Labor Day Challenge!!!!

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  • dkkrf- Feel free to jump right in...we would be glad to have you

    Sushi Penguin- Welcome!!!!

    If there is anything we can do to help you reach your goals feel free to ask...we are like family on the board
  • I want to be in on this challenge
    I have been a member or TOPS for several years and have went up and down in my weight attempts. This time for a month , I have been doing it and have kept it off.
    I went to the doctor yesterday and since the end of April I have lost a total of 20 pounds. I owe that to attending meetings , watching my CARBS, and riding my bike each and every day.
    July 11 th -2.5
    July 18th -1/2

  • Hi i also will join this challenge. i want to be below my goal by then and on my way to my new goal i have set. good luck to all. LaDean
  • Welcome Shelley and LaDean glad to have you aboard!!!
  • Quote: Hi

    My own goal sort of coincides with Labour Day (I know it says Sept. 1st, but a few days isn't that much of a deal), so I thought I'd join.

    My goals:
    - some loss each week
    - to actually be able to see the loss on myself when Labour Day rolls around
    - and to reach, or be close to 120 lbs by then (hopefully)
    Time to update... I joined on the 16th, and I usually weigh on Monday mornings.

    July 18th - 140 lbs
    July 25th - still 140 lbs, I had a few "off" days involving pizza, ice cream, no exercise (and I didn't drink my water, so I'm hoping there is some water retention... going to drink lots of it again and exercise every day, and then check the scale in the middle of the week) --> I did check, and it WAS less.
    Aug 1st - 137 lbs (with clothes and after breakfast!)
    Aug 8th
    Aug 15th
    Aug 22nd
    Aug 29th
    Sept 4/5th

    This is scary... 6 weeks to go, how much can I lose? I'd need to lose 2.5 lbs each week to reach my goal... is that even doable? I'm averaging 1300 calories/day, planning to up my exercise to 1.5hrs/day, and working on lowering my carb intake (how???).
  • Sushi- I know how you feel about wanting to hit a certain # and if it is doable I have been in that boat and it seems to throw me way off when I start thinking that I only have a certain amount of time to get there....They say 1-2 lbs a week is considered safe weightloss, so shoot for that It will lead you closer and closer to the weight you are shooting for and farther from the weight you dont want to be Remember every pound in the right direction is a victory, You will hit your goal soon...I just know it !!
  • July 25 - 1 poundl Loss
  • July 27 +1 but its coming off this week and some.. good job all losses
  • Quote: Sushi- I know how you feel about wanting to hit a certain # and if it is doable I have been in that boat and it seems to throw me way off when I start thinking that I only have a certain amount of time to get there....They say 1-2 lbs a week is considered safe weightloss, so shoot for that It will lead you closer and closer to the weight you are shooting for and farther from the weight you dont want to be Remember every pound in the right direction is a victory, You will hit your goal soon...I just know it !!
    Thank you for your encouraging words.
    I'm just desperate to be at 125 by early September, sigh... (long story). I'm very happy with however much I'm losing, especially now that I actually notice some changes (before I was really frustrating because I was working my butt off and saw no results!).
  • Sushi,
    I know we have all been there... Not seeing a loss at the scale but I just wanted to let you know how proud I am of you for your great accomplishments!

    It is hard to stick to the program when you don't see a loss but know that you are doing it right! Don't forget to measure too

    Congrats to you!
  • Thank you as well Penny.

    I don't have a tape measure, and don't really feel like getting one, but I use my clothes as a measure - the ones I used to fit in. Works just as well, and I don't end up stressing out about the number of inches. I also ask my boyfriend to take a critical look from time to time, he's very helpful - notices things I'd never see, like slimming down in the ribcage.

    I'm curious how everyone is working towards the challenge?
  • Sushi- I do the South Beach diet...most of the time Have had alot of slips lately But I do count calories on the days I dont do it perfect , plus weighing in at Tops keeps me from overdoing it.

    Penny- Hang in there girl...TOM almost always puts 5 pounds of water weight on me will be gone soon, it isnt real weight

    To all our losers this week, keep up the great work

    Keep up the great work ladies, and know even when we have a gain that we will do better next week, we are winners
  • Hi! Hope it's not too late to join! I would love to be 7lbs down by Labor Day--that's halfway to my short term goal. What sorts of exercises is everyone doing?
  • Welcome melra
    Glad to have you join is never to late
    I dont exercise alot, but I clean house from dusk till dawn this last week LOL if I do exercise I do Tae Bo Insprirational..or walk away the pounds.
  • Welcome!

    I usually do the ab lounge at home, crunches, walk away the pounds or Pilates.

    And I have been back at the gym 4x a week getting my butt back on track where I need to be!

    Glad to have you with us!