July Exercise Challenge

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  • i dont want to do anything today... i need some motivation!
  • dcapulet ~ Hang in there darling. We all have days where we don't feel like exercising. But they best thing I can tell ya is to try to fake it, then when you're done, you will feel loads better than you did when you started. Good luck!
  • I can so relate! I wanted to excerise more hardcore and I didnt. But instead took a bunch of walks (which did feel good). I will be hitting gym tomorrow morning- I dont care how this lazy this body feels! I also want to start pilates. Has anyone else tried this excerise method? Also I keep updating my old post with my excerise updates.
  • delphi and heather:

    thanks i think you're right.... i just need to do it and be done. i spend more time on the boards than exercising... and i always feel better after exercising.
  • =================week1
    7/1- 2 miles on Nordic track + ST, and stretches + gardening
    7/2 - 5.6 miles walking
    7/3 2 miles tromping throught the tall grass and strength training.
    7/4 2.5 miles walking
    7/5 1.8 MILES WALKING
    7/6 1.5 miles walking/ Pilates 30 min
    7/7 3.3 miles walking
    7/8 30 min Pilates
    7/9 1.9 miles walk/jog in the hayfield (kinda like Cto5k)
    7/10 2.5 miles walking
    7/11 jet-skiing
    7/12 jet-skiing
    7/13 zippo- got called in to work, stayed on eating plan
    7/14 2.5 miles walk/jog in hayfield (kinda like Cto5k)
    7/15 1.6 miles walking + NRWL week 1A
    7/16 2.7 miles walking

    Well I didn't think that yesterdays workout would amount to much, UMMM WRONG!!! I am sore to day in my thighs and chest! So just took it easy, and walked this evening, and picked blackberries mmmmmmmmm!!!! HOpe you all had a good day! Will do HITT tomorrow with strength training!
  • July Exercise Challenge List of Participants (so far!)
    Exercise goals are in this list. Weight loss goals are in the sister thread--July Weight Loss Challenge http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=175508. If anyone sees something that they'd like to have changed or edited in their info, please just let me know! I'll continue to add new people as they join in. Good luck to all! You can do it!

    Jacqui_D: Do 30 min of moderate exercise (like walking) or 15 min of vigorous exercise (like elliptical) 5 days a week; strength train twice a week
    Delphi: Complete 2500 total minutes
    Moralia: Do cardio for 30 min 5x per week; walk 3x per week; do toning/weights for 15 min 3x per week
    Peachykeen62: Do cardio 35-60 min 5x per week; strength train for 15 min 3x per week; do ab work for 15 min 3x per week
    Gekster: Complete 900 total minutes; exercise 6 days a week, alternating cardio and strength
    Jellybellyjess: Do moderate exercise for 30 min 5 days a week for a total of 2.5 hours per week; tone with a resistance band for 15 min 7 days a week
    EmmaD: Do cardio for at least 30 min 5 days a week; strength train for at least 15 min 3 days a week; stretch for at least 15 min 7 days a week
    Sassymae: Use treadmill 5x per week; tone using moderate weight training
    2beautiful2Bfat: Do 30 min of moderate exercise 5 days a week
    Velveteen: Complete at least 800 minutes; run 5K in one go 3 times
    Bigknitter: Run 3x per week; practice karate at home 4x per week; do yoga daily; walk 3x per week
    JustAGal: Do core exercises 3x per week; walk every other morning
    Ms_Perception: Average over 300 minutes per week; work on C25K challenge 3 days a week; do cardio 5x per week; do strength/core at least 2x per week
    Wifey: Complete a total of 1860 minutes; walk the dog for 930 min; do regular exercise, including softball, for 930 min
    JazzyPeggy: Complete 24 miles of Walk Away The Pounds; complete 300 extra minutes of exercise
    Slwadsworth: Do cardio for 30 min 3x per week for a total of 450 minutes
    NewShinyMe: Complete a minimum of 850 minutes; complete EA Active 30 Day Challenge; work out 6 days a week
    Linzluv: Complete 1800 minutes of cardio; strength train 16 of 31 days; do 60 min of cardio/walking per day; do strength training circuit every other day
    Crazymamaof4: Strength train 3x per week; do cardio 3x per week, including finishing up 8-week HIIT program
    LoveDC425: Complete 20 days of yoga
    Almostskinny: Run/Jog 62 miles (2/day)
    Sotypical: Complete 1800 minutes
    Edzard: Do mild yoga before bed 3x per week; do vigorous yoga video once a week; do kettlebell workout once a week; walk for 30 min 3x per week
    Mystical: Do cardio workout on treadmill for 30 min 6 days a week; do resistance full body workout 2 days a week
    Robbynmarie_k: Do more cardio
    Sugarbaby269: Add swimming and walking to exercise plan
    Merose: Do 30 min of moderate exercise 4x per week
    Joyra: Complete 1000 minutes
    CakeBatter: Run 8K/10K; complete 1000 minutes of cardio; do calisthenics 3x per week; complete 50 miles
    Jelder227: Complete 900 minutes
    p7eggyc: Complete 800 minutes
    FullSteamAhead: Complete 1000 minutes
    LewisEmpire: Complete at least 60 miles by walking or nordic tracking; strength train or do equivalent 2x per week
    Ashley4012: Exercise at least 3 days a week
    Annie96: Walk for 30 min on treadmill or beach 5x per week
    TexSue: Work out at Curves 3 days a week
    Late_to_the_Game: Work out 6-7 days a week
    JasonsLea: Complete 780 minutes
    Ruby5839: Work out in the a.m. at least 2 days a week; stay on track with C25K
    SteerlersGirlie: Maintain current level of exercise
    CamiToo: Exercise 5 days per week; work up to doing 30 min on elliptical
    Candtlove: Work out 3-5 times per week
    Mommaof2lilmen: Walk every day
    Paisleyprincess: Complete 1000 minutes
    Dcapulet: Complete 1200 minutes; do something active 5 out of 7 days a week
    Tummy_Girl: Complete 1970 minutes; do 650 min of high intensity cardio; do 600 min of moderate/low intensity cardio; do 720 min of strength training
    Jacque9999: Do bootcamp 3 days a week; do pilates 3 days a week; do cardio on pilates days
    Terapet: Complete 1260 minutes
    JoyinSF: Work out every day for an hour and a half; do 60 min on elliptical daily; do other cardio or weights for 30 min daily
    PaperSkin: Exercise for at least 30 min a day
    HeatherEljohari: Exercise every day except Sundays
    Icandoallthings: Run 3+ times a week, in line with training schedule; weight lift 2+ times a week
  • Hello ladies just checking in. I am starting a new program in the morning. My DH bought me some videos and I am going to do those in the morning and my walking at night I will let you know how it goes.
  • 1st - 2 miles
    2nd - 2 miles
    3rd - 1 mile
    6th - 1 mile
    7th - 2 mile
    8th - 1 mile
    9th - 1 mile
    10th - 1 mile
    11th - 1 mile
    13th - 2 mile
    14th - 1 mile
    15th - 1 mile
    16th - 1 mile

    So Far: 17
    Left to go: 7

    Goal 300 extra minutes
    Got 20 more in for total of 24 thru 7/13
    Left To Go 276
  • July 1 - 30 minutes karate practice
    July 2 - 30 minutes weights, 40 minutes yoga
    July 3 - 30 minutes weights, 32 minutes outside walk/run, and 40 minutes walking in a parade *forgot that I also did 30 minutes karate practice this day*
    July 4 - 30 minutes running, 45 minutes walking
    July 7 - 35 minutes run/walk, 40 minutes yoga
    July 8 - 40 minutes yoga, 30 minutes walking, and going to do another 20 minutes yoga now
    July 9 - 30 minutes yoga, 40 minutes walk/run
    July 12 - 25 minutes running, 35 minutes walking
    July 13 - 40 minutes yoga, 35 minutes walking
    July 14 - 20 minutes yoga, 25 minutes running, 45 minutes walking
    July 16 - 60 minutes biking
  • Daily Progress

    Week 1

    July 1 ~ 60 minutes ST w/MFC [30 minutes CT w/MFC] [EA Active Day 1]
    July 2 ~ 60 minutes on treadmill [60 minutes cardio w/MFC] [EA Active Day 2][30 minutes mowing front lawn]
    July 3 ~ 75 minutes ST w/MFC [30 minute CT w/MFC] [EA Active Day 3]
    July 4 ~ Scheduled Day Off - Hospital [60 minutes walking]
    July 5 ~
    Hospital [60 minutes walking]
    July 6 ~
    Hospital [60 minutes walking]
    July 7 ~
    Hospital [60 minutes walking]

    Week 2

    July 8 ~
    Hospital [60 minutes walking]
    July 9 ~
    60 Minutes cardio w/MFC [30 minutes mowing front lawn]
    July 10 ~ 60 minutes ST w/MFC [30 minutes CT w/MFC] [20 minutes mowing] [60 minutes cardio w/MFC]
    July 11 ~ Scheduled Day Off [60 minutes walking]
    July 12 ~ 60 minutes cardio w/MFC
    July 13 ~ 60 minutes ST w/MFC [45 minutes walking] [60 minutes cardio w/MFC] [20 minute physical challenge w/MFC]
    July 14 ~ 45 minutes CT w/MFC] [35 minutes mowing] [75 minutes treadmill]

    Week 3

    July 15 ~ 40 minutes mowing [60 minutes ST w/MFC]
    July 16 ~ 60 minutes cardio w/MFC [30 minutes CT w/MFC]
    July 17 ~ 60 minutes ST w/MFC
  • July 1st ~ Lower Body ST'ing, 8 Min Abs
    July 2nd ~ HIIT
    July 3rd ~ Upper Body St'ing
    July 4th ~ HIIT (Geez, Week 5 was TOUGH!)
    July 5th ~ HIIT (cake eating, guilt induced workout on my day off! Week 6 Day 1)
    July 6th ~ Day Off (very glad I took this day off, after driving all day and getting everyone settled I was beyond beat and fell asleep while putting the girls to bed)
    July 7th ~ Lower Body ST'ing, walked around at the zoo for 2.5 hrs
    End of Week 1

    June 8th ~ HIIT (OMG Texas is so HOT!!!)
    July 9th ~ Upper Body ST'ing (*Note to self, ice chests do NOT make good workout benches!!!), 2-3 mile walk through the woods--did I mention TX is HOT?!
    July 10th ~ HIIT (End of Week 6)
    July 11th ~ Lower Body ST'ing, Abs
    July 12th ~ Scheduled Day Off
    July 13th ~ Upper Body ST'ing
    July 14th ~ HIIT (Week 7 Day 1)
    End of Week 2

    July 15th ~ Lower Body ST'ing, 8 Min Abs
    July 16th ~ HIIT
    July 17th ~ Upper Body ST'ing

    ~ hey hun, sorry I forgot to chime in about HIIT! D'oh! I love it!!! Tummy already gave you the link, so I won't do that again, but I will say that I honestly didn't think I'd make it this far. (My former negative self was still pretty loud ) You start out slow and then start cranking it up and each week you find yourself stronger and stronger! I'm really amazed at how much I can do now. I was doing 30+ mins of fast walking on the treadmill with an incline (not sure how much--my treadmill doesn't show leverls) and jogging for a minute every 5 mins--I thought I was getting a workout then! Nope. This is so much more of a workout! As for results--Sunday is my WI and measurement day and I'll figure out how many inches I've lost off my belly since the beginning (7 wks ago) and let you know. One thing that they recommend at around Week 5 or 6 (I can't remember) is to add resistance training to your weekly routine and since I was already doing it, I just kept doing what I was doing. Have fun doing it!

    Well girls, just one more day of Week 7 and it's onto my last week of HIIT! I'm going to need a new cardio plan girls--anyone have any suggestions? Perhaps I should start the C25K? I dunno...I'd love to hear what your favorite cardio workout is! I have a treadmill and my own feet--no gym membership, so I can't do eliptical or bike or anything.

    I've decided to go out and buy new shoes! The shoes I have are cheapies I bought from Target years ago and although I'm not in agony or anything, I know they're junk. I have never set foot into a proper walking/running shoe store and I was thrilled to find one right around the corner from me! I plan on heading there Saturday--wish me luck!!

    Okay girls, I must get going! Have a wonderful day and get those workouts in!!!
  • My Minutes:
    7/1: 30 min golf, 65 min walk
    7/2: 30 min walk/run intervals (C25K W2D1)
    7/3: 30 min water exercises, 45 min walk
    7/4: 30 min walk
    7/5: 60 min volleyball, 15 min step machine, 30 min walk/run intervals (C25K W2D2), 10 min bike
    7/6: 45 min water aerobics, 120 min golf
    7/7: 30 min walk/run intervals (C25K W2D3)
    Total Week 1: 540 Minutes VERY active vacation week!!

    7/8: 30 min tennis, 45 min water aerobics, 30 min volleyball
    7/9: 30 min walk/run intervals (C25K W3 D1), 15 min WAH, 30 min water aerobics
    7/10: 30 min tennis, 30 min swim
    7/11: 60 min walk
    7/12: 25 min walk/run intervals (C25K W3 D2), 45 min basketball
    7/13: Planned day off
    7/14: 30 min walk/run intervals (C25K W3 D3), 60 min Wii Fit
    Total Week 2: 460 Minutes

    7/15: 65 min walk
    7/16: 35 min walk/run intervals (C25K W4 D1), 20 min biking
    7/17: 120 min golf (walked 9 holes)

    DH took a day off today so we could golf and have some family time....SO NICE!! It was a good long "walk" chasing after my ball this morning. I hope I get better!
  • Heather-I have done pilates in the past. It was great. I was a terrible weakling and had a lot of lower back pain. I just worked at my own pace and got a lot stronger and lo and behold the back pain is much, much less. Best of all., I had a great instructor and learned a lot about holding your core correctly when exercising. I loved that class.
  • So - two days this week I was a bit late to classes at my gym and I didn't go in!! I was too embarrassed to be the lumpy struggling one in the front of the room. Especially for the Zumba class, in which most of the folks looked like professionals, at least from my view. So I just plodded on the treadmill while *watching* the Zumba class.

    BUT the third day I did it! I was the goofy uncoordinated short & dumpy (compared to the leggy instructor) one in the front row. Just had to keep my eyes on the floor rather than the mirror. And I felt great afterward!


    And I kinda-sorta saw a muscle peeking through the fat on my thigh during one of the exercises! o happy dance

  • July 1~ Rest Day
    July 2~ 25 min~ Wii Active
    July 3~ 27 min~ Wii Active
    July 4~ Rest Day
    July 5~ Rest Day
    July 6~ 92 min~ Wii Fit and Stability ball
    July 7~ 74 min~ Wii Fit and Wii Active
    July 8~ 45 min~ DDR
    July 9~ 65 min~ DDR
    July 10~ 45 min~ DDR
    July 11~ 60 min~ DDR, 24 min~ Wii Fit
    July 12~ Rest Day
    July 13~ 35 min~ Wii Fit
    July 14~ 60 min~ DDR
    July 15~ Rest Day
    July 16~ 60 min~ Kempo X
    July 17~
    July 18~
    July 19~
    July 20~
    July 21~
    July 22~
    July 23~
    July 24~
    July 25~
    July 26~
    July 27~
    July 28~
    July 29~
    July 30~
    July 31~

    612/1000 minutes