Daily Calorie Intake Post

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  • 11/13

    B: Fiber bar 120
    S: Greek yogurt 140
    L: 97% ff hot dog, bun, horseradish mustard, pretzels, 265
    S: Hallooween candy 220
    D: Italian beef and corn chowder 500
    S: Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich 140

    Total: 1385
    Exercise: Clean out basement
  • Today:

    Breakfast (370): grilled cheese with 2 slices ww bread (180) and 2 slices rf cheese (100). 1 cup peppermint soymilk (90)

    Lunch (371): 3 olives (21), egg mcmuffin made with ww english muffin (130), egg (70), rf cheese (60). coffee with almond milk (90)

    Snack (264): cookie (60), salad with herb mix (10), 1 T dressing (30), 1 slice cheese (60), 3 slices tofurky (60), 4 grape tomatoes (16), 4 olives (28).

    Dinner (610): 1 cup hard cider (200), macaroni and cheese (350), red peppers (10) with hummus (50)

    total calories - 1615
    exercise: 90 minutes bikram yoga
  • Posting my plan for tomorrow already, because I will be going out of state to spend my day with a pack of wolves and won't have time to figure out calories then.
    Pumpkin Spiced "Fronch" Toast- 378
    Apple- 95
    Bunny Grahams x 2- 260
    Soy yogurt- 150
    Tempeh taco on flatout + Black Bean Fiesta + Daiya- 475
    Vegetable soup- 170
    Total: 1,528

  • 11/14

    B: Fiber bar 120
    S: Greek yogurt 140
    L: English muffin pizza, baby carrots 280
    S: Banana, cottage cheese 195
    D: Sloppy Joe, pretzels 470
    S: Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich 140

    Total: 1345
  • Saturday:

    breakfast (290): egg white veggie omelet with reduced fat cheese. coffee with almond milk

    lunch (571): salad with olives, tomatoes, hummus and 3/4 of a piece of tomato pita bread with Parmesan cheese. 2 cookies.

    dinner (510): Amy's vegetable lasagna (310) and 1/2 bottle of cider (200)

    1371 - then went out for drinks and had a glass of sangria, and snacked on a few fried pickles and potato wedges. No idea on calories, just trying to add this in to my food log.

    exercise: 90 minutes iyengar yoga
  • Sunday:

    breakfast (325): 1/2 a bagel (175), cream cheese (60), coffee with almond milk (90)

    snack (180): peanutbutter luna bar

    lunch (390): Noodles small mushroom stroghanoff

    dinner (550): veggie chili (200), rf cheese (50), jalepeno cheese foccacia (estimated at 300?), peanut butter cup (45)

    1490 calories
  • plan for Monday:

    Breakfast (350): egg (70) on a ww english muffin (130) with a slice of reduced fat cheese (60). coffee with vanilla almond milk (90)

    snack (230): large apple (130). 2 light Babybel cheeses (100)

    lunch (248): salad of herb mix (10), 4 grape tomatoes (8), 3 olives (30), yellow pepper (10), smoked tofurky (100), cottage cheese (90)

    dinner: out with a friend, this leaves me at 828 calories for the day so I will have about 670 left for dinner out. Should be do-able.

    Dinner was hopefully around 700. I ate 1/2 of a veggie burger with cheese on a wheat bun, some coleslaw and a glass of red wine. I guess that's probably pretty close to 700, but I am not sure.
  • Today:
    Tempeh taco on flatout + Black Bean Fiesta + Daiya- 475
    Vegetable soup- 170
    Toast with peanut butter and pumpkin butter- 120
    Tempeh reuben on pumpernickel bread- 475
    Apple- 95
    Pear- 120
    Bunny grahams- 130
    Total: 1,585
  • 11/15

    B: Fiber bar 120
    S: Greek yogurt 140
    L: Grilled cheese sandwich, pretzels 390
    S: Banana, string cheese 185
    D: Sloppy joe, pretzels 470
    S: Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich 140

    Total: 1445
  • Monday food log
    Veggie Egg White Omelet w/ cheese - 200
    Laughing Cow Cheese w/ Apple - 200
    Salad w/ Chickpeas & Tuna - 350
    Pistachios/yogurt - 200
    Cabbage/Lentil Soup - 250

    Total: About 1200
  • Today I plan to eat:
    Banana - Pre-run (100)
    Veggie omelet (250)
    Salad w/ chickpeas & tuna (250)
    Apple w/ Cheese (150)
    Cashews & yogurt (200)
    2 pieces pizza (550)
    1500 TOTAL

    Exercise: Run 3 miles, walk 3 miles, yoga
  • 11/16

    B: Fiber bar 120
    S: Blow Pop, Dum Dum 85
    L: PB&J, pretzels 385
    S: Banana, 1/2 serving of goldfish 175
    D: Leftovers 500
    S: Jello Mousse Temptations 60

    Total: 1325
  • Plan for Today:

    Breakfast (285): 1/4 oatmeal (75) with 1 T natural Peanutbutter (100) and 1/4 almond milk (20). coffee with more almond milk (90).

    Snack (265): large apple (130) and 2 light Babybel cheeses (100). cup of miso soup (35)

    lunch (338): 2 veggie patties (300) and a green salad of herb mix (10), 4 grape tomatoes (8), yellow pepper (20).

    dinner (460): peanut butter and jelly on ww bread (180), 1 T nat pb (100), 1 T cherry jam (50). Soy latte (130).

    Snack (50): Light Babybel (50)

    Calories - 1398
    Walking - 1.5 miles
  • 11/17

    B: Fiber bar 120
    S: String cheese 80
    L: Quesadilla, salad (eating at friend's house, so not sure how she's making it all). Estimating 450
    S: Banana 105
    D: Leftovers 500
    S: Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich 140

    Total: 1395
    Exercise: JM No More Trouble Zones
  • 11/17
    B: oatmeal 190, splenda 0, cinnamon 12
    sn: 1.5 pickles 5, 2 hard boiled eggs 140
    L: Boiled Chicken breast 190, steamed broc 75, hot sauce 0, soy sauce 10
    sn: carrots 35 hummus 70
    D: Turkey breast 45, udi gf bread 140, shreded cheese 98, veggie soup 242
    sn/dessert: frozen tbs of dark chocolate peanut butter 340

    total cals: 1594/1897
    fat: 75g
    carbs 134
    protein: 118

    exercise: 15 minutes HARD circuits: 20 step jumps, 20 jumping jacks, 20 seconds sprint, 15 pushups, 20 sec mountain climbers, rest 30 sec. repeat.