.5 Carb Day
    Week 6: High 206.5, Low 204.5
    6/13--204.5 Carb Day
    Week 7: High 205, Low 201
    6/20--201 Carb Day
    Week 8:

    Today's Meals:
    2 eggs fried in coconut oil
    2 slices of bacon
    4 tbsp of Greek yogurt
    Mio water

    Grilled hamburger patty with cheese
    Leftover green beans
    Mio water


    4 tbsp of Greek yogurt
    Large field greens salad, topped with pork loin and walnuts, with ranch dressing
    Mio water

    Today's Exercise:
    2-mile walk around the track, 30 minutes on the elliptical (7.5 minutes, 4 times), 3 sets of 12 reps each on 9 arm and chest machines
  • Carol Sue I missed your recent posts. Good on you for facing the portion size reality check! fyi, here's Lustig's Sugar Science website:

    I also like to read David Kessler End of Overeating. It's about how food works on our brains to make us want more than our bodies need, and how the food industry has employed this knowledge to create foods that make us want to overeat. He doesn't have a pat solution but I found it helpful to understand what I'm up against. Also he says as far as the nerve pathways that motivate us to seek pleasure, exercise is the best substitute for eating foods we crave.

    I second chickadeee's comment for all of us Little steps, that is what makes life enjoyable.