~~June Golden Girls~~

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  • Good afternoonish...I think. Debbie is still sitting here and the canal has not changed at all. Since we have normal tide of 4' I don't understand it. Grateful no flooding but it is showing up across the way by coming up their storm drains. Some houses downtown have 1-2' water standing

    Went for eye check and don't have an implant wrinkle but have developed astignatism in my left eye and the good news is glasses will correct it. Can barely see since they put in 3 different type drops. Need to take Rx to Walmart for new glasses when I can see.

    Donna....I just figured out what you can do Saturday. Freeze your undies! Or if frozen panties don't appeal how about ice packs in the bra? hehehehhe sorrrrry....the drops made me do it

    BBL when eyes are unblurred k3
  • Hello again,

    The swim was nice ~ fun time with Maddie. And over the Grrrr of this morning. I just wish I had the ability not to let DH get under my skin. Say pfffffttttt and be done with it.
  • I don't know if I can post this without getting edited, but here goes. Has anyone ever read the book "The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett? It is a young people's book, written in 1911. When I was in 5th grade my friend's family took me to the public library for the first time and this was the first book I checked out and read. I couldn't find it in our library here so I ordered a used copy online. I started reading the first page and I realized that it uses some words in their original meaning, not the meaning that we know today. One particular sentence "Her mother was a great beauty who cared only to go to parties and amuse herself with gay people." I almost spit out my coffee! I understood exactly what it meant, but I don't think a young person today reading this would understand the meaning. A few pages back it also used the word "queer" to mean "odd." I know even when my kids were growing up we had to explain the Flintstone's theme song when they said "We'll have a gay old time!" Anyway, since this is the book that started me on being a bookworm, I am looking forward to reading it again. It takes me back to my childhood.
  • Just a quick post this time. Grandchildren are here for the night and keeping me busy...I sneaked away to type this but they will be here soon..
    So far I've done well with my eating but didn't get to the gym. Figure I'll meet my min baseline with the kids here. You all have a good rest of day and evening. They are coming.....
  • #@$%&%$#...I just lost my whole post. Too tired to do it again.
    K3 & Glynne, hope you're both okay.
    Donna, same for you. Are you close to the fire?
    I'll post again tomorrow and answer some of your questions and will write it on note pad or word.
  • Hoping now that Debby has come on shore she will get out of here. I am so tired of all the rain. We really needed rain, but not quite this much.
  • From 100 Days of Weight Loss by Linda Spangle
    From now on plan that you will eat only for two reasons:
    1. To fuel your body
    2. To appreciate flavors

    If you put anything into your mouth that doesn't match either of these 2 categories, there's a good chance you're doing emotional eating.

    Make fuel a priority
    Plan for a minimum of 3 fuel stops a day, then add a couple mini-stops between. You don't need to eat a lot at each fueling. Just besure you get your body fuel when it needs it.

    From If I'm So Smart, Why Can't I Lose Weight? by Brooke Castillo (somewhat paraphrased)
    As Children we sometimes experience things that cause intolerable emotions. We learn to cope by not feeling and many of us distract ourselves by eating. Some of us obsess about our weight instead of being terrified of our life. As adults we have the emotional maturity to feel and know we have some control over the feelings and understand them. As adults we know that feelings do end and they do not have the power to kill us. OR DO WE?
    Many of us haven't made this step into adulthood. We run, and run, and run because we think we may not survive them. The truth is we won't unless we stop running. We need to learn how to feel. As adults we need to live in the now and face the our emotional condition whatever it might be. Feeling stress and anxiety on a regular basis means you are running away from yourself and your emotional life. It is time to jump in.

    Many books and approaches tell you to avoid the triggers, but this author says seek them out. Everytime your emotions are triggered it's a wonderful opportunity for you to feel them. Feel them, learn to understand them. This will take you deeper into the knowledge of yourself if you allow it. When you deny yourself to feel the feelings/emotions you deny yourself the right to understand why you feel that way and you miss the opportunity to change. We can "do" embarrassement, we can "do" shame, we can "do" pain. Don't be afraid to feel. We can go through the feeling/emotion to the other side and then it's gone. We don't have to eat because of it. Your knowledge of how you feel and your willingness to feel will increase your likelihood of taking risks and living more fully. Having courage does not mean you are not afraid. It means you feel afraid and do it anyway.

    Sitting at a kitchen table and feeling a feeling all the way through instead of eating is a very courageous act. When the fear starts to come recognize it, expect it, welcome it and sit and watch it come. Don't run to the fridge to forget about it, don't think about how fat you are. If you start to resist it, deny it, run from it, it will cause you additional pain in your life. The author says she likes to keep her fear close and not bury it under fat or food. Make a list of the top 3 negative feelings you avoid feeling. What would happen if you let yourself feel them. When you fight against feeling a negative feeling you actually make it stronger.

    Interesting topic.
  • Quote: From 100 Days of Weight Loss by Linda Spangle
    From now on plan that you will eat only for two reasons:
    1. To fuel your body
    2. To appreciate flavors

    If you put anything into your mouth that doesn't match either of these 2 categories, there's a good chance you're doing emotional eating.

    Make fuel a priority
    Plan for a minimum of 3 fuel stops a day, then add a couple mini-stops between. You don't need to eat a lot at each fueling. Just besure you get your body fuel when it needs it.

    From If I'm So Smart, Why Can't I Lose Weight? by Brooke Castillo (somewhat paraphrased)
    As Children we sometimes experience things that cause intolerable emotions. We learn to cope by not feeling and many of us distract ourselves by eating. Some of us obsess about our weight instead of being terrified of our life. As adults we have the emotional maturity to feel and know we have some control over the feelings and understand them. As adults we know that feelings do end and they do not have the power to kill us. OR DO WE?
    Many of us haven't made this step into adulthood. We run, and run, and run because we think we may not survive them. The truth is we won't unless we stop running. We need to learn how to feel. As adults we need to live in the now and face the our emotional condition whatever it might be. Feeling stress and anxiety on a regular basis means you are running away from yourself and your emotional life. It is time to jump in.

    Many books and approaches tell you to avoid the triggers, but this author says seek them out. Everytime your emotions are triggered it's a wonderful opportunity for you to feel them. Feel them, learn to understand them. This will take you deeper into the knowledge of yourself if you allow it. When you deny yourself to feel the feelings/emotions you deny yourself the right to understand why you feel that way and you miss the opportunity to change. We can "do" embarrassement, we can "do" shame, we can "do" pain. Don't be afraid to feel. We can go through the feeling/emotion to the other side and then it's gone. We don't have to eat because of it. Your knowledge of how you feel and your willingness to feel will increase your likelihood of taking risks and living more fully. Having courage does not mean you are not afraid. It means you feel afraid and do it anyway.

    Sitting at a kitchen table and feeling a feeling all the way through instead of eating is a very courageous act. When the fear starts to come recognize it, expect it, welcome it and sit and watch it come. Don't run to the fridge to forget about it, don't think about how fat you are. If you start to resist it, deny it, run from it, it will cause you additional pain in your life. The author says she likes to keep her fear close and not bury it under fat or food. Make a list of the top 3 negative feelings you avoid feeling. What would happen if you let yourself feel them. When you fight against feeling a negative feeling you actually make it stronger.

    Interesting topic.
    Really good thought. I am going to try it next time I run to the kitchen for "no" reason.
  • Hi GG's,
    Good & bad at walmart today. DS took me- We had a melt down moment in the parking lot searching for lost Bank card and I way overreacted. Coming off sugar is a real ***** for me. DS understood when I compared it to his detoxing from alcohol.Good: As we checked out I had only healthy food in cart and DS couldn't believe There where no cases of coke! He has been trying to get me off them forever.
    maryea: OK, I can see I need to get that book-very interesting-thanks for posting it. The first night of my 1st day I cond't stop crying . There was lots of grief the food is no longer hiding.
    Karen31: Try 104 every day for a week 2 wks more expected, & that's with very hot nights and 80-100 humidity.
    Bobbi : I sooo feel for you. I hate it when that happens-a week ago I'd be eating over it.
    Karen: Don't laugh but I often put ice gel pac under my breast and belly roll when I can't sleep at night from the itchy sweats.
    Glynne: A swim sounds so nice I use to swim laps at the local college. I'd spend each lap praying for a different person- esp. those I felt had done me wrong. Really helped time fly. That stupid college sold it to a clun & now I can't afford the fee ( It was free as an allumni) let alone the gas to get there.
    Carol Sue: I have 2 copies of both the book and movie of the secret garden. I so want that garden. I'm a big bookworm my self. A year ago my wealthy sister gave me a nook with over 600 books on it. I thought it would last me a lifetime-now I've read over 150 of them.
  • Ginger - Since it's been 55 years since I've read The Secret Garden I don't remember the details, and that's why I'm anxious to read it again. I wonder if it will come back to me as I read.

    Maryea - I seem to be overfilling my fuel tank! I have to be careful about continuously picking at food. I don't know why I got into that habit or how to break it. I don't know why I do it. I don't think it's emotional eating, I think it's just habit. I think if I only ate when hungry and stopped when satisfied I would not have a weight problem. It seems the longer I go without eating the better off I am. Once I eat, I want to keep eating. DH doesn't understand that. I will go into the kitchen and get something and he will say "You just ate dinner." Then sometimes when we eat out, I eat half of my meal and bring the rest home. But as soon as I get home, I eat it. So I might as well have eaten it all in the restaurant. I'm not hungry....I just want that food. Why?

    Hope all our members are safe!
  • Good Morning, with the heat index here in Minnesota, it'll reach 110 degrees. But unlike Donna, I love the heat. We were watching the news on the Colorado Springs area and I'm scared for you Donna. How far are you from the flames? I pray for all the lost homes.

    Glynne...my dh is the smartest person I know, book smart that is. When it comes to common sense or figuring out simple things he's not as smart as me. He can remember names, songs, probably everything he reads. He awes me at times, and he rubs me the wrong way many times. We can pass around Rosey's rolling pin.
    Got my daily dose of Grrrrr from DH. How can a smart man be so clueless and impossible? I don't like being a crabby old lady, but he just seems to rub me the wrong way so much of the time. Rosey ~ can I borrow your rolling pin?
    Isabella, send me some of your homemade jams, yum-0. Yesterday I had to cover our blueberry bushes, they're turning blue and the birds WILL NOT EAT THEM. My baby cherry tree had many cherries on it this year, 1st time. I was waiting for them to turn red but the birds ate every last cherry before I could harvest them. Do you have a easy recipe for your yeast rolls. I'd like to start some from scratch but never lucky with yeast. Last week I thawed some frozen bread dough out and made slider buns out of it. DH just couldn't get over how delicious they were. You know I'm budgeting everything and using the all ready made frozen dough is cheaper than buying them all baked. But if I could make them from scratch, I'd like that even better.

    Carol Sue...I always enjoy reading your post, always great advice. I do all the bookwork and checkbook at our house too. Many times I've told DH how to get into the checkbook registry on the computer and he ignores me. If I croaked, he'd be in trouble. I do have printed out sheets in a notebook with all the passwords on if that happens. I watched a movie about the "Secret Garden" last year on TV, great movie and story.

    Donna 2, Hi.

    Rie...love the dogs in heaven greeting us. I get tears in my eyes just thinking of my beloved 'Tiggy Winkle' poodle. She was so beautiful inside and out. She developed leukemia when only 5 years old. Vet gave her a blood transfusion but couldn't save her. Now on a brighter note, happy for you and the new camper. Camping was our favorite thing to do when we were younger. I can just smell the morning coffee and bacon frying on the camp fire. P.S. I've seen those pots that hook unto the deck rail, I'd have some for sure if we move to the townhouse DH wants.

    K3...been thinking of Dash, what's going on with the bully dogs? Our open house will be this coming week-end. That's why we've been so busy outside weeding our garden and stuff.

    This is about how far I was yesterday before I lost everything. I'm posting it and will continue.
  • continued...
    Amara...just noticed your quote, how true. I've been in maintenance for awhile now and it's harder than losing the weight in the first place.
    "Maintenance of a major weight loss includes now & then dealing with the regains!" ~ Amarantha2
    Marie...has it warmed up yet in Oregon? Seems like the whole country is hot. I didn't realize your state stayed so cool? Donna should move in with you with her felines. How's your Myer lemon tree coming?

    Ginger...Putting ice packs under our clothes works great, I did it before we had central air.

    Rosey...answering your question about housing market in our area, it still sucks. Nothing happening around here but then I don't really care. Don't tell DH.

    Freda...yup, you're right. I'm not excited to move. But I know it's something we'll have to do as it's too much work out here for our aging bodies. I just turned 67 in May and DH 69 in June. Not ancient yet but sure are slowing down.

    Cajun...I won't complain anymore about all the mowing we have, you have 22 acres of land to keep up. Congrats on the smaller size pants. If I'm in your area and see someone walking with their undies around her ankles, I'll know it's you! As to the Snicker cake, never heard of it. Now talk to me about Snicker salad, oh my gosh. My mouth is watering just thinking of it. Yum-0.

    Mary...we were at a funeral last year where they played a rock and roll song as we left the church. It was so uplifting and took the glum out of the whole funeral. You have the right idea with all the uplifting songs you want. Congrats on your 7th grand kid.

    Redjb...what should we call you, Red? Welcome to the Golden Girls. I too love the BBC channel but don't watch Doc Martin. My favorite is 'Keeping up Appearances' with Hyacinth answering the phone. "Lady of the House speaking". She cracks me up.

    Donna...hoping you're safe, The news said Hill City is going to be 115 degrees today.

    KarenMo...got the leaks fixed yet with your hot tub. You might want to float ice cubes in it today.

    Lucinda... When I eat sugar and see a weight gain, it's always around my waist. Why can't it settle in my butt? I have a flat butt and hate it.
    Welcome Conhop.

    I think I'm all caught up.
    later gators.

  • Bobbi - How did you make your buns from frozen dough. I used to do that years ago but I don't remember what I did. Do you let the dough rise, then form the rolls and let them rise again? How much dough do you use for each roll...how many rolls do you get from 1 loaf of dough? I remember one time I made them and then made ham salad and made ham salad sandwiches for the guys when they went deer hunting. DH told me that my step-son said "I don't know what this ground up stuff is, but if it wasn't on these home-made buns I don't think I'd be eating it!" LOL
  • Morning...Debbie came ashore yesterday and the 10pm tide was right to the brim of the canal, but no flooding here. Still full but a little less than yesterday this time so we've made it....Yipeee!

    Bobbi....how about making mayo bisquits

    2 cups self rising flour
    1 cup milk
    6 Tbs mayo
    Mix until just blended. Drop by spoonfuls on lightly greased baking sheet. Bake 12 minute at 400 or until golden.

    I do these with FF mayo and milk. Sooooo good. Haven't checked cal count.

    BBL k3
  • Good Morning GG's

    Just got DGS off to football camp. It's been busy around here. Had a Dr. appointment Tuesday, and you know how I love that! Just a check up and Labs, but i'm glad it's over. The local little community fair and fire works last night. The kids stayed over to watch the fireworks. We came home from the fair and sat in the front ward with all the other neighbors. I miss my next door neighbor (my good friend) who passed away. She was always sitting out there with me.

    Jess, I hope the fires are far away from you. Stay safe! I feel for you in this hot weather.

    Cajun, When you feel like giving up, just come her and talk to us. We'll talk you out of it!

    Mary, I still bake, but I make sure it's stuff that don't tempt me. DH has a sweet tooth and always wants something sweet for breakfast. I can make him a cake in a flavor I don't care for and we're both happy.

    Gayle, Glad you had fun with Miss Maddie. Aren't Grands fun? As for agreeing with DH, just remember, he's a man. They just don't think the same way we do. Poor things, they need to be educated, and it's our job to make them understand things.

    Isabella, Congrats on the new Grand!! And one closer that you can spoil more often. Enjoy the little one while you're there.

    Rie, YEAH!!!! you got your new camper! It's going to make camping so much easier and fun for you. No putting up the tent, taking down the tent, packing! You can have everything all ready in there and ready to go! I know you're looking forward to that next trip now!

    Karenfl, I saw that the storm had been down graded today. I hope it doesn't bother you too much.

    Bobbi, Any news on the condo yet? Or the house?

    Lynn, Where are you missy? You're missed.

    Hi Marie, I don't know what is worse, people not noticing you have lost weight, or people not noticing at all. I guess we are just so sensitive about it because it's something we've had such a problem with. But I really don't want anyone critiqueing my diet. I know what I can eat and can't, thank you very much!!!!!

    Carol Sue, My DGD is just now reading The Secret Garden. I loved the story and i'm hoping that she does too. I bought a beautifully illistrated book a long time ago, planning for this day. Ha!

    Ginger, Yeah for you, for choosing all that healthy food. If that's all you've got in the house, that's what you'll eat. And old habits are hard to break, but it's worth the effort.
