Calorie Counters Keep It Simple - August!

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  • Deficit of a mere 276 yesterday. Did not exercise as promised *slaps own wrist* and have been extra-hungry these last couple days. I suppose it could be lack of protein? Kind of low on groceries, probably won't worry about that until after we come back from out of town this weekend. Not a real exciting start to August but hopefully things will get better. Oh, and my scale was cooperating this morning. I don't know what that means in the scheme of things but I'll try to remember to weigh myself some morning next week and see if it sticks.
  • My deficit for yesterday was about 400 ... not bad.
    Did you all see the forum wide weigh-in notice? Wouldn't it be interesting if the calorie counters weight lost average was ... um .... admireably comparible to everyone else's?
  • Probably no deficit yesterday. Went to a friends for dinner straight after work, ate fairly well but didn't track anything as I didn't know what she'd used to make dinner. I don't like guesstimating on fitday too much. So I will take yesterday as a no deficit day.

    Spinning again this morning, different teacher though and I didn't enjoy the class as much. Our teacher on Tuesdays is very aggressive, the class is very high paced and he plays rock music and really keeps us motivated. The girl who taught this class did teach a harder class in that she seems to be very aerobic geared but she kept stopping the music (which was bad anyway: Nsync anyone???!), skipping to songs, skipping over "offensive" words. I couldn't really get into it. Plus, I had a bad bike, I couldn't get comfortable despite numerous seat height/handlebar changes. I might just do spinning on Tuesday, flip my weights/circuit training to Thursday and have cardio day Friday.

    I didn't see that forum wide post Susan, I will have to check it out.

    Have a great day all.
  • Decifit of 982....went about 100 cal. over my 1500 goal but I did swim a bit.

  • Had a deficit of 580 for yesterday . Today will be less as I have been a little naughty
  • Nice uh, healthy competitive nature Susan!

    Well, I didn't do so well yesterday, wolfed down a burger at a fast food joint which meant 0 deficit (thank goodness I had walked or it might have been worse than just a 0). Today is my last day of class which should mean more time, but also less structure, so both are tricky. It is no wonder I lose weight so slowly when my deficits are usually low and I can't seem to stay on plan for more than 3-4 days at a time. Have GOT to kick myself back into action, and have GOT to make this weekend a good one!
  • Oh I'm not competitive ... not at all! Ahem ... I just think calorie counting is the best
  • Hi everyone!

    Good job on all the deficits.

    I had an ok day today with an 800 calorie deficit. I worked out for 35 minutes on the treadmill and weights. Plus a long walk around the neighborhood.
  • I'm living in a nice bit of 'ignorance is bliss' this morning. I did snack last night but I haven't entered it in fitday yet
    I'm having a few days of wicked scheduling at work and some stuff to take care of with the sale of the house. There's almost no way I can settle into any kind of routine. But, I'm thinking about it.
    I don't really have anything on my plate (but 3FC and ebay) until we need to be at the bank at 10 so I'm sipping coffee and thinkin'.
  • I'm having a good week of everything but exercise...we are having corporate visits today and I've been working over everyday trying to make everything perfect....I'll be glad when its over...I'm ready to get back on track again this weekend...deficit yesterady was 866...I've been having some low calories days cause I just get so busy I forget to eat....or I just grab for something fast.

    everyone keep up the great job with those deficits...
  • Way to go everyone on the deficits...

    I had 1016 yesterday with a mile walk. This has been a very good week for me deficit speaking, wish all weeks could be like this one....I finially stayed at my 1500 cal. yesterday.

    Good luck on the week-end everyone.

  • Deficit of a mere 100 yesterday. Did better on the exercise but still didn't last as long as I should have and ate a little too much dessert. Oh well, today is another day. Didn't I say that yesterday too? Heh, well it's still true, and I can still pull out of this August slump. Leave tonight for an 8 hour drive overnight up north. Only spending tomorrow up there then driving back Sunday. Prolly won't have PC access in that time but hopefully I will count in my head and stay on plan.
  • Hi everyone!

    I'm planning on a nice deficit of 1300 today. I had my weigh in and didn't loose anything again but at least I didn't gain either. I still find that I have much better deficits on my days off work! I know it's got something to do with being less tired!

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Not doing my Fitday for yesterday.....we had Chinese last night, I am up 2lbs from the salt (I'll drink tons of water today) and don't even want to try to figure out the calories as what I had is not on Fitday. But I didn't eat but about 1/2 of it so shouldn't be too bad.

  • I had a deficit yesterday of 731...great day of eating and got in 83oz of water...corporate visits went great so now maybe I can gte back into my routine...

    great deficits everyone...keep iy up

    have a great weekend