LWL #259 June 12 - 19

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  • Nelie, find the glutes thread from last week my legs are still 'grouchy'.
  • PAT - laughing about the fishing and not catching, my nephew was freaked at the age of 5 when he caught his first fish, he truly thought it was all about the casting.

    RABBIT - I am originally from southern Rhode Island and still have most of my family there as well as the summer cottage. It is beautiful and I love being there.

    NELIE - wait until tomorrow, then you may be noticing your abs. Oh baby.

    Preparing for a 2 1/2 hour walking tour tomorrow, fun if the weather holds and relaxing as well. Plan to be at the gym and to have some of my cottage cheese with fresh chives from the garden. I will learn to like it.
  • I forgot to mention that I did a LOT of weight on the sled leg press machine and as a result, my shoulders look like they are bruised (basically red marks where my shoulders were pressing into the shoulder pads). My poor BF was so concerned when he saw it that he told me I couldn't use that machine any more. I made it worse I guess by doing both my calves and quads on the sled leg press.
  • Nelie - I get those red marks as well - they follow the lines of the seams in my workout top but they fade away in a couple of days.

    I did LBWO as well today - went to the gym instead of working on the equipment I have at home and I got a much better result.
  • Hi LWL,

    Beautiful hot weather here! I have been clothes shopping with DS, followed by a swim in the green pool.

    Liza - Rhode island1 That sounds beautiful.

    Nelie- I do crunches on my stability ball with a 5 kg dumbell clutched to my chest. (I guess a 5 kg plate would be better, but I do not have that). because you lean back past the horizontal on the stability ball, your abs actually have to work harder. after doing the crunches on the ball for some time I find doing them from the floor has no impact anymore.

    Have a great day all,
  • Hi LWL!

    Frus, Kylie And Helen – Great job on the run!

    Nelie – You are quite the globe trotter, didn’t you just get back from China? My bf’s pictures from China were amazing, I can’t wait to go myself someday!

    I really enjoy hiking and walking, so I am very excited about Google Pedometer. I think I may be the last person on earth to know about this nifty tool but just in case here’s the link. http://www.webwalking.com/googlemap.htm# I found out my 2 most common dog walk routes are 3.3 and 4 miles.

    Today is the first day back in the office after vacation, always a hard one for me. Costa Rica was incredible, I highly recommend it! I’m just sad it couldn’t last a little longer.

    I weighed in this morning and saw that I maintained, which I've been doing for around 6 weeks now so it’s about time to get my butt in gear! I’ve got my new Body for Life for Women here for inspiration, so hopefully the next 12 weeks will be very productive. As if seeing my teeny sisters in their bikinis for a whole week shouldn’t be motivation enough.

    Here’s a couple of snap shots from the beach. Makes you wish you were there right now, don’t it?

    Off to the gym after work for some elliptical and UBWO. Back to life, back to reality.
  • Oh I wish I were there! OK, which one is YOU, shan?

    Nelie- I always get bruised shoulders if I use the power squat machine or the sled hack squat machine. If you aren't feeling sore, try going deeper. Or switch to a new exercise. I did unweighted stationary lunges with my back leg up on a bench and my quads, hams and glutes were sore for 3 days. Just changing the position with my back leg elevated did the trick. Anther thing to try is lighten the load on the leg press and do it one leg at a time. Totally changes the exercise

    Rabbit- A green pool doesn't sound inviting!

  • BTW - That's me in the lower right in the slightly damp pink shirt. The showers will take you by surprise there sometimes
  • I did my back workout yesterday - then finished it off with some kickboxing! Oh but my quads were sore after that! They seem ok this morning though, nicely sore rather than screaming at me!

    I'm completely pooped though! Must... Get... Pepsi....
  • Shan, Yup I just got back from China. China last month, Montreal this month, San Diego next month

    Mel, Yeah I know but I just started doing weights again after about a month break, I figured I'd get sore. I need to try some other things. I did "avoid" the butt buster (or whatever it is called) machine.

    I've been avoiding it, I put my food into Fitday. My fat percentages are high because I've been eating a lot of nuts as my protein. My calories are decent at 1900 (could be better) but my fat percentage is at 43%. I guess I have to cut down on nuts and increase the lean proteins. Oh well.
  • Isn't that Shananigans just cute as a button?
  • She is, that's right. Let's all pretend we're in Costa Rica for a moment, on that beach. ....

    Mmm, that was nice.

    Back to the reality of annual accounts and tax returns now.

    Had a good session at the gymn this morning. I have a funny feeling I'm going to sleep very well tonight and ache a bit tomorrow.
  • SHANAGINS - I am so much the beach girl, not actually into the water type of person, just love the beach and ocean and now after the photos, I am not going to do another thing in this office today. Just stare at the pictures.
  • I can really tell that it’s been a while since I hit the gym. Properly sore today, and really tired. Going from beach to office is so hard. At least it will be good beach weather here this weekend, but Venice Beach is no Costa Rica.

    I have to work an event till 8:30 tonight so no gym until tomorrow. Maybe I’ll go for a nice long swim, been far too long since I put in some lap time.
  • Hi LWL,

    Shan - gorgeous pictures! You have me dreaming of holidays too!

    Zooming through post, i worked late today and I'm very tired.
    have a great day,