~*40 Something's *~ #3

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  • what about seshuan beef? just beef and brocoli... hey speaking of brocoli wheres bailey??
  • kasee
    here ya go kasee
  • It's pretty quiet here today. Nothing much new in my life. Just went to work, ate my 1200 calories and drank my water. DH will be home in 2 days and I'm looking forward to that. I'm tired of being by myself. My dogs, no matter how much I love them, just don't do a good job on their end of keeping up conversation.

    So maybe we'll all be a little more chatty tomorrow. Who knows.
  • Quote: How are you liking the Self Challange?
    I love love love it, it totally motivates, I love to see the "progress" report and see how many calories I've burned - it completely inspires me to exercise, nothing has ever made me want to exercise before!
  • Great sunny day today, makes me really pumped to get lots done. Taking a moment to check in before clearing off my desk, found a memo yesterday at the end of the day which was supposed to go out so I know it is time to deal with it.

    Challanges are good, and great moral boosters I think.

    I am changing my weights, down a pound, so I am making progress. I am going to be real busy today so I won't have that boredom eating to contend with.

    Have a great day everyone. I did 13,800 steps yesterday and I am going to try to top that today.
  • Liza, dont let the chineese food attak get you down, hmmm everything is so good huh but in moderation.....did you say cookies were calling you by name too?

    lilliybutt Been there done that make for a sleepless night trying to find a comfrtable way to sleep
  • Liza, dont let the chineese food attak get you down, hmmm everything is so good huh but in moderation.....did you say cookies were calling you by name too?

    lilliybutt Been there done that make for a sleepless night trying to find a comfrtable way to sleep......

    I dont think i have had the pleasure of meeting you....I'am new to this group My name is michelle

    Cl you are very talented looks like i'am going to have to learn photoshop, the graphic side of it beside just using it to resize my pics would you be willing to do my persoanl name " Michelle" and my sign on name "Azulfire" Azul is blue in spanish so blue fire is the hottest part of the flame pure in form....to give you an idea

    Azulfire:flame Michelle
  • Quote: It's pretty quiet here today. Nothing much new in my life. Just went to work, ate my 1200 calories and drank my water. DH will be home in 2 days and I'm looking forward to that. I'm tired of being by myself. My dogs, no matter how much I love them, just don't do a good job on their end of keeping up conversation.

    So maybe we'll all be a little more chatty tomorrow. Who knows.
    Aw [B]Marie you'll be ok my husband never goes away and always wants to know where i'am,,,,,,sometimes i just want to scream, but i tlel him if you don't go away how can i miss you we've been married for 24 years
    I use to count cal too....kept me focused now i eat only core foods that are whole not processed, this weightloss is slow but it is coming off
  • Despite a tough week, I am down 2 more pounds
    I am happy to say that after 4 days of static weight I have finally dropped another 2 pounds. It goes like that, I will be up and down for a few days then all of a sudden I must stop retaining water or something, my weight will drop 3 lb all at once.

    This has been a terrible week. After 3 months of stringing me along my company finally turned me down for a job a put in for in India, one that I REALLY wanted. My company is talking about reorg and I am afraid I am going to be one of the layoffs.
    Also, found out that they are going to be opening up my nice quiet street where the kids are always out runnung around. They are going to build 280 rental properties and my street will be one of the main access streets. I went to the planning commission meeting, but it is just a typical case of government not caring about the people and how their lives are impacted, they only care about the rich developer.
    Been fighting with my 8yo girl. She tried to hide a test from me because she didn't get an A. I told her that was dishonest. She got angry and made excuses and somehow it became full blown. She is grounded this weekend and treating me rudely because she doesn't want to take responsibility for her actions, and I am just upset about everything. I have assigned her to stay in the house on Saturday and write an essay about honesty.
    I have been sitting at my desk all week crying and crying, I can't stop. It's amazing that I haven't eaten everything in the house, but I still went to step class mon and tues and am trying to be good. I did have a huge burrito wed night, but no sour cream or guac even though I love them.
  • im gonna find me a husband!!!
  • Gosh invisible girl, sounds like you're carrying a heavy load. I like the line 'but I still went to step class mon and tues'. That's the thing to focus on, you probably WANTED to not go, to not exercise, etc. but you didn't it anyways!! Sorry things are so harsh.

    I had a weird day, was supposed to be a really bad day, (my niece was supposed to have major surgery) but they postponed it... normally that would be bad (it's like putting off the inevitable, right?) but I really, really didn't want her to be in there today. (it's a superstitious numbers thing, my dad died on a 29th... silly I know) anyway,,,

    Since I was awake anyway, and didn't have to go to the hospital, I did a full 45 mins of cardio/circuit Karen Voight style. I am feeling muscles slightly achey tonight, so tomorrow will prolly be full on!! I stuck within my *food lines* and all was ok.

    QUESTION: do you guys post a new thread each week? or every other day? or what?
  • Good Morning All!!!!
    Hi all can I join in on this?? I am 40 soon to be 41. I am single with one Kid(the 4 legged kind) named Tosha. She is a 84 lb German Shep. I am having a hard time getting back into excersizing. WHAT DO I DO?!!!!! I have been low carbing for a little over a year and dropped 60 lbs. Still have alot to go. I started at 300lbs now down to 238. Any help would be GREAT.
  • Good mornin' Chickies!!!
    Here it is Saturday, another week done.
    How's everyone?
    Welcome '"nailtec" glad to see ya.
    IG- I feel for ya, girl. Being a parent is the most rewarding, and yet most thankless job there is. Stick to your guns, honey! Don't let 'em see ya sweat!
    It's one of those days today for me.
    I am really starting to hate this stage of my life.
    I am feeling bloated, my fingers feel tight.
    I put on my jeans this morning and they feel tight.
    Last week there were looser. Ugh!
    I have been soooo good all week, I never cheated, not even once!
    And this is my reward...to wake up Saturday morning and feel like I've gained weight???
    I am so frustrated. Help someone!!!!

  • KC, I'm really sorry about the tightness. If you look back, I bet that there was something like high sodium in something you ate. If you've been good, you didn't gain weight. Bloated is another thing. That pesky sodium will get you every time.

    Nailtec, welcome to a great group. I have 3 big dogs and they are definitely my kids. I love them tremendously.

    BTW, an update on Kodiak - He's doing great. The accident with the abuterol seems to have made him more clingy but he's healthy. I guess they don't know what long term damage was doen to his heart, but their immediate concern was renal failure and that didn't happen. So he's almost good as new. Again, thanks to all for you good wishes for his recovery. That was so nice.

    I've been good on my plan and can definitely tell with my clothes. Two weeks ago I bought some capris that I thought about returning because they were tight. But I didn't and I tried them on this morning and they fit great. Now if our weather would turn into real spring, I'd wear them.

    DH comes home today after being gone for 2 weeks. I've been good on my diet for 2 weeks. I can tell the true test of my motivation is going to start today. He's very supportive so I should be okay.

    Talk to you tomorrow and have a great weekend.
  • ive been workin in the yard, now my back is killin me.. thats what i get for tryin to lug 40 lb bags of rocks.. How is everyone doing? welcome to the new members..

    kasee i made the mistake of jumpin on the scale one evening... boy that was a mistake...

    umm we just make a new thread whenever the old one gets big... lol we also have a web site which i have been neglecting, due to workin until 8 every nite these past weeks...


    Michelle to save these to ur puter click on the picture then when the new page opens right click and save to ur desktop..