~*Rev up your heart rate for Valentine's Day*~

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  • Hello!

    Second day into the challenge.....and I have yet to start. I had to reprimand an employee yesterday, so today she brings me chocolates and oatmeal cookies to apologize......LOL! What a kid!

    ChickNextDoor.....Welcome! We are always glad to see a new face here! I like your idea of mixing up the exericse.....that uses different muscle sets every time!

    Squabb......do I hear an echo? You drank 80-oz of water today? You really should be wearing a life jacket for safety's sake.

    Hikein.....you are right. : Your health is the most important thing to consider, so I am glad to hear you are checking with the doctor.....and then start slowly so you can build your strength back up again.

    Lisa.....Sounds like you have a full month planned. I will be thinking of you and your surgery and wishing you well. Do keep in touch here, please

    Elisha......Happy Anniversary! I have been at 3FC a year also, but have not had the tremendous success that you have.........40 pounds is awesome!

    Gabwill.....I love the 'no more puter time than exercise time'......that is a good rule of thumb! I think I will write that down and post it on top of the puter.

    Jenn.......I probably should have thrown those granola bars far and wide; however, I ate them all and that is why I am here!
  • Hi Chica Chickees
    Just doing an evening check in. I did my new Leslie Sansone DVD again today. It's tough. But I like it. She doesn't blab and small talk to the other walker/joggers. My food is doing good, and my water is just under the high mark I set, but I don't think anything is coming off yet. I believe I'm starting to retain water(YEAH, LIKE LAKE SUPERIOR!!) but this too shall pass. I've been reading and posting in journals, wow, there's so many. I have to start over every hour or so to catch the new ones. Good luck to all here. Have a great evening.
  • Evening ladies!

    Guess what? I actually worked out today! Yay! I even did an UB circuit! Yay!

    Today did not turn out as I had planned though. I decided to go visit my grandma, since I haven't seen her since Xmas. Man, her puppy is as big as our shepard, and sitll growing! At least I got a good workout playing with him all day. Then I come home and dig out the stairclimber.
    Grandma asked me if I had lost more weight, and even though I haven't lost much, I proceeded to tell her about the South Beach Diet. I think I confused her, because she kept asking me random questions about it in the middle of other conversations all day long. And for dinner, she drove me to Wendy's to get a salad because she said she didn't have any diet-friendly food in the house.

    Anyway, calories are still at around 1380, and I'm getting the munchies a bit, so I might go find something to snack on.

    Hope everyone has a great night!
  • Me Too!
    Hi Chickies,

    I just posted on the 'New Year...' thread before noticing this one. Over January I got my eating back on track, but regular exercise did not happen. So my exercise goal for February is to do at least 40 minutes of cardio per day. I want to kick my weight loss along (that has been my goal for some time now), and I know my lack of daily exercise is the reason this is not happening. So, February is the month I'm going to get revved up and get the cardio happening!

    Julie - Good luck at the Dr. Take care of yourself .

    Have a great day everyone.
  • WoW everyone is so motivated and on track - YOU MAKA ME PROUD

    Well I had weight in today - I finally reached my January goal (2 days late & a dollar short) But the good news is that I was down 1 pound. That leaves 4 pounds for the next 26 days....

    I ate OP today - I have to get back into journalling my food on the calendar - kinda slipping the last few days. I found that really helps me gauge where I'm at and be accountable. As far as I can remember I've used 29 points (allowed twenty six - but I earned 4 activity points today) I did 90 minutes of exercise again today. WW DVD 30 minutes and yoga for 30 minutes and two coffee break 15 minute walks. Today I tried to be sure to walk faster by moving my feet more quickly.... felt GOOD to pick up the pace. Downed 64 oz of water/tea today.

    Hikein - Hope your Doctor gives you the go ahead.... I know you really want to get back to it -- I can't wait to hear you beggin' for the tazer to be ready again l realize that you are doing the best you can while you are sick (pulls foot out of mouth) our bodies are sure to let us know if what we can do and can't do. {{{{Julie}}}}

    MsRD - What are you waiting for - cookies and chocolate aren't the end all - eat them or give them away and get back here I've got my hand extended to pull you onto the band wagon.

    Elisha - Good for you work out and upper body WOW. I need to go visit my Grandma too - I haven't seen here since Christmas either..... Thanks for the reminder of the important stuff.

    Lucia - I'm impressed "exercise goal for February is to do at least 40 minutes of cardio per day" Mine is set for 30 - although I've been surpassing it I wasn't quite ready to commit to an extra 10 minutes everyday. Good for your - that should really kick up your weight loss. You are getting close to your goal - aren't you?
    Java - What's the name of the new Leslie Sansone DVD. I've just started with here and have been doing the WATP 2 mile express - do you recommend the new one? I used to post in the journals but found I couldn't keep up with the posting and commenting to everyone ( reciprocating encouragment) and felt bad - what a great group there tho. How many days in a row is it for you now with your exercising?
    Gabwill "Not to sit down in front of the TV/Computer more hours then I workout/am up and around" - I gotta follow your lead on this one - I seem to spend hours on the computer - reading emails and posts and and and.... I've also been thinking that I should limit my time - and make sure I go to bed at a reasonable and not spend endless hours into the night on the computer. Sounds like you've got good do-able goals.
    Jennifer - Who is the "roid"? your assistant? Sounds like you need to tell her to back off and give you some space....maybe you need to use the tazer I've really been enjoying the WATP thanks for the heads up. I think I'll need to get more volumes though - I also got a free DVD from Blockbusters which looks like a sampling of a number of workouts - I think I'll take a look at that one tomorrow morning ...
    Lisa - You inspire me with your incredible attitude, and like the others have said keeping up your fitness will definately aid you in your recovery. Great set of goals you got ther too

    Well it's 10:27 - I really want to get some rest - 4:30 a.m. comes early.... (been on computer 90 minutes - exercised 90 minutes today....that works for me)

    Have a successful and rewarding day tomorrow - you deserved it.
  • Update!
    Wow...I'm gone for a day and look at all this activity!! I'm so proud of all of you...mostly for checkin in and reporting to duty, but also for everyone being here for one another! What a great bunch of gals we have!

    OK, the Dr. Appt.!!!!! My appt. was for 3:30. I didn't get into the exam room until almost 5pm and she didn't see me until after 5:30!!!! I finally got out of there after 6pm!!!! I thought about leaving, but that wouldn't have solved everything...and sometimes that's just the way life is. Wait!

    So, she checked my lungs and I do NOT have Pneumonia or Bronchitis. At least she didn't diagnose me with either!! She put me on another inhaler which I will use twice a day to help get this cough/spasm under control. I talked to her about exercise! She said YES!!! She also said for me to take it slow, initially and to use my albuterol inhaler before I start...to open up my bronchi! So, thumbs up for the activity level! YEA!!!!!! I plan to start SOMETHING tonight!!! And if you don't see it on my next post (that I have exercised!) I will be ready for that tazer, dang it!!! It might not be much, but I'm gonna do it!!!

    Went out last night (after the very long Dr. appt.) with a girlfriend. I had a most yummy gourmet pizza with artichokes and sun dried tomato and feta cheese and olive oil! It was oh so good and I have 1/2 of it left so I'm planning on taking that for lunch today! I'm sure it's not on the Core diet, but I'll start that next week. One thing at a time!!!

    Thanks to all of you for your comments. I don't have time this morning to comment to everyone, but you all inspire me! Lisa, Jen...I'll get with you later!

    Hugs to everyone!!!!
  • Morning ladies!

    Motivation level: 7

    I still can't find that stupid gym pass. I don't know what happened to it. I'm going to check in my car, and if it's not there, it's anybody's guess where it could be. That stinks!

    However, I've decided that I'm going to actually buy the elliptical/gazelle/some sort of machine when I get my tax rebate. (Yes, I did my taxes yesterday, and I'm getting back a bit more than I expected.) Still, I wish I could find that stupid pass. It's gotta be here somewhere, but I've looked EVERYWHERE!


    So I'm going to Steve's tonight to fix dinner and use his high-speed internet connection, and most likely his bike too (since I already had my bag packed for the gym).

    Ok, I've gotta get ready for work. Have a great day, chicks!
  • Hello people
    Happy Feb!

    Well I ate a load of biscuits last night. Grrr. After I promised myself not to. Slippery slope syndrome.

  • Hey chicklettes! Well, exercise did not go as planned last night, but at least food did. When I got home, I was just going to log in to my last course & download what I needed to, but then I had 100 pages of stuff to print, lesson by lesson, so it ended up taking me quite some time to get all that stuff done. Today, the minute I get home, I am stripping down, getting the sports bra on, and sweating up a storm! No excuses!

    Woke up groggy this morning, was in a hurry because I had to meet our long time attorney's paralegal to pick up a check. We ended up meeting for lunch, but I still did well! Yay, me! LOL.

    Plan for the day:

    2 chocolate mint Zone bars
    12oz diet coke
    24oz water

    roasted turkey breast (very lean)
    1 oz cheddar cheese
    toasted wheat bread
    fresh cantalope & honeydew chunks
    16oz diet coke

    now sipping more water- gotta get in my H2O!

    PM exercise
    Sweat my butt off- WATP, min 30 mins.

    Chickarina soup
    poss 1 oz cheese if protein is still low for the day.

    MsRD- whatever the reason you're here, granola bars or no, we're happy to have you! :grouphug"

    Mary- go Java! I can't even find time to get to the journals- with the 'roid here, I am lucky to even be able to log on to read. Dang people expecting me to work!

    Gabrielle- shoot, I missed you yesterday- sorry!

    Elisha- if you can't find the pass, join the discovery.com health National Body Challenge & there's a free gym pass good thru sometime in March. Last ditch backup plan.

    Lucia- always good to have you around!

    Joy- the 'roid is my shadow- one of the other assistants here in the office. She's like a little yappy dog- always at your heels, always up your butt- I swear, if I stop short one day she's going to land IN my butt. She's in the cubicle next to mine now, and if she hears me typing more than 10-15 keys at a time, she has to come see what I'm doing. It's getting real old, real fast. Grr.

    Eilis- step away from the biscuits! And when you do, drag me away from the Hershey Kisses they are giving us here at the office! Do they not know that this is just evil?!?!?!

    Ok, gotta shuffle a few more things around on my desk now that my shadow is back. I'll report when sticky & red in the face- if I don't report in, I will need a public flogging- from everyone!

    It's almost Friday!
  • Well yesterday was ****. The lady that was supposed to be here for 9 didnt' show up until 930 (which meant I cold have done my exercise and showered and done everything before she got here instead of waiting for her to get here first) then it lasted 20 minutes and she wasn't that polite. Thinkfully I won't have to deal with her too often since she isn't the one that will handle DD. Then we went out in town to do errands and stuff. Being that DD had a drs appt at 215 I decided I didn't want to take a ride back home so that I would sit on the couch and not want to go and drive 35 minutes to get to her drs appt so we stayed out until about 130. Figured that I would get there early just in case there were any openings before. Finally at 2 the 1 oclock appt was called. Now I am there with a cranky 21 month old since she didn't have a nap and don't get seen until a little after 315. The nurse that sees her to do her vitals and stuff doesn't know what he was doing. First time her measured her length she shrunk over an inch and then she lost almost 4 lbs. He redid them and she lost more weight. I am getting worried since she is already small and he was telling me that she is only 13 lbs (2nd weight was even lower). Finally he got someone else to come and do it since that jsut didnt' make sense to me and that female got it to work. Turns out she gained 2-3 lbs in the past 3 months (she is now a little over 18 lbs). Then it turned out that it wasn't her dr that was seeing her since there was other drs with no one to see they decided to help dd's dr out. We didn't get out of there until after 2 (that was a 215 appt after all). By that time I am drained and still have to go put gas and pick up dh from work. I do everything and he calls to tel me he is ready so I pass by the squadron and 20 minutes later he walks out of there. Then while we are leaving he gets called back to help another crew out. 30 minutes after that he is back in the car and I made him drive home. I got here and was laying on the couch, he got Jasmine fed and changed and everything. I stayed on the couch watching tv. Sucks since I just made that rule yesterday but of course I was out all day. Very hectic. Food was crap since I ate anything that I could (including an ice cream sundae which I really can't stand too much of so that should tell you how much I ate) which I regret now since I feel nasty thinking about it.

    Anyway, that was yesterday. Today, I woke up from a nightmare about dd getting kidnapped. I woke up late so didn't get to get the money out of the car for mommy and me (payment is do the first thursday of the month) and Jasmine didn't wake up until after 8- not normal for her it is usually before 630 lately. So I had to hurry and bathe her and get her hair done beofre having to be at mommy and me for 9. Then had to feed her too. Not a good thing. Well that went well and got to play with basketballs and stuff. There was another birthday in the group so there was cupcakes (tuesday was the first time she ate icing since there was a bday then too). But today instead of eating the cupcake she ate chex mix. It was funny since the cupcake was there first and then one of the moms put the chex mix there. All the other little ones we eating their cupcakes but Jasmine only wanted the chex mix. Funny. Then when we came home I did my workout. Went buy a new one on dvd so figured that I would try it out since I didn't do it yesterday. It has 3 different types of workouts. Cardio, kickboxing and strength with each a different intensity. Then they combine the intensities together to make a long one (they put it like that to be able to do either one of the 20 minute ones or the 45 minute one of the 20 minujte ones) I did the cardio today and dd started acting up. 45 minutes seems better then nothing so that was fine. Anyway. That is all for my day so far. I will try to post later today again. Bye until then!!
  • Photos!
    Hi all,
    Just a quick check in to let you know that I survived another day!

    Gabrielle...your nightmare Dr. appt. makes mine sound mild!!! I didn't have a baby with me, so it made mine a bit more bearable!! But geesh...don't you think these offices could credit us for the inconvenience. I mean c'mon...if we were an HOUR late (not to mention TWO hours), don't you think they would charge us for the inconvenience...or at least make us reschedule!!!

    Couple of things about today's events. Eating was not good. Not that I didn't plan, but it was a hectic day and things kind of fell apart and I went seeking chocolate this afternoon! I can't remember what I found, but I do know it wasn't chocolate...just some cake with icing!!! YUCK! Hubby made taco salad which is always a good thing when I haven't eaten well during the day. I can pig out on salad!!!

    I drank, drank drank gallons of water today (OK, maybe not gallons, but at least ONE gallon!) Still downing it. Might have something to do with the thirst I developed while eating my "veal parmagean" at work today. The veal patty was salty and fried!!! Not sure why I ate it! I was hungry I suppose and didn't want to wait to heat up my much healthier chicken veggie soup!

    I had hubby take pictures of me tonight with my workout clothes on. I must say it is disgusting, but I am going to use them as a tool to motivate me to start and continue working out! Did I say I didn't have "belly fat"????? That was a LIE!!!! I have belly fat and butt fat and thigh fat and boob fat!!! The only thing NOT fat about me is my face and my ankles!!!

    Alright, so since Dr. gave me the ok to start working out, I am going to go do some toning right now. At least that shouldn't make me cough too hard!

    Jennifer...I don't see a post from you...did you work out?

    Dill...Good to hear from you even though the biscuits were a callin!!!

    Elisha...You continue to motivate me! That piece of equipment is just waiting for you!!! Have fun picking it out!

    Joy...kick bootie girl on the exercise! I'm proud of you! I'll be joining you soon! And yea on the pound!

    Lucia...you sound so motivated. February is going to be your month, girl!

    Mary...Yea on the new leslie DVD. It's so much easier to take her when she's not yakking!!! LOL!

    MsRD...any cookies or goodies get in your way today?

    Lisa...didn't hear from you today. Hope all is well on the homefront!!! Please...I can't bear any more crises from GA!!!!! ((((((((((Lisa)))))))))))

    Hugs to all!
  • Hello All

    It was a good day today.....food and water were great, and I have part of my exericise done, but still need some more. Exercise is the hardest for me, so that is what I am going to concentrate on this month. It has to be EVERY day.. even if just for a few minutes.....moving moving moving!

    Mary....you are on target with your exercise, food and water! There is no stopping you now!

    Elisha.....how sweet and thoughtful that Grandma took you out for a salad, instead of tempting you with stuff you shouldn't have. Everyone wants to help you succeed!

    Lucia.....I am so impressed with your 40 minutes or cardio! That scale is going to move now! :

    Squabb.....thanks for the hand up.....I'm with you on the bandwagon now1

    Hikein.....good news from the doctor....about time! Start slow.....just moving a little will probably feel good to you.

    Dilleight.....biscuits? You mean like baking powder biscuits.....or is that more like our cookies or crackers? How can I get lost in the translation, when we speak the same language?

    Gabwill......the past couple of days have been super hectic for you! And you still manage to get in your exercise....you inspire me to do better!

    Jenn.....doesn't your little 'roid have anything to do? She is either super-efficient in getting her work done and having all that extra time.....or someone should add a few more responsibilities to her load! Next time there are extra duties, you should volunteer her!

    Haven't been feeling too well the past couple of days......still plugging along, muttering, "I will not get sick.....I will not get sick....". Think I will finish up what needs to be done tonight and get some extra sleep.

  • I reached my cardio goal yesterday afternoon, then went into the garden and did 1 hour of gardening. With rain and heat, everything has started to get an overgrown look, so I weeded (that never ends!), started pruning and planning for autumn in the vegie garden.

    Julie - Glad to hear you are free to exercise! Don't worry about your food, it will all fall back into place! Photos can be a real wake-up call, can't they? I use the timer on my camera to take mine. I have them in my journal and look at them often. They have been inspiring me during the tough times, reminding me that I do need to do this!

    Jennifer - Thanks for the welcome, it's always nice to have support, motivation and accountability in my corner.

    Eating today is on plan, exercise was a 45 min walk, it was such a lovely morning. Have a great day everyone!
  • Toning Done!
    Yea!!!! Cross that off the list. I did 20 minutes (abs) of this Yoga/Pilates DVD I have and did some free weight stuff and some leg toning! I'm pretty proud of myself too. DD came down about 1/2 way through the DVD and interrupted the flow of things and after I walked her back upstairs to her bed (she worries when she can't hear me in the office next to her room, I think?) I finished the rest of the ab section on the DVD and then went into the leg toning and then the free weights for my arms!

    I'm feeling good about finishing up the day this way. I am trying visualize myself without all that fat! Hmmm...maybe I can do some photo enhancement this weekend! That will surely motivate me!

    Anyone got any good recipes that involve green peppers? I have about 5 of them in my fridge right now! I love to sautee them with garlic and onions but 5 of them is a pretty big stir fry!!! Maybe some sort of cube steak with pepper mix??? I'll figure something out. It's gonna be a busy weekend!

    Hope everyone has a good Friday. I'm going down to finish watching the Happy Days reunion! I used to love that show!!! What a great cast of "characters"!!!
  • Hi Kiddies
    I did the dreaded mile on the dreadmill today . I nearly cried, fighting with myself to do it. But I got on. I wanted to quit right away. I thought I'd go a half a mile, but once I got all sweaty and out of breath, I figured I could maybe try a little longer. Actually it's the music that gets me through . I did my mile and was hurting big time, but glad that I'd applied myself and fought through the whiner in me that wanted me to stop. Food isn't horrible, but I need to plan better. My water is just below my high mark goal. I'm hoping if I just keep plowing ahead, my success will catch up with me. Here's hoping.

    Good evening to all you read here. Maybe slow and steady will get me "SOMEWHERE!"

    And Joy, the Leslie Sansone DVD is called WATP Walk Jog. It's in the power series. Jennifer found it on Ebay, I think. I paid about ten bucks for it at Walmart.