Get Movin! Part 3

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  • Exhale - My cat isn't very big, lol. (Though the dogs are tiny too, like rat terrier sized.) But she was a stray that we adopted and she can get pretty viscous with other animals. My theory is she probably got in a lot of fights when she was a stray so now she attacks first no questions asked. I think I'll mostly be able to keep them separated though.

    We bought some fencing and a dog house today so I'll be able to put the dogs in the yard, and I have a room where I can keep them in when I won't be able to supervise them in the house. Hopefully the cat will calm down quickly if the dogs aren't actually jumping after her all the time.

    I don't think I'm going to be able to workout today either. I'm feeling pretty sick after all the shopping and still have housework to do. Looks like a bust for exercise this week. Will do better this next week.
  • I have a cat too. I adopted him 4yrs ago from the Humane Society, his name is Simba. He's a good cat but a bit of a loon.

    I can't wait till I lose one more pound and my ticker says 8p lost 7p to go. I will feel like I'm over the hump.

    Storms today but hopefully going to my favorite spot tomorrow. It's a restaurant on the water, literally have lunch on the beach. Great place for kids too.
  • Cats are great

    Bunneh, take it easy and feel better
    Gabi, you are almost there! Have fun tomorrow-sounds like a great place.
    It's more yoga and a museum visit for me tomorrow.
  • Hello Ladies!

    It's been a crazy week at work and when I get home its dinner and olympics. We are so into watching a variety of sports from archery to track. We are all over the olympic map. I must say it's nice having some company and a bonus is the meals I prep don't go to waste because it was just me. I continue to experiment with my ninja blender. Today I made a super indulgent cantaloupe and vanilla ice cream smoothie. It was totally exotic and we all loved it. Exercise continues to take a back seat though. Mainly because of staying up late and which makes me sleep until the absolute last minute. Then I'm at work later than usual because I don't get there till around 9am ish.

    In reading the posts I see we all have some sort of life trial going on. There was at least one downpour today and I was very glad I wasn't outside when that happened.

    Have a great weekend everyone and I'll try to check in tomorrow.
  • 153 this morning again, so it looks like the lower numbers aren't a fluke. At least the week isn't a bust for weight loss even though it wasn't great for exercise.
  • Congrats Bunneh!
  • Bunneh

    Ate a lot this weekend. Not junk, but more than usual. Feeling good, though, so ready to get back to lighter fair - more greens - for the week. Was out-and-about most of the weekend and need to remember to pack some snacks so I keep out of restaurants - less food intake and less $$$ output.

    Hope all is well with all.
    Have a great week.
  • The lunch/beach was nice. TOM is starting almost a week early throwing my hormones way out of whack so I've been weepy all day. You'd think I'm 16 w/ the PMS I get but it's never been this bad up until the last few years. Long story.

    I'll try to get Jillian in tomorrow night.
  • Morning all, Happy Monday.

    Have a great day !
  • Hello Everyone!

    It seems I'm not the only one staying up late watching the olympics. I read on another board that folks are missing their morning routines because of going to bed late.

    Gabi, it's just a shame in this day and age that the pms hormone thing can't be helped. I wrote before how my best friend goes through it like you do. I feel so bad for her. It really is like she's a completely different person during that time.

    Exhale, although I've fallen off the wagon I do keep a snack with me like a snack bag of pistachio nuts or a kind bar.

    Bunneh, congrats on the new low numbers!

    Oh, I'm sharing a youtube link. This commercial came on during the olympics and it just touched me so much.

    Best Nike Find Your Greatness Commercial - The Jogger
  • I love this picture

  • Hey Philly, That is a wonderful commercial. Nike should get some sort of award - like a peace prize or something for it. Too bad Rykas fit me better. Wish I had a nice clear road like NYC !

    Got a trip to the grocery today and getting little things that I can carry with me. Also, I though to switch from bagels to those wassa thin crisps.
  • I don't think I'm going to workout today, and honestly I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to workout at all the next few months. My brother's dogs arrived today, and I'm super stressed.

    I could have handled his older dog easily, he's very quiet and well trained. The second one however is still very much a puppy. He is in a constant state of excitement and does not listen at all. He whines if he's put somewhere alone, even outside. (Which I don't understand, since he was alone when my brother went to work. Maybe he whined then too but didn't have any witnesses.) And he's had two accidents already.

    My cat is going crazy, tail plumed and growling.

    And I think I may rip my hair out. Grr.

    I'm regretting agreeing to this. I haven't gotten a dog of my own for a reason. I don't have the energy to train a puppy.

    The other option was my brother giving up his dogs altogether and I felt really guilty at that thought. Especially since he's had one of them for about eight years at least...
  • Hi Bunneh, you are doing a good deed for the dear dogs. I haven't had a dog, but I have watched Dog Whisperer...what I remember is that the separation anxiety is because they don't understand their place in the 'pack'. Have you tried crating him or keeping him in one area of the house and bringing him out on your terms, on a leash, when he's quiet? I'm sorry....I can imagine this is alot of aggravation for you. But I think if you don't stress, the animals will eventually take their cue from you. Your cat will get over it. And taking care of the pets will be your exercise
  • Bunneh, you can take the dogs for long walks perhaps? I know this seems overwhelming right now but they may chill out for you after a few days.

    Philly, I totally sympathize with your friend. :/

    I just got home from work, gonna eat something and then get Jill done tonight for sure. Back later to report.