The Onederland Express - Hop on Here! #2

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  • Happy birthday to your boy Mel!! Having a big party? I think the reason I'm losing at a decent rate is due to the fact I'm just starting out, plus I have the added advantage of breastfeeding...and it's exclusive breastfeeding still too which I'm sure burns even more calories. What is your plan again? I find calorie counting very effective, I'm staying below 1500, most days around 1400 though.
  • Thank you Liz! Yes I am having a big party for both my boys on the 31st since my other son turns 4 on aug 2nd. Tmw we are taking him to see Toy Story 3,may go get him a new bike and he gets to pick where we go for dinner.

    With the Loseit! app on my itouch it changes my calories as I lose weight...right now I can have up to 1,639 though I never eat that much I'm normally at about 1400-1500.

    I hope I can do the P90x but since !'m having a problem with my wrist the push ups wont happen.

    I am 1.4 pounds away from 20 pounds lost...I'm so close I can taste it!
  • Congrats on the loss Carri!! Your getting so close to onederland!!

    Its driving me nuts that my DH is losing a ton of weight and not even trying!! He eats fast food,drinks mt.dew and never limits anything he eats.He has lost over 30 pounds and weighs 234 right now...I can not weigh more than him,I just cant
  • Mel - Woo hoo on almost 20 lbs gone! I hear you on DH's weighing less...mine weighs 30lbs less than I do, and he's frigging 7 inches taller! OUCH! Oh well it is what it is. My DH actually just lost about 40lbs, he's feeling good. He is pretty good about eating but can definitely get away with way more than I that muscle really helps them out. Have fun at Toy Story 3, I hear it's really funny!
  • Morning Mel and Liz - Yeah I hear ya on the husbands weighing less than you ... mine is dieting as well and catching up with me very quickly, makes me sad to know he will weigh less than me but the fact is that he only needs to lose about 30 pds total anyway and I have alot more to lose his was gonna be easier from the get go, but men lose it so much sucks.

    Melanie - happy birthday to your son ...I wanna see Toy Story 3 myself, I dont have kids so I will have to take a nephew or niece I love how the Lose It app does that for us ...I never have to worry about changing my calories since it is done for me, I love it ...right now I am allowed around 1430 but I have it set for 2 pds loss a week that might be why it seems so low compared to yours.

    Liz - 2.2 since 6/30 is really good...keep that up and you will be where I am in no time ...I do hear it is easier to lose weight while breastfeeding so better take advantage of it while you can, haha...

    I went to the gym last night and did my interval training on the treadmill...felt good about going since I had to make myself go, just wasnt in the mood...but knowing tonight is a night off makes me feel good, I try to go every other day if I can...

    Do you guys like the Laughing Cow cheese wedges? I found the new Blue Cheese flavored ones but havent tried them yet ...I would like to find the new mexican cheese flavored ones but my store didnt have them...

    Oh and I dont know if you guys watch Big Brother on CBS ( reality show comes on every Summer ) but it starts tonight ...I am excited

    Talk to you later !
  • OK, I am going to have to check out this Lose it app.

    Carri - I can't find laughing cow stuff, I don't know if it's because I'm in Canada? Or maybe I just don't shop at the right stores. I also wish I could find trader joe's stuff. Good for you on the gym!! I don't really have any shows I watch regularly....I have been watching True Blood but it's on demand so I can watch it whenever I have time.

    So I really want to do the C25K program. I think I'm going to start doing that sometime soon...I should probably just pick a date and stick with it. If it's too hot out or whatever, I can use my treadmill so I have absolutely no excuses!! Other than tiredness....I am so tired lately, I think Katie's going through a growth spurt and she was up to eat like 4 times last night!! Hopefully it will be over soon.
  • OMG !! I love True Blood, never miss an episode !!!
  • I just watched season 1, so now I'm on to season 2, what season are they on now anyways? I was just introduced to it by my friend, she gave me the season 1 DVD's, I watched them all in a few days!! haha
  • I am IN LOVE with True Blood! We are on season 3 right now! Love it Love it! Codys birthday went great...thanks for the well wishes! I didnt do good with dinner or cake but I will work it off tmw bc its my babys bday!
  • Yeah, season 3 ...and it is good ...very good ....

    I had my weigh in at work today, showed me down 2 pds for the week so I will take it, but one lady lost 7 this week...ughhh and I really want to win and get the money for vacation but dont know if I can keep up with that unless i stop eating, haha

    I am so glad it is Friday, I am going to sleep in tomorrow and I cant wait...
    I weighed myself at home and still hanging out at 211.4 I wont weigh in again until Sunday and see if I can get to 210 by then...just really wanna see 209 asap !!!

    Diana - where are you? Hope you are doing well, havent heard from ya in a while.

    Liz and Melanie - have a great day !!!

  • Carri - Yeah probably that lady isn't eating!! So not healthy.

    Melanie - Glad you had fun at the birthday party!!

    Well my official weigh in is 224.8, so down 2.8. YAY! I got some me time today, my mom came and watched the kids for an hour, so that was nice. I went out and tried on a pair of jeans a size smaller, not quite there yet but almost! I found a pair on discount for $5, regularly $35!! So I bought them anyways, even though they don't fit yet.
  • Morning Girls - I did get to 210 this weekend !!! So quite happy about that...not gonna weigh in again until Friday, hope to be 208 by then but we will see.

    Hope you all had a great weekend, I did...but yesterday my dh and I spent about 4 hours cleaning house and man are my muscles sore, I guess my age is showing ...36 is hard on a person, haha

    Talk to you all later!!

    True Blood was great last night !!

  • Well I had a very busy weekend and yet I am still stuck between 223.8 and just doesnt want me to hit the 20 pound loss mark! I got a killer sunburn yesterday so that sucks lol I hope everyone has a great week and all I want is to hit 222 so I will be at 20 pounds!
  • Morning All, just had my english muffin and pbutter breakfast, had a few mins left so thought I would hop on and see what all was going on, and doesnt look like much, haha

    Melanie - and you may be holding some water from the sunburn, wait a couple of days and try again will get to 20!

    Arabella and Auntie G - I miss you guys on here...and Diana !!!! Come back on guys !!!

    Not much going on here...not gonna weigh in until Friday, so hopefully I will be in the single digits by then !!!

    Have a good day everybody !!
  • Weigh in is tmw...wish me luck! Hope everyone is having a good week!