Getting Out Of the 230 and 220s

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  • That's so many inches!!! Way to go Lemonthyme! Glad the fasting is going well. I may have to try it someday.
  • 236.4

    So just a little bit of movement on the scale. I have yet to make time to
    Move me as that hasn’t happened beyond normal housework and chasing after my kids or running up and down the stairs - nope that’s just normal to my day and doesn’t take off anything, let’s hope it helps maintain. So my minigoals into the start of next week:

    1. Figure in some movement be it walking or going to gym in the wee dark hours before my house awakes. There are less odd people at that time there too

    2. Keep up w the fasting as it seems to be working w afternoon food needs

    Otherwise I hope this weekend isn’t too terrible as we are traveling and that always causes a bit of issue of not eating well but I will try to stick to it all.

    Happy weekend all! I hope everyone is doing well and maybe some new ones will join the battle to 219 as well - I tend to get wordy at times - but I’m here to help cheer you on too as I know all too well this isn’t the easiest battle.
  • Good Morning
    I am happy that the fasting is working for you lemonthyme
    Just keep moving forward and you will get there! I also prefer to go the gym in the wee hours of the morning. I'm also less likely to make an excuse not to go if I get there first thing. Enjoy your weekend!
  • Lemonthyme that is amazing keep up the great work. Working can be hard to find time to work out so early morning is a great way to start getting your body going.

    My update today I'm still at 218 yay. Hope to lose at least a pound this weekend. So I will check back in on Monday. Tuesday is my day off so I should be working in the living room dusting the whole thing from ceiling to floor and rearranging furniture. Have a lovely day ladies.
  • I returned home, no scale yet; did not fast over the weekend due to travels and visits. Ugh. Well Monday I’ll get back on track and move forward. Trying to convince DH to look at working on his weight and maybe read on the 16:8 as well. I think it might be something for him to try. I’m finding it’s not too bad to work w for me unless of course I’m traveling, which then I’ll say I haven’t been totally focused. But I am noticing my belly is not as pronounced. So maybe just maybe it is a help!

    See you tomorrow I’m alive and home.
  • Monday is the day to refocus, get back on the fasting: 3 hours 15 mins left to go and drinking my coffee as I watch the news. I’ll do my water as well and figure out my meals for the day.

    The news this morning is sad - when will the world right itself? I hope no one here was part of that. I can’t begin to imagine the emotions involved or the hurt that ensues. Prayers with you.

    Mini goals:
    1. Trying my best
    2. Pushing fluids
    3. Working on getting back on track with my fast but so far so good!
    4. Get up early tomorrow and go move the body.

    My best to you all! Off to go deal with the body and hope for some changes.
  • The news this morning when I turned on the TV broke my heart lemonthyme

    I'll check back in with you tomorrow...
  • Boop: all I can say is ugh! Thanks for checking on me - right now I feel everyone is finding success with loss and I’ve stumbled but good. I can’t shake the weekend weight gain. My husband is a love-feeder. As in one way to show his love he also equates with feeding me and it happens always with the weekend. I know I can say no but then I have hurt feelings on his end. Edited to add I also eat on my own - I’m the one who shoves food in my mouth when I shouldn’t.

    Hello all!

    Am: I think this area has become a ghost town for those who stall out like me. It’s gotten awfully quiet here and because I can’t shake the 230s I’m stuck here AGAIN: sadly I was here a year ago and just gave up because I was stuck in the same hamster wheel of loss. I do well during the work week and weekends I put it right back on. I haven’t found a desire to work out - partly because I’m still limited with how much time I can go, so when I say I will get up and go at 5am to work out for 20 minutes - sounds like a waste of time and then I continue to sleep in because it’s dark and it’s getting colder. I’m my own worst exercise enemy.

    So I’m struggling with this journey but good. I may take a break from fasting this morning and try to find a happy place in my outlook on loss. As of right in this moment I half want to kick myself for having to reloose what I lost last week vs just wanting to stop and say to heck with it to trying to get it in my head I can do this and just KEEP IT OFF. Can there ever be a happy medium?

    Off to go sulk for the moment and get bills paid. And off to find a better outlook and maybe a focused direction that I do indeed struggle with.

    May you all have a good day. May this thread get lively I can’t be the only one in these two decades can I?
  • Hello all. Doing my mid week check in.

    Lemonthyme you were my inspiration. Your dedication is what pushed me to eat well. Knowing you were able to go through your obstacles and still be making a difference was the eye opener I needed.

    Girl that 20 minutes in the morning will but your mind in the right direction for the day. Have everything ready in the morning to do what you need to do so you don't have to prepare anything.

    Weekends/ Days off can be tough. Try planning something that would keep you on your path. Hiking with friends, cards or board games, the zoo, start the day with workout for about 45 mins to an hour.

    Check in with you and everyone in a few days. Hugs
  • Davisa: I’m glad you found inspiration in my crazy weight fight. Hopefully you find your journey a lot easier than my own! Thank you for the encouragement.

    AM: I have been trying my best today but both water and coffee taste funny to me today. I hate when that happens but it does happen about every few weeks. I’ve been keeping my snacks in check as well. I’ve no idea about dinner ideas maybe just salad and chicken. I’ll have to make potatoes as well or my husband will graze all night long. I know maybe roasted veg for the additional. It can include the potatoes.

    I have my paper sort almost done. Thank goodness one can be inundated w crap and paperwork fits that category. Can’t balance the checkbook something is missing somewhere. I think using debit cards does that quicker than just a check. Alas . . . I’ll be glad to have more paper out of the house.

    On my sorting break I went out and picked seeds to save and cut off flower heads to dry and drop seed to save as well. I don’t know what the bug is that I have to scurry seeds away this year. I normally never do. But maybe because I’ll have some big expenses next year and where I can save will be a help. I feel like a squirrel.

    And my stomach has grumbled all day. Not sure if I have a touch of crud or not. Maybe it will mean a lighter scale tomorrow. Who knows?! Oh and my gym clothes have been sitting out in the bathroom the last week I’ve looked at them each morning - yep me bad! I walk right on past.

    My mini goal is:
    1. Go tomorrow morning for my puny 20 min ride
    2. Eat within my calories
    3. Feel good about this journey.

    I’m off - maybe I can do this.
  • Hi lemonthyme.

    It drives me crazy when my checkbook doesn't balance! I have spent hours looking for the discrepancy.

    Continuing on is the biggest part of the battle and you are doing that. Give yourself credit for that! I agree with davisa that 20 minutes in the morning will start your day in the right direction.

    Hope you are having a good day!
  • Alarm set clothes in bathroom hopefully I will respond to both and go tomorrow at 515. Will let you know if I made it!
  • I did it, I went and cycled for 20 mins and did about 6 miles. Calories I’m sure are negligent as I kept it on track and lower in tension. But I moved so that’s a good step and I have to be mindful not to aggravate my problem area I did PT for.


    Been there, have done that too many times. I’m hopeful that with the added movement and I will try fasting today again. I didn’t really have issues with it last week only the one day I did have a bit of struggle the last hour of the fast but otherwise it’s been ok.

    This journey is far from perfect for me. There are moments I’d love to throw in the towel and other moments I think I am doing so well. Maybe I can mash the two feelings together and just get it moving off. I don’t know how long this will take or how successful I will be, but thus far the weight is lower than it was 6 months ago, still about the same as a year ago when I gave it all up. I thought back to when I was 222 - that was when my oldest was 2 so 7 years later I’d like to get back there and then some but that was my lowest in all this time. Here’s to a concerted effort as best I can muster and work with.

    Happy day all.
  • Well down to 236.2 and thinking on how every single pound reflects a good bit of effort. How could I ever lose and let them come back?

    A bit discouraged with BP. I got of the meds about 2 weeks ago but my BP has inched up from 111/71 average to about 120/75 average despite exercise, a drop in RHR from 63 to 61 and plenty of water. Making sure getting enough potassium and magnesium too. I read it could honestly be the cooler weather and my house *is* cooler. Makes sense. One thing I plan to give myself is some warm UGG boots but I need to find a tape measure for my calves to see if they will fit. With a bad peroneal tendon in my foot and scar tissue from a fracture, warm is always good there.

    Lemontyme. When I was thin I used to ride my bike every morning. No good place around here without driving to it. Glad you can do it.
  • Granny: I don’t know what to offer for ideas on BP as mine is generally 90/65. One thing I do before I have it checked is on my drive to the clinic I listen to classical. When I listen to other stuff it can go up some - just something I found calms me a bit. Also at the clinic they always make sure my feet are both on the ground and nothing crossed. Is this a waking BP your doing? Maybe a bit of water before you take it? I know people can have issues in change of state with it.

    AM: I sit here waiting to take the kids to the bus stop and my everyday tennis shoes are in dire need of a good soak and wash. I wore them for yard work so they are mighty awful. Clean shoes lead to happy thoughts!

    My mini goals for the next 24 hours:
    1. Keep to my fast and then in-calorie eat
    2. Get stuff ready so I can go cycle tomorrow at 5am
    3. Feel good about this journey

    In the meantime the costumes are underway so that’s good. I’m taking a hiatus this week from cleaning a room on my list. Oh my list is long and the rooms are always in stages of flux - my list is for deep cleaning - tossing, gathering for goodwill, dusting, scrubbing etc. you know all those things it’s easy to put off because there are lots better things to do then clean.

    Off to go find how the day rolls. Hopefully you all have a good middle of the week day!