Late Night Snacking

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  • Mindless munching is what I think the fuss is about, more than metabolism. For me, night-time snacking is rarely about hunger. I'm usually restless, bored or mopey, and I 'forget' that I've already had plenty to eat today.

    I try to stick to an apple or a protein shake, but when the mood hits me, I can overdo it on healthy foods if that's all that I have around. Sitting in front of the TV in my comfy chair seems to trigger something around 9-10 PM, so I have been avoiding consuming anything except water or tea, unless I'm sitting down at the dining room table. When I remember, I can distract myself with phone calls, doing my nails or cleaning up (absolutely my last choice ). I have a variety of things that I can be doing with my hands, like learning to knit, filing recipes and putting my photos in albums. If I'm going to reach my goal this year, I have to get to the point where the distractions become habits.

    If anyone would like a buddy for email alerts during the danger zone of 9-10:30 PM (US Eastern time), send me a private message, and we can swap email addresses.

  • Late night snacker!
    I'm Lisa and I have a problem with late night snacking. Last night I had cornflakes with Splenda at about midnight. Is that too late to be eating and when I have these cravings should I be eating something else? I read you guys posts and they answered some of my questions and made me feel better about my problem. If anyone has any advice I'd love to hear it!
  • Lisa, are you really feeling hungry at midnight? If you're hungry, maybe you need to make sure that you're eating enough earlier in the day. If the message is coming from your tongue, and not your stomach--you have a 'taste' for something--you could try a little herbal tea or brushing your teeth. If you are just wanting something, but you don't know what, it might be that you're like me, and using sugar and grains to fill an empty emotional or spiritual space.

    If you're working with a doctor or nutritionist, maybe she can help you make sure that you're taking in enough calories throughout the day. And the next time this craving strikes, ask where it's coming from, from your stomach, tongue or heart....that's what I'm trying to do, anyway. At this point, I'm limiting myself to an extra apple or orange when I really 'need' something late at night. It's getting better every week, and is beginning to feel more like a habit than a jones.

    Good luck!

  • night snacks.
    lost 3lbs one week from just cutting out eating after dinner. Find it very hard though as I work at home after dinner, sedentary work/study and have to conquer a lifetime of
    procrastinating in study by overeating or it is anxiety about study or study is a trigger to snacking. Does any one else struggle with this one. I want to complete 2 university papers and work full time this year and am not looking forward to coping with eating and study. Love to hear anyone's thoughts
  • Quote:
    If the message is coming from your tongue, and not your stomach--you have a 'taste' for something
    I've taken to keeping gum around. Late at night, I always seem to get those munchies, and it's not that I'm hungry. So I chew gum. It keeps my mouth busy and I don't snack.
  • Quote: Hi,
    I'm Lisa and I have a problem with late night snacking. Last night I had cornflakes with Splenda at about midnight. Is that too late to be eating and when I have these cravings should I be eating something else? I read you guys posts and they answered some of my questions and made me feel better about my problem. If anyone has any advice I'd love to hear it!
    Hey Lisa--
    I agree with the tea idea too. It's soothing and will fill you up without having the additional calories. Also try the milk idea--that always works for me. I used to eat a lot of cereal at night too, since it's easy to make and quick, but i slowly got out of that habit and have lost a little bit of weight. By the way, you said you use Splenda in your cereal..Does that taste good? I've read in recent articles that it contains chlorine, so that's what i have refrained from using it..
  • I also save about 400 calories for snacking in the evening, usually popcorn or an ounce of chips. I have also read that being tired and not getting enough sleep can trigger the hunger sensor. I know I couldn't stay on the wagon if I didn't allow calories at the end of the day for snacking!