Tbl-black Team!!!

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  • I tried to go to mycycle.com and it was a link to a guys name?
  • Quote: I tried to go to mycycle.com and it was a link to a guys name?
    you have to do www.mycycle.com
  • lol, I forgot to put the www in my original post...sorry...lol

    Okay ladies... if you've done exercise and have not reported it yet in the "Flight To Weight Loss Freedom BLACK TEAM" DO IT DO IT DO IT!! We are about 300 minutes behind the Blue team... we can still catch up though........we need everyone!!!
  • Thanks! my brain only works about half the time
  • I signed up on Mycycle...now I can expect AF, lol. Cool site, thanks for the link!

    I'm doing much better today...I binged like you wouldn't believe yesterday, but it's over and I'm back on track. Hopefully I'll have a good weigh in next Monday.

    Hope all of you loooooosers are doing wonderful!!!
  • I haven't tried the mycycle... i use fertilityfriend.com have been tracking my cycles on there since November 2003. In this long span, I have only had 2 cycles back to back where they are the same length.
  • Hi ya gang! Great food suggestions andi! I iwll definately be utilizing them! Didn't lose a single dadbern pound this week, but AF was in, so I am thankful I managed NOT to gain at least. So proud of all of you, your doing fantabulous!! I still am horribly slacking at exercise, but now that I don't feel like a walking wet sponge, I feel more apt to move around.
    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!!
  • Im back, but my weekend SUCKED! I ate everything under the sun. I feel awful about it, but I am doing better. I got back on track Sunday at 5pm.
  • I just wanted to check in. I have been out of town all week and I haven't had a chance to post anything. I went to W. Palm Beach to see my younger sister who just had a baby!!! It was a good to see her, but I did horrible!!!! I ate everything in sight, and I drank regular pop!! I was soooo upset, but I manage to stay the same size. I actually checked my weight today and I was down!! So I did something right. I am back on track and ready to lose!!!!!
  • I moved out last night. I'll probably stall this week cause I can't eat anything.
  • Good morning my dahlings!

    Quote: I signed up on Mycycle...now I can expect AF, lol. Cool site, thanks for the link!

    Hope all of you loooooosers are doing wonderful!!!
    This looooooooser is doing great today... having a much better day today than yesterday. Could be because I got on the scale to sneak a peek this morning and I am OUT OF THE 2-TEENS!!!!!!!! I lost 2 pounds last week...hoping for 3 pound loss this week... I have a Halloween Goal I'm shooting for!
    Bet you never thought you'd be excited to "Expect" AF, huh? lol

    I was in such a funk yesterday, I was glad for a new day today. I'm feeling much better! Loved TBL last night.... I LOVE that Black Team!! I'd be sad to see any of them get voted off. I liked Patty (I could relate to her story).... so, I don't really think that I'm rooting for anyone else on the Red or Blue teams anymore (except for Bob )
  • just an update, Im deleting the black team. Im sorry, I have all of things to do and I especially dont need to have rude posts started about me.

    I can obviously tell you have nothing better to do.
  • Omg!
  • I missed something obviously?
  • Yeah go read the post that LondonJUlz started, "saying who should really be on the black team"

    I dont need this rudeness addressed to me. If this is whats going to happen, either she needs to leave or I just need to shut down the black team