4th of July Challenge!

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  • Sum ~ Thanks! I was all kind of crying when I crossed the finish line. It was awesome!

    ~ I just read that and it is awesome. You know when I started out that was me and I see some people come up there and I just want to reach out and say hey, you are awesome and doing an amazing job! It was a great read indeed! Here we go with don't the kids say the darnedest things again. Hey, I'll take that NSV and you should to. And I totally know where you are coming from.

    Well, I made it to the gym after my shift and got another 5 miles in today and still kept it under an hour. Yay me!! I suppose my NSV today is that there is this guy at the gym who is what I call a pace jogger. Let me preface this with the guy is probably in his 60s. Anywho, Since I started whenever he was up there he would lap me a couple of times. He was always steady though, not fast, not slow, just steady. Well today guess who was lapping him...thats right, me! Its not much but I'll take it. I just feel myself getting stronger with my running and I'm loving it. I really want to take my running to 1.5 at a time but right now the way I go my knees never hurt and when I was doing 2 or 3 at a time my knees killed me. So I was thinking perhaps to wait until I made it to the 170s to try distance running again. Perhaps bump it up slowly just to see if my knees can take it. I guess I just want to wait until I'm lighter so as to put less weight pounding on my knees and perhaps they won't hurt. At any rate, I gotta get some errands done before the boys come home. Sure hope you ladies are having an excellent day!
  • Hello dearies-

    Emula- Oh, you're not idiotic! I could be the ignorant one too for not knowing about May Day! Star Wars all-nighter sounds like a blast!

    1morechip! Love your username, BTW! I would not make it in the food service industry! I can imagine it being so stressful and I'd be tempted everywhere, seriously. Everyone else has given you great ideas. Happy you are here with us.

    SuperHeroTeacher- Fantastic accomplishment! So happy and proud of you! Keep it up!!!

    Zoesmom- That is awesome about all of your NSVs!!! I love your recommmendation on putting in a dollar for every day you are on plan/taking one away if you sway. I may just do that since I need all the motivation I can get. Your family and friends night sounds like fun! I love "Hey Fat Girl"- read it a long time ago and have it bookmarked. Thanks for sharing it with us! I love Princess Bride.

    Alinnell- Bummer!!! for a better WI this week!

    Ange82much- Your weekend sounded like fun and it also sounds like you're doing great so far! Keep it up.

    Delphi- TOM, boo!!! Yay on staying 193! Let's hope that means you may have lost! I love that picture of you and your dad, seriously. Whoo-hoo on your NSV! That is kinda why I am nervous to start running because I don't want to damage my knees. I may wait until I get to 140 before I start. I am seriously amazed that you're able to run as much as you do being a smoker, LOL.

    Elvislover- Whoo-hoo!!!!! WELCOME TO ONE-DERLAND!!! Okay, sorry for shouting but I am soooooooo exhilarated, happy, and proud for you all in one. I thought about you all weekend and was crossing my toes, fingers, everything else for you!

    Thanks all for the encouragement! I kept up with the workouts, whoo-hoo! Well mostly the elliptical trainer, sort of half-@ssing the 30 Day Shred since it is k.i.c.k.i.n.g. my @ss!! For some reason, it seems harder to do at 165 than it did at 226-180, WTH? I digress, I will just keep at it and it will improve with time. I probably will keep doing level 1 for a month at this rate, LOL. I'm avoiding the scale, only weighing in once a week (Thursdays) so I have no idea what I am right now. Last weekend, I bought 2 pairs of bras at 34D- for 5 bucks altogether! I say it's a NSV for me, heh. Though I suspect I may be a DD, though. I need to find my tape measure and re-measure myself but for now, the new bras will suffice. I was 36D at 180 and all of a sudden, my boobs are swimming in the cups and the band is loose at 165.

    Okay- now, for the top 10 winners for the 2nd week in respective order: NathalieMargareta, Saggzz, 2fat2jump, Sum38, SuperHeroTeacher, Tibbits2u, Justb1027, adlea, Changergirl, 1morechip. Way to go, guys!!!! You kicked butt in the 2nd week! Now, everyone else- don't get down if you didn't make it. There's always next week and be proud of your achievements, little or big as long as it gets you in the right direction!!
  • Good Morning all!

    amandie ~ Well on that NSV. Great job on keeping up with your workouts to. That is awesome! I'm sure you will get used to doing it again. Your body just needs to remember. The more you do, the easier it will get and then you will be taking it up a notch.

    Well, back to 193 again and TOM is still in full force. I'm really hopeful that my number will go down. I was really needing another 2 this week to stay on target. Really hoping to see 191 at the end of TOM. Wish he would go away already...day 4 and I'm ready for it to be over but it just drags on. Urgh! In any case, went to the gym and only ran a mile and then had to come home because of TOM, well and the fact I didn't bring "essentials" with me. NOW that was frustrating especially since I was there like 15 minutes and was asking for my ID to leave. They probably thought I just said frack it.. So, I'm not really sure what to do. I have a wal-mart run to do and the lawn to weedeat and mow and I may just go and get my flowers. Its been raining for a week and I just haven't been able to get them out. So I may just make today a spring cleaning day, inside and out! Anyways, you guys have a groovy day!
  • Good morning, all!

    Delphi, aw what a bummer about your short workout- maybe you could get a short run in at/around home? Though it sounds like you could be getting in a workout with the weedeating and mowing, lol. I need to get some flowers to hang on the side of the carport- make it pretty. Maybe I will get some today. I have been putting off painting part of my room for the "vanity"/makeup area. I know I need to do that real soon before it gets hot!

    Okay, now I found my tape measure- I am 34 for the band and 40 in the bust- 6 inch difference means I'm a DDD/E (depending on brand)?!?!? WTF? No way. Totally mind-boggling and it doesn't help that I've got asymmetrical boobies (almost one cup bigger than the other.) /sigh Good thing I only paid 5 bucks for both of my new bras! I am going to to get a couple proper-fitting bras today now that I have more time to look around and not rush, etc as opposed to last weekend, where my mom and niece were ready to go and I just grabbed whatever fit the best. Grr.

    Well, have a great day, lovelies!!!
  • Thanks so much Amandie!! I think all of the positive thoughts and vibes actually pushed my scale over the 200 mark into the 199s!! I seriously was so happy that I think I danced and cried out an extra ounce or 2!

    I will never make it to the top losers in this thread as I had the worst weeks of my weightloss in the last month but that's ok, still staying on plan and still accountable!!

    Everyone here is doing awesome, you started an awesome thread!!
  • aaah, I can't keep up either, there's so much going on! I went home for the weekend and ate far too much Getting back on plan today, luckily it seems that I just maintained rather than gained- wish it was a loss but better than a gain after all the rubbish I ate!

    Hope everyone is feeling good and motivated today
  • YAY! Congratulations on reaching Onderland Elvislover! I love that photo Delphi, can't even imagine how amazing (and exhausted) you must have felt!

    I've been more or less on plan all week, and yet I've gained 0.5 pounds. I'm guessing it's water weight because of ovulation, but still, meh. So my time in the top is probably over, but it was fun while it lasted. :P Also, thank you again Amandie for organising stuff, I'm really liking this challenge! And thanks to everyone else for being great!
  • NathalieMargareta ~ Thanks! Not so much as exhausted as just cold. I wanted to get out of the rain and crank up some heat Great to hear you have been on-plan all week. I'm sure that half is just a fluctuation and nothing to worry about. It does suck when the scale wont cooperate though.

    Leaves ~ You got it. Maintaining is better than nothing. Now lets get back at it..eh? You know, it supposed to be good for you to have one of those cheat days anyways. Perhaps you will see something good come from it. You never know.

    Elvislover ~ Oh wow, how on earth did I miss that big one. on making it to ONEDERLAND!!!! That is awesome! So proud of your hard work. Even if the scale is not moving much you are still at it and staying on plan and that just shows your dedication. Inspiring to say the least!

    amandie ~ I soooooooooo wish I had your problem. My girls are just there and my bra size never really changes except from a 38 to a 36 but cup size never really changes *sighs*! In any case, glad you got it all figured out. This weightloss thing is full of confusion when it comes to sizing from clothes to shoes. Maddening at times!

    Well, according to my bodymedia I have burned more calories today then I do when I run. So I did the mile this morning, came home cleaned and decided that I would go get my flowers. (vinncas and begonias) So I walked around this huge nursery my grandmother sent me to and then did my wal-mart run. (by the way, I despise wal-mart) ( i really needed to get that off my chest ) In any case, got home and unloaded my groceries and then went back out because of course I forgot shampoo and batteries. Then I came back home and mowed and dug 116 holes and planted 116 flowers and I'm beat. Out the door in a minute to pick my oldest from football and then I'm done. I will sleep good tonight. Busy day for sure but a calorie burner so I'm all happy. Sure hope you guys had a great day.
  • Howdie ladies. I have been lurking on here constantly, but never seem to get a chance to post. I would like to say first of all thanks Amandie for the graph! It is totally inspirational to keep me on track. I've at least been entering my numbers there if nothing else

    (I should add that I have a 6 month old who is always attached to me. Usually when I'm nursing I can browse on here, but can't really type. Then when I finally get her to take a nap or play without me, I am running trying to get things done -- not spending time on the computer. Thus, why I never post!)

    But I did want to at least say hi, let everyone know I'm checking in and I'm excited for the 4th!
  • Delphi - somehow I missed your photo.. Very awesome. Also, amazing NSV on passing the pacer

    amandie - for getting out there and exercising! I read once that cardio decreases at a rapid pace compared to muscles and starting back up tends to be harder because we are retaining the muscle mass that says we should be able to do this, but the lung/heart capacity that says we really can't. If I can find that article, I'll post it here. It was an interesting read...and pretty eye opening in why at least walking every day is so very important. My boobs are hard to figure out on size as well, thanks to a BR a few years back. The tape measure says one thing...but the actual fit laughs in my face. For example, the tape measure says I should be in a 46C....but it LITERALLY falls off of me and my boobs are popping out the top at the same time. I finally had to take to trying each one on one size at a time. I came to a rest at 38D. It literally was just the right size, comfortable, no riding, no falling, no straps taking trips south, or anything. Needless to say, a BR and a tape measure don't get along when it comes to measuring for bras. And you are welcome on the tip. It helped me.

    elvislover - on your accomplishment! I am so awesomely proud of you and jealous all at the same time. Well done, you worked hard for this awesomeness!

    Nathlie - BOOOOOOOOO! BOOOOOOOO! to the scales! Include mine in that as well. BOOOOOOOOO! Truthfully, we have weird ups and downs for a various of reasons. As long as it doesn't keep going up, don't sweat it too much. I mean, mine bounced up two pounds when I had been on plan, then dropped by three. It happens. Our bodies are sometimes really weird.

    Leaves - Delphi is right. I see my doc twice a month in regards to my weight loss and I complained to him about a six week long plateau I had about 2 months ago. I don't remember the exact conversation, but it was something along the lines that if our bodies get used to something, it adjusts to it, so we have to trick it to get it to do what we want it to do. Kinda like how we have to keep changing up our exercise routine, sometimes we have to change up our eating habits. He had recommended that for five days I take a cheat day...of course, there were limits, like do not exceed 1800 calories a day (I was/am on a super low cal diet so that was a huge jump for me.) Anyways, I gained roughly 3 pounds during that time and I about wanted to maim him. But, when I when I went back on plan, I dumped 8 pounds the next week and have been averaging between 1-2 pounds a week since. I guess my quack knew something afterall

    jessicado - and for BF-ing moms! Best time of my life was being able to do that for my preemie who has beyond turned into the Jolly Green Giant. You ROCK!
    (of course, on the side note, I won't be able to BF again if I ever have a #2 due to a BR surgery, but if it wasn't for that, I would never had been able to exercise due to back pain. No win situation in that regard. )

    Kiddo is officially in T-Ball, so my busy days are even busier now, what with practice twice a week, ballet, and swim. I still, so far have managed my daily exercise. Haven't stepped on the scale, but I feel kinda bloated, what with all the rain, so who knows. Had a weird sugar crash today, so I ate more than I normally would to get my sugar back up. I ate within reason, but it was more carbs than I really should have, so let's see how that screws me over.

    OH! And 'member Douche-Bag McGee? Today, he decided to go along with me and apologize for terrorizing me the past two weeks. Apparently, he thought I was just one of those that talks the talk and fakes the walk, but now that he has seen me just about every day, he decided I must be the real deal and all serious about this. Good thing I don't hold grudges....of course, I still plan to make him eat his words.
  • Thanks everyone!!!

    And zoesmom, no need to be jealous. Like I have said here before, if I can do it then seriously anyone can. I thought I was destined to live in the 300s until I died an early death being a morbidly obese person. I'm a walking miracle right now and want to pay it forward to anyone I can. Anything I can do to help, anything I can do to motivate. I have so much to be thankful for and will never forget the people here on 3FC that helped me get where I am (and where I'm going to!).
  • Here's a few articles that might be of interest to some of you:

    Exercise Decreases Hunger

    How Long Does It Take The Body To Fall Out Of Shape
  • aah, thanks for the kindness everyone, you guys are the best <3

    Elvis- I see you've broken into onederland! I saw your other thread about your plateau and really felt for you, so super duper congratulations!!!

    Happy Hump Day, Everyone!
  • congratulations elvislover and zoesmom ! well done girls !