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  • Prayers for all concerns...

    prayers for the tradgedy in Oslo, Norway.
  • if you have a moment... please pray for my (now ex) boyfriend and I.... the situation is complicated, as much of life can be. there's a lot of grieving going on right now, not just for our relationship, but for the death of several family members on both sides. my cousin's family is recovering from the after affects of a murder-suicide at a family home. please keep everyone related to the event in your prayers... the healing process is going to be very long and very difficult.
  • DANCINGIRL ~ ^PRAYERS^ going up for you & your (ex) BF; and for your cousin's family becuz of this heart-breaking travesty ... May GOD bring you all peace, love, and comfort during this difficult time & beyond ...
  • Prayers for all concerns...

    DANCINGIRL we are always here!

    Asking for prayers for my sister Denise as the doctor will be removing her ovaries because of non-cancer (at the moment) cysts and also doing a biopsy on a cyst/tumor on her throat...this may all be related to her breast cancer...over all she is doing well from all those prayers!

    Also for 2 friends at church...Jim has recurring stomach cancer and Dick will be in for a heart bypass...also for another dear friend, Pat, who lost her husband last night to cancer....

    evil-evil cancer....

    Praise God for taking us believers home in spite of those dreaded diseases!
  • Praying for all requests. I am of Norwegian descent and have many relatives in Norway. Pray for all affected by this terrible event.
  • GARY ~ ^Prayers^ were sent up for Denise and all your friends at church too ...

    BARGOO ~ I don't know what happened there, as I don't have a TV going right now; and I missed it on the net somehow, but we have been really busy as of late -- however, I did send up prayers, as I know that GOD knows what happened there recently ...
  • Hi everyone,
    I am in desperate need of some prayer. Please pray for my marriage. My dh and I don't communicate very well when it comes to something important or bothersome to me. Also please pray for my relationship with my in-laws. A lot has happened between them and I, and even though some of the issues are done and over with, I still have severe anxiety when I think about those things. It's starting to affect my day to day life. Pray I can stop focusing on the past and start focusing on my relationship with God and my husband. Thank you.
  • Quote: Hi everyone,
    I am in desperate need of some prayer. Please pray for my marriage. My dh and I don't communicate very well when it comes to something important or bothersome to me. Also please pray for my relationship with my in-laws. A lot has happened between them and I, and even though some of the issues are done and over with, I still have severe anxiety when I think about those things. It's starting to affect my day to day life. Pray I can stop focusing on the past and start focusing on my relationship with God and my husband. Thank you.
    With God all things are possible.
  • ABETTERME ~ sending prayers up for you & your DH; and your relationship with your inlaws too ...


    Whenever something comes up from the past -- recite that verse to remind yourself to live in the present; as one-day-at-a-time is always the best way. Marriage is a work in progress for us all; we have to learn how to communicate our feelings the best way we can without hurting others, in love, but that isn't always easy. So, I pray for wisdom on how to handle my DH and inlaws; and GOD has given me lots of great ideas over the years. And, FORGIVENESS goes a long way to smooth things over too.

    My mother used to say -- CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES CAREFULLY; in other words, let the small stuff go.

    Prayers sent. God bless!
  • Thank you so much everyone
  • Prayers for ABETTERME sent....
  • Well, Praize GOD for answered prayers -- our new house will be finalized by tomorrow noon. DH has been so ansy, that he has been beside himself about this new place (I know this is part of his Asbergers), so his nerves have been on edge. Will try to keep him busy until that time ...

    We just received a call tonight from a cousin that DH's last Aunt (Margo) past away on Saturday from cancer. We thank you LORD that she didn't suffer too much or linger too long; she had a good, long life and was quite spry right until the end at 87+ years young ... Rest in peace, dear Aunt Margo, rest in peace (prayers for your family too) ...

    THANKS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS HERE for all your prayers!!!
  • PRAYER REQUEST PLEASE ~ for MAGGIE ... who has been helping us do some painting at our house. She had a wee fall the other day; nothing broken or sprained, just a bit sore. She has worked like a trouper for us and we so appreciate the help of both her & my SIL. Thanks ...
  • HI i am new to this forum. I am still learning to navigate this site. I am very excited to find a faith based forum. I am completely struggling with my weight loss journey. I have been on the Ideal Protein diet since July 15th of this year. I have lost about 13 pounds, but i have gained 2 or 3 back. The ideal protein diet is very restrictive, no carbs or sugar. I find myself constantly cheating. I would appreciate any tips of what you guys are doing to lose, and of course a lot of prayer!!!