Beginner looking for guidance with starting weight training at home

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  • Quote: What is NROL4W??
    New rules of lifting for women
  • Advice for a newbie who has not exercised in a very long time. Been ill the past 2 years and became very sedentary. Not sure where to start without all these programs I see being overkill for mr right now. I need something simple I can do at home to work up mt strength and stamina! Thanks for any help you can give.
  • This is a good starting program for at home
  • free weights
    I bought 2/ 5lb free weights, work my arms, and do squats with the weights.
  • I was very interested to see the initial suggestions, I just wondered if anyone had any updated suggestions of weight lifting for beginners
  • I suggest buying adjustable dumbbells ,and a barbell with weight plates.Pinterest has a lot of workouts on there.A website I find helpful is Oxygen magazine.Good luck to you!
  • I agree with other posters about "the new rules of lifting for women". I completed the program a few years ago and I lost 60 pounds. toward the end of it, I came at a stand still with my weight but was still losing inches as I was measuring myself as well as weighing. I got lax and gained it all back so I have just restarted the program, I love it. I also kept myself on a 1500 calorie a day eating regimen while completing the program. Can't say enough about it.
  • Exercise to reduce body weight are skipping, jocking, push up, lifting tumbles etc.
  • i've basic equipment in my home garage ,which includes cycling machine , jogging machine and dumbbells. But my more focus is on body weight workout nowadays.
  • Quote: Hello,

    First of all, thank you for taking the time to read my post.

    A little bit of background: I am 27, female, obese and have been on an unhealthy diet with little excersise for the past 10 years. Thankfully, no health related problems showing yet but I have decided not to wait until they start popping up and to finally take control of my weight and life style.

    In the last few weeks I have gradually educated myself on diet issues and implemented some changes into my diet that start to show first results, which feels great.

    I have decided to introduce changes gradually and at a level that I can feel comfortable with and hopefully also maintain in the long run and am now in search of an excersise program to include.

    Having done some reading, I had a very good impression about the benefits of weight trainig. However, I am at a bit of a loss when it comes to how to actually get started with it gradually as a home workout?

    Going to the gym is not something I feel comfortable with or that would fit well into my daily schedule so I would prefer to start working out at home.

    My questions go out to those experienced in weight training:
    - Do you know of a simple beginner program that you would recommend?
    - What equippment would a beginner need to workout at home?
    - Are there any specific issues to watch out for when getting started with weight training?

    Thank you for taking the time to comment. Any pointers or input will be much appreciated!
    Stay positive and check this out. Hopefully, it adds value.
  • Hello,Who uses what music for training?
  • Great advice!!!
  • Thank you so much for the best advice!

  • Thank you so much for the advice.