losing 100lbs in 6 months

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  • I personally don't think it's realistic if you are doing it in a healthy manner. It's a high set goal which is awesome and great but as long as people have said if you don't hit it in tha amount of time you don't get all upset about it and are happy enough with your progress to start. I lost 20 pounds in 3 months and was at the same weight for months after that, but was still shrinking. It's not about how much weight you can lose in a little bit of time, it's not a diet it's a life style change. You can drop all that weight but if you plan on going back to your old habits why even bother, you'll gain it plus some afterward.

    Be smart about it, research, come on the fourms for support and if you don't reach your goal be happy with the progress you made so far and continue on with your journey.
  • That's a pretty high goal... Although in the beginning you will lose weight faster just due to your size. My Sister in law lost 50 pounds in a little over 6 months... I thought that was quite an accomplishment b/c it took me almost 4 YEARS to lose that....
    Good luck in your journey, and stick to your plan... don't worry about the numbers so much. A loss is a loss as they say in Weight Watchers...
  • Immediately when i read the title to this post I thought no way, don't do that to your liver. But then I read your plan, it does sound good on paper but you are going to be hungry girl! Make sure to read your body's cues to gauge when you need to eat more after an intense workout, and when you can back off. I'm guessing you will need closer to 2000 calories a day if you are working out every day. Be kind to that body, it is the only one you will ever get. Im glad you are working with your dr
  • I don't think the calories are too low, since it is doctor supervised. Your plan looks great, but please don't get discouraged if you don't hit 100lbs in 6 months. Our bodies do their own thing sometimes, even when we have a strict plan, so just keep with it... You could make it in 6 months, and maybe it will take longer.. but if you stick with your plan, you will get to goal eventually, and you wont regret sticking with it.

    This will take time, but you can do it!
  • I love short term goals- right now my current goal is 189- the goal after that is 184, then 179, etc. When I think of it in terms of 5 lb goals it seems more doable
  • I think it's great that you have decided to go on a healthy diet and lose the weight! I just wanted to share with you a quote that I read...
    "Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to acheive it. The time will pass anyway." Good luck with your journey!
  • Jelly: that's a great quote!
  • I like having small goals too. Right now I am aiming for losing ten pounds by St. Patrick's Day (arbitrary choice, since I actually dislike the holiday). So that's almost ten pounds in a month.

    That said, I like having a big goal with a date stamp too, so I do understand. My dream goal is too lose 60 pounds by the end of the summer (so in about 6.5 months). As long as we don't give up if we don't get there, then I don't think an unrealistic goal is such a bad thing.
  • We all say that it's unattainable, unrealistic, blah blah blah.

    But...if you're eating healthy with enough caloric intake...and you have the time to put in the necessary workouts...I think it's doable. If people can loose 100lbs in 7 weeks on the Biggest Loser...it's doable if you can dedicate that much time to it. BUT...most of us with every day lives can't...that's why it takes us so long.

    I wish you luck...I hope you can reach that goal...if not...realize it is lofty and be happy with how much you do lose in that amount of time.
  • But it's not seven actual weeks on TBL. And a lot of those people end up injured, even with supervision and instruction and medical attention and all that. They don't show that part but whoever's body it is sure feels it.
  • I agree with everyone else about the short term goals. I also want to lose 100 pounds but I have not given myself a particular date to do it by. I like my series of mini goals. It makes it more realistic and boost my confidence. It seems like you have the same diet/exercise routine as I do, but Ive only lost 27 pounds in 3 months. Can't really compare to me because everyone's body is different, but I just dont think working out an hour a day is going to do it for THAT goal.
  • I guess my point is...if you have a lot of weight to loose, it's not completely un-doable.

    I used TBL b/c it was the first example I had. I know they have injuries and it's not exactly "7 weeks".

    But look at "I used to be Fat"

    If you have the time and the will power, you can do it.